How does your partner eat?

BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
How does your partner eat? Have they joined you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle? Were they already an inspiration? Are they naturally skinny and eat what they want and you hate them for it? Are they desperately unhealthy and you wish they'd do something about it?

They say you should never trust a skinny chef. Well that's who I live with. He cooks in a pub all day and never eats a proper meal, he just grazes on a burger here, a handful of chips there.

He drinks. A lot. Most days he'll at least have a couple of pints of lager and he can easily get through 10 pints at the weekend after pay day. When he's not drinking booze, it's full fat Coke. And nothing else. No water, no tea, nothing, just beer and Coke.

He cooks some lovely meals at home, and though they are full of lovely fresh veg, they're usually calorie bombs. Sunday lunch is the one meal he'll sit down and eat properly. His only exercise is walking to the pub or the shops.

And yet he's as skinny as anything, never been above a 32" waist in his life, and because he has an active job he has abs, a pert butt and visible leg and arm muscle.



  • tkb1985
    tkb1985 Posts: 146 Member
    Lol love it.

    My other half eats like a piggy and is super slim. Granted he does manual work all day, but doesn't stop the green eyed monster from visiting me on a regular basis.

    Especially when he's sat next to me scoffing his second bowl of ice-cream! lol

    Oh well, you never know, maybe one day it will catch up to them...
  • sshap21712
    sshap21712 Posts: 139
    My partner loves to make heavy in fat desserts and then pouts when I don't eat them. She's just turned 35 and she's getting a little heavy herself, but she's in a state of denial. I've bought her a membership to a gym that she doesn't use. It quietly frustrates me.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    My husband eats LIKE A BOTTOMLESS PIT. So unfair. D:

    But when I'M cooking, I cook what I want. He seems to like it, though, because I'm opening up his food aura to a whole new level. With his family, it was nothing but fried, wrapped in bacon and swimming in cheese. It's nice to see him slowly trusting my new healthier recipes, especially since he's a diabetic.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    My husband is the same way! He can eat like a pig...never balanced meals (unless I cook them), fried fatty foods all the time, bacon and eggs for breakfast almost every day...and he weighs less than me. Makes me want to scream! Glad I am not the only one...
  • hillyhilly
    hillyhilly Posts: 20
    I'm married to a seriously obese man, he is a hedonist who views all food and drink as pleasure to be taken and to hell with the consequences. He is unsupportive of dieting and unwilling to amend his own poor habits for me and the family - this can make life a little difficult, yet I am the one on here trying hard to get rid of 1/2 stone, though my BMI is fine, while he is carrying around 6 stone extra and will be until it kills him.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Oh well, you never know, maybe one day it will catch up to them...
    I tell him it'll all head south by the time he hits 40!
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    My babe eats horribly!!!!! He did okay when I first started this, but has gone back to his old ways. He loves my low cal meals if I don't tell him they are low cal until after he eats it. I'll say that was about 400 cals! LOL...
  • mariajonasfahlsing
    Just keep telling yourself: "Skinny does NOT equal healthy." Has he had his cholesterol checked? What is his resting heart rate? Is he constipated often? Does he sleep well at night? Does he have frequent headaches, stomachaches, belching/gas/wind, etc.? All of these things are indicators of general health. If he really loves you as much as you love him, he will consent to go to the doctor and get evaluated.

    My boyfriend just got checked and he's doing rather well, although some of his blodowork is borderline, considering his sedentary job and lifestyle, atrocious diet, frequent overeating, and being 55 lbs. overweight. Also, if you lead by example, some of your good habits just might rub off on him.

    Best of luck to you!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    My fiance and I have recently moved in together, so now he eats what I make him!

    Before he moved in with me, his mum was his worst enemy! she would have made him three rounds of sandwiches (that's 6 whole slices of bread) for his lunch, and a plate stacke d high with potatoes and meat for his dinner.... I have almost halved his lunch, making up the deficit with fruit and healthy snacks, and he now gets less potatoes and more veg, very little fried foods and only one take-out per week....

    also, at the beginning of my weightloss journey, he would have finished what I didn't eat...

    so far, he's lost around 28lbs, he feels much fitter and looks a LOT better! His tshirts aren't as tight anymore either
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    He eats what I feed him. LOL so he doesnt have the right to complain or option to choose the meals. So far in the past 6 months he has managed to accept the new changes and even incorporate them into his own breakfasf and lunch prep.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Just keep telling yourself: "Skinny does NOT equal healthy." Has he had his cholesterol checked? What is his resting heart rate? Is he constipated often? Does he sleep well at night? Does he have frequent headaches, stomachaches, belching/gas/wind, etc.?
    Oh, good point. He has been told he has borderline blood pressure and he does have a heart condition that he's very cagey about so I just don't know what it is. The other stuff? Nah, he's super chilled and never seems to suffer from anything! Though I do suffer from his farts!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    For breakfast, my husband typically eats Cap'N Crunch cereal or a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit (with hashbrowns) For lunch, microwaveable frozen pizza or a sub + chips and cookies. For dinner - he eats whatever I make, which is usually a healthy, balanced meal. Then he likes to snack in the evening on ice cream, cake, candy, Doritos, peanut butter on Ritz crackers, etc. He washes everything down with 2-3 cans of Dr. Pepper a day. He doesn't exercise unless he plays pick-up basketball with his friends, or we go on a hike or bike ride. He's maybe 5-10 pounds heavier than he should be.
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I, as an endomorph, have married into a family of ectomorphs. It can be completely soul-destroying at times, because they can seem to eat and eat and not put on weight. He did grow up with the meat, potato, and two veg brigade, but he doesn't really mind as long as there's food and a plateful of it! His breakfast is usually muesli or wheatabix, lunch is usually leftovers from the night before, dinner is whatever I cook for him, and he usually has two pieces of fruit a day as snacks. He doesn't eat crisps, and will eat biscuits when offered, but isn't usually bothered. He loves trying new food, which means that I get to play in the kitchen a lot and I don't have to worry about getting too bored with meals. He also loves his lager and whiskey, but since having kids, his consumption of those has gone down.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Wow, I am so lucky with mine!

    Like me, he is a mesomorph, and eats very healthily. This is not my doing - he was a healthy eater when I met him (comes from a family of healthy eaters), although granted, he does like to indulge in a bit of chocolate and ice cream occasionally, plus the odd glass of Pepsi Max. No alcohol though - he's been teetotal all his life. He's not at all overweight but since running in the mornings with me, and supporting me by not having chocolate (everything else, he eats what I eat - just a little more of it), he has shed 2" from his waist (he's now 34")!

    Fortunately for me, he's very adventurous in his attitude to food (so long as it's either veggie, vegan or shellfish), and adores my cooking....which is just as well because although he doesn't mind cooking, it's usually stir-fry...possibly my least favourite type of food! This journey has given me the perfect excuse to cook every day! :laugh:

    Mind you, now that he has started a new job, who knows how many packets of Jaffa Cakes will find their way into his desk drawer?! :laugh:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My husband has the world's biggest sweet tooth. Thankfully, I never did so I never get tempted by the pastries and chocolate he brings home.

    He really likes how I cook so much now though, and we sit down together for our meals. This has been a really nice change from the fast food/takeout routine we used to have. I get time to really chat with him and spend some quality time together every day.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    he is not a great eater. He likes meat, potatoes, high fat, high sugar pastries and desserts. He thinks low calorie or low fat means most of the taste is removed.

    He doesnt really get fat because he goes for ages and ages without eating, and then will eat a lot all at once. Quite often wont eat anything all day till 7 or 8pm at night.

    Doesnt eat enough fruit or veg by a long shot and im bored of nagging him about it
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My husband supports me, kind of, but not through his own eating habits necessarily. He does eat the meals I cook, but his portions are still a little out of control. He skips meals and what not constantly, then binges when he does eat. He hasn't cut out the empty calories (giant buns with his sandwichs, dr. pepper, occassional sour patch kids or hot talmalies, pringles, etc), but I do have to say that he keeps most of it to himself. Also, I've lost a little over 20 pounds and my clothes are hanging off of me because I don't have a wardrobe fund . . . so . . . everytime I pull out my phone to count or try to sneak in a work out he starts mimicking the music from psycho. On the other side of things, he thinks I look great, and is just concerned that I will return to my eating disorders I had when we were teenagers.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm the cook in our house so for the most part, at least I know he's getting a healthy, low cal dinner. The rest of the time, hubby is on his own and tends to make poor choices. He's not one for sweets but loves all the other junk - chips, soda, beer, white bread/pasta, burgers, fries, etc.

    When I first met him (nearly 14 years ago now), he was like the OP's partner - able to eat whatever he wanted and keep a great physique because he had a job that kept him active. Now he sits in a pick-up truck most of the day and continutes to eat that junk and drink beer so he's developed a beer gut (tool shed, liquid grain facility, d!cky-do).

    Thankfully one of his friends started watching his calories so he's trying to be more mindful of what he's eating now and reading labels. It's a start!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    My husband is diabetic and I am insulin resistant so we basically eat the same things. He eats toast with peanut butter and sugar free jelly or a bowl of Fiber One cereal for breakfast, left overs or a smart ones meal for lunch along with a sugar free pudding cup and yogurt, and whatever I cook for dinner, which is normally very healthy. He doesn't overindulge because I measure our portions before bringing them to the table (along with my sons portion). Any leftovers get portioned out equally for the next day. His job is being a security guard at the Palace of Auburn Hills, which is where the Detroit Piston's play their games. He walks about five to ten miles a day for his job and in so doing has brought his A1C down to under 7 from 18.