

  • I've been the same way. When school started back and the schedule picked up my healthy summer habits went down the tubes!! Here's to getting back on track!!:drinker:
  • My mil and her sister bought diet pills and weight loss vitamins for me for Christmas one year. I threw them away and went and ate a plate of fudge instead. I'm proof that until you're ready to get healthy-ain't nothin nobody can do to make you change!!
  • I order from Zappos-they are fantastic. I am a 10 1/2, and they are one of the few places that carry them.:smile:
  • I have a torn meniscus in one knee that never healed right and I still have trouble with it. That's one of the reasons I workout in the water to get a good workout without the heavy impact on my knee. Have you ever tried physical therapy? Sometimes they can work wonders and teach you what kind of exercises would be good.…
  • I LOVE them too! (I guess I may be a little "nuts" because I love all kinds of nuts!!) :-) :laugh:
  • Yes, you can customize your diary and goals to reflect the way you need to eat for diabetes, and you can also use the notes section to track your blood glucose readings. Are you on medication or insulin? If you're on insulin you can use the carb tracker to adjust your insulin dose during the day. I wish they had a place to…
  • I have a torn meniscus in one knee and couldn't even begin to think of doing these on land, but I do just fine in the water-so I second the pool!
  • I was able to control mine for awhile without meds but eventually they got too high. They started out with Metformin but it wasn't working so now I'm on Janumet (Januvia/Metformin) and it seems to be working fairly well. Try checking out Carb Counting-that is what my nutritionist recommended to help me control mine.…
  • Feel free to add me as a friend. I am diabetic, with stage 3 renal failure. Kidney dr says it's getting better with the weight I've lost and exercise. Blood sugar and high blood pressure is much better. That's rough trying to get back to normal after such bad medical problems. I feel like I've had more than my share of…
  • Sounds like your mom needs to unplug the computer/computer games and clean out all of the junk food from the house for starters. That way the only food he can sneak will be a carrot stick. Is there any way you can get the whole family together swimming, biking, walking or something like that. Maybe the doctor can recommend…
  • I go to the chiropractor when my back/hip goes out and it gets me moving again. I probably should go once a month, but like yousaid, it's expensive even with insurance. Sometimes you have to shop around to find one that adjusts the way you feel comfortable with. I went to one that made me feel worse and had to go to a…
  • I agree! I have never found an app or program that was free and sooooo easy to use. It's been an answer to my prayers too!:flowerforyou:
  • I eat nuts quite often as a snack. (Usually 1 or 2 ounces) I have diabetes so they are a good snack for me to eat. On days when I haven't eaten much they give me a good calorie boost. The nutritionist told me they would be good. Almonds, and Pistachios aren't as bad as cashews or peanuts but they are all still good.
  • WOW!!! I've lost 10 of the fat ones-makes it all the more motivating when you see them side by side that way!!!:bigsmile:
  • I always try to log everything-the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is hard when I'm on vacation and eating out a lot but I still try to "guesstimate" and log something close so I have a general idea of what I'm eating. MFP makes it much easier to keep track-I used to try to use a notebook but it got to be complicated and…
  • I have a hereditary disorder that causes my blood to clot easily. I've had clots in both legs multiple times and am supposed to wear compression stockings to keep my legs and ankles from swelling. I honestly can't imagine someone wearing them if they didn't have to!!!! I buy Jobst or Sygvaris and yes, they are expensive!…
  • I don't ban anything. If I want to eat something and I can fit it into my calorie range, I eat it. I've seen way too many people limit certain foods and then go crazy once they get a taste of it again. I would rather one or two cookies in a week now than go crazy and binge on a whole box later. I eat pizza at least once a…
  • My nutritionist told me to avoid fat free stuff because it is often filled with more sugar/sodium to make it taste right. The only exception was fat free dairy, like skim milk, sour cream and cottage cheese. Fat free stuff is also bad for the digestion too.
  • Type 2 Dibetes, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, blood clots, and stage 3 renal failure from the blood sugar and blood pressure. Scared the crap out of me and I've dropped 50 lbs. since January. NOTHING tastes good enough to risk dialysis at 43!! I'm happy to add that everything is almost within the normal range as…
  • I posted this same topic awhile back. Anything I eat causes it. I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and it showed nothing. My dr told me to lay off of the dairy, and others have told me to cut out gluten/wheat. Nothing seems to help. I started using Fiber Choice maximum dose per day and it has helped somewhat. At least with…
  • I say it doesn't matter as long as that TWO comes first!!!:laugh:
  • Hi! I've been homeschooling all 3 of my children straight through. My oldest will be a senior this year, so it's going to be an exciting year for us. I have never used one particular curriculum because all of my children are different. We've used Easy Grammar, Apologia science, Abeka, Bob Jones, Horizons Math, Notgrass for…
  • Right there with ya! I really wanted some pool time. Hopefully it will clear up tomorrow!!:flowerforyou: I was thinking about doing a wii fit game or Leslie Sansone DVD.
  • Welcome-There are lots of people here with 100+ to lose.:flowerforyou:
  • I am continually amazed when I see something I used to eat all the time and now I eat that many calories in a whole day, instead of one meal or snack!! Thanks for the reminder! Don't want to go there again!:noway:
  • WOW! 68 points? That's a lot of points for one day. The most I ever got was around 30 like you. :cry: Life is never fair-men get to eat more, weigh more, and lose faster. Step away from the pizza rolls, and go for a walk. You can do it!
  • I didn't know triglycerides could be that low!!! Great job!!! I know you must be feeling great!!!:smile:
  • Way to go!! Nice work!!:drinker:
  • My kidney dr is always telling me to drink more water to prevent dehydration! I'm going to do what he tells me to do!
  • If you heard a "pop" when it happened you might have a torn meniscus. Meniscus injuries can heal on their own but I would be extremely careful with it. Ice, rest, motrin, and at least a knee brace to keep it stable. And do see a dr if it keeps on hurting so you don't make it worse.:cry: