Serious Pain!

So today, like every other day this summer, I woke up and went for a 2 mile run. I came home, relaxed, watched tv, got bored, and decided it was "quad day" (a very dreaded day, but I have to keep my quads looking somewhat toned!) I went to the gym and since I was feeling strong, I put 20 more pounds than I'm used to on the seated leg press. I think I hyperextended my knee because I heard a pop and IT HURTS! Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to make this pain go away? I really want to go back to the gym!


  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I hate to say it ... but you probably won't be making it back to the gym for a little bit. Is it swollen or bruised? If so, you might want to see a doctor. Otherwise I would alternate heat and ice and take advil, tylenol or ibuprofen. I would also try to keep it stable and elevated. If it feels better enough to go to the gym tomorrow or the day after (doubtful) I would certainly not be doing exercises with your legs.
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    If you heard a pop and have serious pain you don't need to go to the gym---you need to go to the doctor.
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I can't tell you how to make it go away, but ice it for 20 mins at least three times a day and take 800mg Motrin/Advil 3 times a day. I hurt my knee a couple months ago (nothing too major) and this is what the doctor had me doing. Always take the ibuprofen with food though. I didn't really like taking 800 so only took 600, but he said there wasn't really any side effects from the difference in dose. I still am icing after workouts or whenever I feel like it's tweaking. I'm doing the 30DS and I was planning to do C25k at the same time but running still murders my knee so I've opted for riding my bike instead.
    I could still walk on mine for the most part... every so often I would get a really sharp pain and couldn't really fully extend it for a bit and then it would be ok. I would totally make an appt at the doctor to have it checked. You don't want to keep going and have it get worse, even minor knee injuries can take up to 6 months to fully heal.
  • adamcf
    adamcf Posts: 126
    Seriously, see a doctor. it may be nothing, but if it is something, you will definitely regret it if you don't go.
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    If you heard a "pop" when it happened you might have a torn meniscus. Meniscus injuries can heal on their own but I would be extremely careful with it. Ice, rest, motrin, and at least a knee brace to keep it stable. And do see a dr if it keeps on hurting so you don't make it worse.:cry: