Please stop "Banning" foods... It's killing my will to live.



  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I don't think I could ever eliminate bacon or pizza. Actually I don’t eliminate anything, if I wanted I try and make it fit in my calories and macros.

    Yep... me too. If I want a hamburger or pizza, I figure out in advance what kind of a calorie burn I need, and get the exercise over first, and then enjoy the food with no regrets.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    i've lost 20 pounds and still eat chocolate, fast food, potato chips, ice cream, etc. BUT i eat them in moderation.

    some people don't have the self control to stop after just a small dish of ice cream or two strips of bacon. some can.

    i say, in this journey of weight loss, everyone is different. some need to ban foods to stay on track, some can handle moderation. don't judge others for what works for them. if it works, it works.
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    I don't ban anything. If I want to eat something and I can fit it into my calorie range, I eat it. I've seen way too many people limit certain foods and then go crazy once they get a taste of it again. I would rather one or two cookies in a week now than go crazy and binge on a whole box later. I eat pizza at least once a week. It is difficult for some people to eat just one or two and leave the rest though. I completely understand that as I have a few "trigger" foods that I have a hard time putting down. I think we all have to do what works for us.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I agree. Eat what you want in moderation. hey, I looked at the pacakge to turkey bacon that is supposed to be bettr for you. Have read the ingredients? There is more chemicals in turkey bacon than there is in regular bacon. Go figure. This website is keeping me going. Teraching me to eat better but I do not deprive myself of something I want. I do count it and I will excercise more.

    AMEN. Sometimes (well, most times) "fat free" can essentially mean more chemicals and sugar. It all just depends. But I honestly have found that eating the regular variety of a food but less of it is the best option.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Ohhh. Bacon. Yummy!
  • scottppa
    scottppa Posts: 31 Member
    I don't know -- I've banned Brussels sprouts from my diets since I was a kid -- it's been a lot more satisfying!

    Gotta admit, though -- I'm down for bacon ANYTIME!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Hmmm I wouldn't ban it, if I knew I could eat it in moderation. I am an addict, and I binge on these types of food. After one bite, it is all over with for the rest of the day. If I do eat them which is very rare, I eat them in the evening, so that the end of the day is near and I don't have all day to feed my face like a pig.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I don't think I could ever eliminate bacon or pizza. Actually I don’t eliminate anything, if I wanted I try and make it fit in my calories and macros.

    And what about bacon on pizza?

  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    I love my pizza but I hardly eat it I can't stop myself at just one pice I keep going back oh it want hart to have one more slice and a half a pizza later I fell awful about what I did so I have a new rule for me if I think I can't just have one pice I dont eat it
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    i've lost 20 pounds and still eat chocolate, fast food, potato chips, ice cream, etc. BUT i eat them in moderation.

    some people don't have the self control to stop after just a small dish of ice cream or two strips of bacon. some can.

    i say, in this journey of weight loss, everyone is different. some need to ban foods to stay on track, some can handle moderation. don't judge others for what works for them. if it works, it works.

    I like to judge. It keeps things rollin ;-P
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    It seems to me that so many people are choosing to "ban" certain foods from their diets to lose weight... Carbs, Cheese, Pizza, Meat, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Goat, etc. It just bugs me. Eat what you like to eat. Eat it in moderation. Smaller portions. More exercise. Less often... whatever, but eat it. Count your calories for it, move on, and continue living life the way you enjoy.

    If you can be satisfied with a similar healthier option - such as whole grain pasta vs refined bleached white pasta - by all means, eat the healthier of the two! I'm not suggesting you don't make healthy choices and changes in your food choices. But "limiting" yourself, uprooting your entire lifestyle overnight, etc. is unlikely to be a life-long healthy solution.

    I see so many people say "I am going vegetarian" or something as a dieting tactic, yet they dam* well know they love bacon. Just... knock it off. Please. Eat a piece of bacon already.

    All I can say to that is AMEN!!!!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    i've lost 20 pounds and still eat chocolate, fast food, potato chips, ice cream, etc. BUT i eat them in moderation.

    some people don't have the self control to stop after just a small dish of ice cream or two strips of bacon. some can.

    i say, in this journey of weight loss, everyone is different. some need to ban foods to stay on track, some can handle moderation. don't judge others for what works for them. if it works, it works.

    ^yes this^^^
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I actually did give up some things but they were things I didn't really like that much to begin with. Fast food for the most part makes me sick so I generally stay away from it.

    Soda doesn't fit into my calorie goals so I don't drink it.

    Now as for things I really love. Peanut Butter, I have it almost every day. I force it into my calories goals. I love it so much. Chocolate, not an every day thing but I'll still have a candy bar every once in a while.
    Snack foods. Usually at least once a month I'll indulge in a bag of chips and dip or something similar. I need my munchies.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I both agree and disagree. I think everyone should eat healthy. I don't care if they think they should or not, I think they should. And that does mean limiting certain foods like bacon. Not that you should never eat bacon. But I don't think that eating what you always ate, just less of it is a good idea. UNLESS what you were already eating was healthy. You are free to do it, and you can certainly lose weight that way. But I still think everyone should just learn to like healthy foods and eat the rest sparingly as occasional treats.

    Except for wine.

    If people ate crap food before and just try to bring down portions, they will find themselves hungry at the end of the day because they have to eat so little of those bad foods.
  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    I mean I agree with what you are saying, and believeee me, I do eat Taco Bell from time to time. BUT, as far as soda and sodium goes, I won't eat it if I know I'll KEEP eating it. Everybody has their regimes.
  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84
    Today is my cheat day and I wish somebody would have banned the pizza buffet that I had for lunch. I think I'm going to explode, but it was mighty good.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Why would it matter if someone was on the Atkins diet and you weren't? Just eat what you like--if moderation works for you then great. For others, it might not...You don't haveta look at their food diaries!

    Everything matters to me. And I have opinions shooting out of my butt at all times :)
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    Personally, I can see both sides of this argument.

    I practice "eat what you want, but take responsibility for the outcome" approach - meaning either work it off, eat small portions, eat less of something else, or suffer the consequences of weight gain.

    However, when I used to smoke, I couldn't smoke just one cig. I had to "ban" them, or I would "just one more won't hurt" myself into a pack a day. Wish I could smoke just one, 'cause more than 20 years after quitting, I'd still like a cig every now and then.

    (But even with the nitrites, bacon is still less carcinogenic than cigs, though. How 'bout "bacon wrapped Marlboros" .... mmmmmm)
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I haven't really banned anything that I used to eat or think is "bad". I still go out every once in a while and order that big plate of fajita chicken nachos and enjoy every chip. But I don't eat it almost every day like I used to. I think the only thing I haven't brought into the house in a long while has been velveeta cheese because I know that if I make a bowl of the dip I will eat the entire bowl. I haven't yet learned how to not eat the entire bowl yet but other than that, I buy turkey bacon, turkey burgers, smart ones ice cream, skinny cow ice cream, baked chips, kettle cooked chips, low fat poptarts and the yo crunch yogurt that comes with m&m's or reese's pieces and I've lost 29 lbs. Then again, I know how to successfully control how much of these I eat, unlike my velveeta dip lol
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It doesn't make sense to "ban" certain foods to lose weight because this is about more than just losing weight; it is about changing your relationship with food. If you never work to get to a point where you can control yourself and eat in moderation, have your really changed your relationship with food? What is going to happen when you get to your goal weight? Are you going to continue to "ban" certain foods or try to eat them again? How will your be able to control yourself when you haven't been working at it/? What is going to happen when you HAVE TO go to that birthday party and the have that cake/chips/soda you love and haven't eaten is months? Temptation will ALWAYS be there, so learning to eat foods you love in moderation is an important component of this process.

    For about the past 15 years, special occasions (birthdays, weddings, etc) are the ONLY time I have eaten cake. What happened to me is that I enjoy it that much more because it is such a special treat.