knee issues

Does anyone have knee problems like this and what did you do about it? I am doing 30 day shred and anytime I do jumping jacks, static lunges, side lungs, etc... my knee grinds and pops. After I am done it hurts. It's done this somewhat since I was in high school, but it has been a lot worse lately.


  • coracbeck
    I have had four surgeries on my right knee - including a full reconstruction. I highly suggest modifying for low impact or taking up swimming... so you don't have to go through everything I have gone through. Also, grab a really good Omega 3 supplement - that will help with joint health. Best of luck!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    More than likely its a tendon or ligament issue. i have this problem with squats, i just dont do full squats. i dont think it does any real damage to the knee. but you may want to go see an ortho doc. it could be other issues such as arthritis.
  • CaliGirl313
    Switch to lower impact, wear a supportive neoprene type slip-on brace (during workouts) and go see an orthopedic surgeon. HTH! I had major knee surgery on my right knee and my life is so much better now!
  • gmann1973
    gmann1973 Posts: 247
    Ive had 6 knee surgeries in the past 10 years, I work it as hard as I can to make it stronger, then I soak it in ebsom salt and then ice it
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I had this same issue with the 30DS and I eventually had to stop because of the high impact. I am seeing a physical therapist and it turns out that there is weakness in some of the muscles that hold my knees in place (one turns inwards a lot). It could be many things causing you pain, maybe even something as simple as mine that regular exercises could improve. For now, I'd stop the 30DS and choose a lower impact weight training routine and exercise program. It only got worse for me the longer I continued it :/
  • waterjogger
    I have a torn meniscus in one knee that never healed right and I still have trouble with it. That's one of the reasons I workout in the water to get a good workout without the heavy impact on my knee. Have you ever tried physical therapy? Sometimes they can work wonders and teach you what kind of exercises would be good. Also, have you tried putting a brace on it while you're working out-that might keep it stabilized while you're exercising. Hope you can find something to help out!
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I injured my knee in high school and then again in May 2010. My knee would pop and grind just with regular walking. When I first started working out I was scared to do anything high impact and wouldn't dare do squats or lunges. I noticed after I had lost about 15 pounds that my knee was becoming more tolerant so I started trying some higher impact exercises. I think now I've built up the muscles in my legs some and my knee rarely bothers me. I think you should start with seeking a doctor's advice just so you don't further damage your knee if there truely is an issue. And then try modifying those exercises until you've built those muscles up and conditioned your knee to take the impact. Best of luck to you on your journey!