

  • You look GREAT! And I'm guessing you are police by your ticker image? congrats!!
  • My personal take? I think the shake diets are only good if you change your entire eating habits around it, and only have minimal amount of right to lose. I don't truly believe In them because ut doesn't teach you how to eat healthy and maintain. I am a health coach with Take Shape for Life and our program uses really food…
  • When we met, I was 150, that crept Up to 225 I'n just a few years. He went from 200 to 298, we've both lost over 100 lbs together I'n 4 months snd there is definently more 'fun' time. ;)
  • I got my license at 17, 9 years ago. It said 150 which was about 5 lbs below what really was. I've always kept the weight thesame, yet my pic In 2009 if me at my highest 225lbs. I'm now proud to say I'm now 9 lbs from my license weight again! Time for a new one!
  • Didn't get to run here I'n sw ok today. To chilly for my dd In the jogging stroller and my husband slept In. Boo. Maybe tomorrow :)
  • So today is day 7 for Me. I did my level 1 workout as normal...but afterwards I felt so good that I started level 2. I blazed through it! I am so proud. I only rested briefly a few times on the planks but blew myself away that I could even do them! And I must say level 2 seems easier for me. I really enjoy the plyometrics.…
  • L1d6 down. Much easier now. I think I stopped twice for a total of maybe 10 seconds In the whole thing, and it's because it felt like my thighs were going to cramp up, lol. But I did hsve my first pitfall I'n the past 3 months of losing weight. I bought some munchies today because I use small sensible portions...but…
  • Thanks Liss! Day 5 today and I can def tell a difference In endurance. And my 'sissy' pushups are getting better lol
  • To like this DVD. I really like the feel after a good workout, like I've accomplished something. I've committed to doing it twice a day plus walking every morning (and a little jog if i can work it up with the stroller lol). My husband said I'm becoming addicted, but as someone who was previously obese for almost 10 years…
  • Missed l1d3 yesterday so did it tonight and followed up with 40 min of zumba. Whew. Finally got weights for 30ds too, 3 lbers andbthey are kicking my butt lol
  • Did d2l1 today. Boy my legs hurt! Lol
  • Anyone can add me, I started today and will be getting weights to use on Friday SamHally
  • Finished d1L1, not so bad, but I had a mini break I'n the middle because my husband came home early for lunch lol. But I still feel the burn!
  • I'm late, but I bought the DVD today and am starting today, I forgot to buy a tape measure so I'm just going to do before and after pics :) I'm excited!
  • I do, I log every single thing, even one sugar free candy. If I have a meal at my mothers house I make as close guesstimations as I can, ussually a little over what I think.
  • I am! So is my husband! We've lost 100lbs together In thepast 3 months! You can add me! SamHally
  • Have you tried a wrap? They have them I'n salons and I have a few friends who sell them for home use. I think they are called ItWorks. I tried one snd it helped smoothing snd tightening my stomach skin from having my daughter. Although I have no idea who long it lasts.
  • I started at 35.5 (Obese) and I'm now at 25.7 (Overweight) I am just about 5 lbs from being NORMAL! And I'm SO excited!
  • And on the idea of garage sales (love them!) also check out goodwill! I've bought s ton of designer clothes for cheap there recently. And if you know won't be I'n a size long, it's not such a pain on your wallet to buy a few new pieces of clothes
  • I do and have, but only a size or two smaller. It's nice to throw them up In the closet, then when I've lost more weight and have nothing to west, they fit! It's a great boost. But I wouldn't recommend it unless you are very dedicated and on a somewhat structured plan.
  • Here's me and my husbands pics. At our highest: me at 225 and him at just about 300 A pic on our 7th wedding anniversary a couple weeks ago, he was at 220 and me at 160lbs Another comparison, the after side was Us a month ago, he was 230 lbs and I was 169bs It took us 3 months to lose the weight! He is at his goal but may…
  • I'm on a low carb, low cal plan (medifast) and so is my husband. It has worked great for us. He has lost 62 lbs In just under 3 months and I've lost 40lbs. It keeps my carbs between 80-85 and honestly I don't miss carbs at all, but yes the first few days are the hardest. If you can get past them and stay consistent to stay…