September Shredders

ok all you 30 Day Shredders here we go!
I did most of the DVD tonight but will get thru the whole thing tomorrow. Gotta work on those push-ups
I'll check in tomorrow. Good luck everyone!


  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    It takes a while to get those push-ups....keep working at them!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Ha I just posted to the older post. ooops

    Anyways.... I completed day 2 today with 20 minutes on the Treadmill also.
    Felt pretty good but the pushups killed me. That is def a goal of mine, to get better at pushups!!!
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    I find the best way to do pressups is to do 20 in the morning and 20 at lunch and 20 in the evening.. if you cant do full ones do as many as you can full and do the rest of the set on your knees and you can do them in sets of 10 with a break in the middle when you first start.. believe me though they get alot easier... also make sure your keeping your body flat and dont have your bum up :D just keep hacking away at them
  • naomirog
    naomirog Posts: 45 Member
    I posted to the old one too oops! I did the dvd for the first time lastnight...i did level one i didnt feel like i had been pushed enough so went straight into level was TOUGH!!
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Got through day three today, on very little sleep last night as i was out for my belated birthday celebrations, also my 16 month old decided to wake in the night twice. So although i was really shattered i thought its only day three i can't miss a day yet so i got my work out clothes on straight away this morning and did the dvd whilst my little one was having his breakfast. I always struggle to find time to get it done at the weekends what with family commitments but will try and get it done sat and sun this week. DId everyone take measurements before starting?
  • Morning after Day 1 & I'm a little sore. Not sure if it's the 2.5 hours of cleaning my moms garage or the partial Level 1 I did (I didn't make it thru the whole section). I did not measure before this. I measured on my first day of MFP & am going to measure once a month. Day 2 tonight!
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    I completed Day 2 last night :) and... I'm sore! Well my legs are anyway... those squats I think were what did it. I didn't measure and do my pictures until after my Level 1 on Day 1. But I can't wait to see the results. I know it sounds weird, but I already feel stronger! Glad to have this support!!!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Oh man I am super sore this morning!!! Also feel like I am retaining every drop of water that I am taking in. I am supposed to feel skinny when I work out this much right, WRONG!!! I know it is just my sore muscles and my body trying to fix my sore muscles so oh well :)

    Looking forward to the workout tonight actually :)
  • Had unexpected plans last night. Will do it tonight though. Keep up the good work everyone!!! We can do this!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    So I did shred 2 again... I'm not sure if I should advance to 3 yet. I get a good solid workout/sweat with 2, some moves are still challenging while others are easy, but my muscles aren't sore. Should I use heavier weights (I use 5lbs now) and stay on 2?... I forget exactly what day I started the shred program, I think I'm on day 21... so in theory it's time to move to 3...Has anyone done 3 yet? As far as plugging the calories into mfp exercise - I break it down to aerobics, high impact for 6 minutes, calisthenics for 3 and strength training for 9... I figure that's how she breaks down her circuit training...
  • Did d2l1 today. Boy my legs hurt! Lol
  • Just finished Day 2 (first full session for me). Wow! I am concentrating on being Anita right now. I wonder if/when I will follow Natalie. That felt good! Definitely have a long way to go but I am satisfied just finishing level one for now. Push ups are a killer! I like the mix of exercises and how encouraging Jillian is. She got me thru a few spots for sure! All in all- I really like it and look forward to doing it every day and to see how much I improve by Day 30.
  • Erica_78
    Erica_78 Posts: 16 Member
    Just completed Day 3 level 1, wow, I don't know how they are using 5lb weights and still smiling? I am using 4 pounders and those side lunges are kicking my butt....
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Completed D3 of L1 today... and wow... I can't believe how it's only been 3 days and I already feel stronger and have more stamina. I didn't have any trouble with the anterior lifts like I did on D2. I can't wait to see how I feel after day 30! Hope you all are feeling the burn and feeling good about it!! Let's keep up the momentum!!!
  • Just finished day 2. I was/am sooo sore from day one. I started off and could barely do the cardio properly. By the second round of the cardio, I was able to actually get off the ground a bit easier. ( I guess I needed to be better warmed up, 'cause my muscles were stiff?)
  • Yep. Sore this morning after D2L1. But can't wait for doing it all again tonight!! Love it! Hope everyone else is doing good. Keep it up!!
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    L2 D3 and I'm not sore that much but for some reson I just can not do the V raises at all... Sucks but oh well I'll keep trying!!
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    Just finished Day 4 level one today. My shoulders are a bit sore but i always get that when doing anything that involves the arms a lot. Not finding it too bad although i definately feel like its a workout when i've finished, the only thin on level 1 i can't do on the hard setting is the push ups, i managed 5 in each of the two sets today and that about killed me i have to then do the anita style but that then hurts my knees. Oh well i'm sure it will get easier the more i try.
  • Yeah, I start off with the "proper" push ups, but have to switch to "knee" push ups after 6 or so!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    L2 D3 and I'm not sore that much but for some reson I just can not do the V raises at all... Sucks but oh well I'll keep trying!!

    I can't do it either.... and I've been doing L2 for 11 days or so... I have the squat part of it down, but never get the v raise as high as eye level... best I've done is chin level... I'm using 5lb weights, how about you? That's why I wonder if I should stick on level 2 until I master this one... I can do just about everything else (I lose my balance sometimes when I do the knee raise/shoulder press or whatever it's called,but I don't feel like that's holding me back...). Hmmm what to do...