do you log every single food you eat?



  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    i don't log tea, coffee or diet drinks. the rest yes.

    This is me..
  • Yes I do pretty much. Although I ate 2 hazelnuts earlier and I cba to log them. I am going to zumba in half an hour anyway.
  • yes, if there is something I'm not sure of I'll log a similar food or more of the same food if I'm not sure about the amount.
  • Yes, I do, too. It seems daft not to. It is very interesting to see how much even one of something racks up on the calorie score - sometimes, the discoveries are pleasing!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I do the reverse. I eat every single food I log. I plan/log everything before I eat it. Sometimes plans change, but I almost always change the log first before I eat differently from what I had planned. This is a huge help to me in staying on track.

    same here, then I have no room to think about adding anything else, cos it`s already been planned
  • ohpretty
    ohpretty Posts: 58 Member
    I log everything except for gum :)
  • I log everything except for gum :)

    I hear that some log that as exercise. ;o)
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    I don't log tiny little things like a swig of milk or a few grapes, but I don't have that many nibbles anyway. The calorie counts on here are not going to be 100% accurate anyway, so for me I just use it to get an overall picture.
  • I do, I log every single thing, even one sugar free candy. If I have a meal at my mothers house I make as close guesstimations as I can, ussually a little over what I think.
  • puddintot
    puddintot Posts: 41 Member
    The way I see it is if I don't log something because of calories going over or time issues who am I lying to? Myself!!!!! The reason I'm here is for myself so why lie about it.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Unless I eat the tiniest bite of my husbands meal, I track everything. One cookie. One chip. Everything.
  • nattiepeach
    nattiepeach Posts: 40 Member
    I log absolutely everything - even when I'm way over in the red. Really holds me accountable for what I'm eating which is how I've succeeded at this rather than my previous scatty and greedy eating habits! x

    You're right, when you log everything and you go into the red zone, it really makes you think twice about how much extra you are eating. I used to stop logging when I went into the red because I felt guilty, but obviously I was just trying to con myself. Now I log everything, even if I do go into the red so I can balance it out the next day or with exercise.
  • I log majority of things I eat. I don't count butter or marinades.I know I should, but I don't. or if i drink 0 calorie pop i don't log
  • journey_to_me
    journey_to_me Posts: 27 Member
    I do, if it's only a little something I guestimate the calories :P The only thing I get a bit lazy recording and sometimes don't bother with is diet drinks. For example, a 2l bottle of lemonade I got contains 4cals...I don't really see the point of counting those! xD
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    I try to, mostly because I'm far less likely to eat it in the first place then! :smile:
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I learned my lesson on this when I was baking a cake. I made homemade cream cheese frosting (and oh, that stuff is divine) and took a nibble here and a bite there. Like I said, it was fantastic, so I couldn't help but keep nibbling.

    Afterwards I decided to check and see how many calories I consumed.

    264. I ate 264 calories by nibbling on frosting.

    Since then, I always track everything. It really adds up.
  • willdbill0712
    willdbill0712 Posts: 83 Member
    I do the reverse. I eat every single food I log. I plan/log everything before I eat it. Sometimes plans change, but I almost always change the log first before I eat differently from what I had planned. This is a huge help to me in staying on track.

    same here, then I have no room to think about adding anything else, cos it`s already been planned

    This is what helps keep me interested. I plan a day or two ahead. That way I can mix/match things to add up to a good bottom line with c/f/p. And to me that is a challenge, which makes it fun.
  • RachelMinAus
    RachelMinAus Posts: 12 Member
    I log everything before I eat. If we are having take out I plan in advance and have been known to have scrambled eggs or something healthier while my hubby and kids have McDonalds.

    My favourite phrase is:

    If you fail to plan - you plan to fail!!!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I log most things, but I don't lose sleep over it if some things are estimated (I always have to estimate when I eat out for example).
    If I have a bite or a taste while I'm cooking I don't usually log those individually but I will make sure they are covered when I enter my meals.
    I think logging accurately is a good idea, but in reality there are times where it's just not possible to be 100% accurate, so I enter a near guess and this hasn't hindered my weight loss.