do you log every single food you eat?

do you log every single thing that goes down your throat? like one pecan? 10 raisins? it can become so tedious. so what do you do about those one bites of food?


  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    I do log everything. I like seeing it all and like to challenge myself to stay under my calorie goal for the day. It keeps me honest :-)
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Yes I do.... But I don't sneak bites here and there... That's what gets me in trouble. I plan all my meals and stick to them!
  • Hollie55
    Hollie55 Posts: 65 Member
    I log everything I eat or drink.
  • kaybay4
    No. I don't. But, at the same time I don't log every step I take. So I figure they cancel each other out. If i go in and eat one cracker I don't record it but also make it a point not to record going grocery shopping that day.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    Yes I log the lot!!! Its those sneaky bites and bits that can be your undoing!! That it keeps you 100% acountable!
    Best of luck on your journey :)
  • nmcook1959
    nmcook1959 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't log vegetables that are not starchy. Cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce for example are really small calorie wise and so I just skip them.
  • BodyFreak
    Hard I do expect small things like pastries my mom makes ;)
  • kbach75
    always, always, always. i've learned that if i don't, i will just give myself more excuses to "sneak" food.
  • hiemerapril
    hiemerapril Posts: 69 Member
    The last time I used MFP I didn't log everything, especially if I knew I went over! I agree that it is often tedious, but this time around I am way more into it, and understanding a lot more. I do log EVERYTHING bc I know that those little bites here and there really can add up!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I usually log what I eat for breakfast, lunch, beverages and snacks but don't generally log what I ate for dinner. It's usually something made by my host family and it would take a lot of work to figure out how many calories were in what I ate. I log for most of the day to get a general idea of where I'm at and then have a reasonable portion of whatever's for dinner. I find if I spend too much time logging in info and stressing about it, it actually tends to trigger a binge. Sounds weird but so far it's working for me.

    For bites, I try not to do that. I often fill a baggie of a serving each of several snacks so I know exactly what I ate.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Yes - I do log everything. It keeps me honest. I figure cheating to make my food diary look good is only cheating myself in the long run.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Yes i do. All those bites and 1 or 2 here and there add up; I call ir commitment but to each their own.
  • mellymink
    mellymink Posts: 72 Member
    I don't log every single thing. Sometimes I'll enter a calories only entry and guesstimate about how many calories. I've been successful this way. I figure if I'm close enough that's ok :)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Yes, every last pecan or anything. It keeps me from just grabbing a handful of peanuts. Damn, that those raisins are a lot of paperwork.

    Basically logging everything slows down my eating.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    If it goes in my mouth, it goes in my log. My trainer can't help me if I'm not honest with her or myself.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I do, but if i'm making a snack for my girls and I have a tiny bite or lick the spoon or eat a chip, etc...I just do a 'quick add 10/15/20 calories' I want to be accountable for the food I put in my belly but I'm not going to search out 'licked the jam spoon' in the database. lol
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    yep!! cos 'forgetting' little things is what got me to this weight in the first place...
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I try too, sometimes I search the database to find something to close to what I'm eating, especially at work, at home I use the scanner a lot.
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    I do, I feel like what's the point of logging if I'm not log the small stuff included with everything else.
  • SportySpiceVT
    SportySpiceVT Posts: 59 Member
    i log everything. today i even logged the vitamins i took because i noticed they have a few calories in them. if you don't log all the little stuff, it adds up. well, it adds up even if you don't log it. what i mean is, don't think it doesn't count just because you don't log it. it will add up and sabotage your good work and then you won't be able to see where it is coming from. plus, logging everything means you are admitting to yourself what you ate. i know i would like to hide some of the things i eat, and that is exactly what put me overweight. i can't hide my weight and so i shouldn't hide what i eat. good luck!