

  • When I look at Net Calories Consumed for the week (apparently a chart only available on my mobile app version of MFP) I see I am not hitting the red line after my exercise calories are deducted. My weight loss has also stalled. Am I supposed to hit the red line? Am I in "starvation" or "survival" mode? Am I supposed to be…
  • Likely, your friends want the results of working out, without actually doing any real working out. Lots of people are that way - you say you're going to do something, and they are all "Yeah! Me too!" and then they crap out and don't do anything. Weight loss and fitness training is a personal journey, not a group journey.…
  • Since you asked for opinions, I'll give you mine honestly. I would strive for the goal you have set and not worry about what the charts say. Once you reach your personal goal, or at any time on your weight loss journey, you can choose to reset your goal if you want, or maintain for a while, or just stay at your persoanl…
  • Thanks for inviting me to the group. It wasn't easy to find, but it sure would be nice to have group support! S/W 222 G/W 140 C/W 189.5 MFP is a great tool, and together we will achieve our goals!
  • What is Insanity? Is that a drug? I hope not - that would be a mistake. Learning to make better choices about what you eat is the key to losing weight. MFP helped me understand how many calories are in everything I eat. I am shocked at how many calories a day and each week I used to consume. Now, I make better choices and…
  • I only had about two days over the past 4 months where I allowed myself to be totally out of control and ate whatever I wanted. You know what? I didn't even enjoy it like I used to. For me, I follow the 1200 calorie/day plan pretty well, and most of the time if I allow myself a "cheat" it's about maybe 200-300 calories…
  • I never really got into the whole Weight Watcher's thing, despite being prodded by my in-laws. That seemed such a bother, but this seems easy. I like getting some support from others to keep me motivated, and if you are interested too, then add me and we can support each other! You will be able to lose the weight. This…
    in I'm New Comment by Aboulet October 2011
  • I guess I'm not of the same mind as everyone else. I think like this - if you originally set a goal weight that would be considered a healthy weight from your height, but have not yet met that goal weight, then I would keep going. I agree with all of those who said some toning may be the way to go - because being thin and…
  • From what I understand, and I'm no expert, consuming only 700 calories for a week or so will cause your body to go into starvation mode and your body will slow down your metabolism to maintain every ounce of weight it can. Once your body responds in this way, even on a day when you "splurge" and consume a huge amount of…
  • I joined just about a week ago, and I also could use some accountability buddies. I'll send you are request to add me. Best of luck on your weight loss journey!:smile: