My gym buddies suck! [rant]



  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I dont need a buddy to motivate me or to go to the gym with me.
    Its all me as far as workouts go and my motto is "no excuses, ever". I answer only to myself and Im a great motivator.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I have two girlfriends that I take spin classes with...neither of them goes to the gym a lot though and I don't count on them to go with me. I enjoy the times when they do, but I'm totally fine going in and hitting the machines and weights on my own with my ipod.

    I'm my own motivation-not anyone else!
  • Jackson4590
    Jackson4590 Posts: 145 Member
    People try everything and then make excuses or give up because they find out it will actually mean real work. I know a girl that said she'd run with me but decided against it because "it takes too long to dry my hair after a shower". That's your reason for not exercising?!!?

    My thought is I'll continue to work out and get stronger and after a few months they'll wonder why they don't see any progress. It makes me feel so good to have people notice how fit I'm becoming so I don't feel sorry for people who make excuses at all.

    Go without them. Rock it. Make them jealous.
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    Where is the LIKE button for all these awesome replies?!

    I find that anyone who ever wants to go to the gym with me wants to take it easy and gab the whole time and then go get a frozen yogurt afterward. I need a gym buddy who will be an animal with me. "Raaaaaaaah!"

    If anyne wants a new Raaah buddy, please friend me.

  • Jackson4590
    Jackson4590 Posts: 145 Member
    You don't know how badly I want to call people out for their BS behavior. If I didn't want any friends I would, but it would feel so good to tell people how lazy they are and that 15 minutes on the elliptical at 2 mph followed by 4 beers and a pizza isn't "a tough workout day"..
  • Aboulet
    Aboulet Posts: 11
    Likely, your friends want the results of working out, without actually doing any real working out. Lots of people are that way - you say you're going to do something, and they are all "Yeah! Me too!" and then they crap out and don't do anything. Weight loss and fitness training is a personal journey, not a group journey. You need to set your own goals and priorities, and do this because it's time for you to get it done. No one can/will go to the gym 5 days a week unless he/she really wants to make a difference. Maybe they talk the talk, but if they are not willing to walk the walk, you need to forget about them in this sense. Still be friends, and talk about your workout habits, and the benefits of doing it consistently, are having on you (I sleep better, my back doesn't hurt any more, I actually have more energy than I used to, etc.) if they ask. Otherwise, just do your thing without them and let your friendship be a separate issue from working out. All you need to reach your goals is DESIRE!

    For me, my husband and three children are my workout partners these past two weeks. It's nice to be part of a group, but my kids are getting tired of it, and my husband barely has the time to spare. We are doing a 90 day program, but I won't be surprised if he becomes a couch potato again when the 90 days is over (if we make it that long).
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I will say I had an awesome gym buddy at first! She was my inspiration to start lifting. When she and I would workout together, we pushed each other. If she lifted a certain weight, I tried to lift as much. It was always more than I would have attempted on my own. She was stronger so it would make her lift more than me because she knew she should be able to. When she moved, I stopped for a while! Hubby stepped in with strength coach and I know realize I just have to keep on keeping on. When my kids work out with me, I notice it pushes me to try to keep up with them. I really do get motivation from working with others because of my competitive nature. My journal he,ps me with that now. I know I have to do one more round than last time if 20 minute circuit. On weights, I always try to lift heavier than last time or add reps from last time. It feeds the competitive me!! :happy:
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    I used to go running with a buddy. Never missed a run. Then he flaked out. I went for a few times then didn't go for a long time either.

    What that has taught me is you need to find your main motivation from within. Of course you can allow buddies to support you now and again, but you need to be ready for when they stop going. You need to find an activity you can continue even if nobody else shows up.