T.H.E. Team (trying hard everyday) October '11



  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I have a doctors appointment on Monday, so that is why I am posting this now.

    Quote for this week: "You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered. " So what are your goals for this week, T.H.E. members??

    WELCOME to all the new members &welcome back to the members who were here before. Thank you for checking out (again) this thread. We are here to support everyone, no matter how big or little your weight loss journey is.

    I have done my best to keep my scale from going in the WRONG direction lately - then TOM decides to screw up my plans!! Oh well, a week of living is sweat pants & a BIG t-shirt will be quite relaxing this week.

    Now that I have my physical therapists (& hopefully soon my doctors) approval that I can go back to leading a "normal" life after my foot surgery, it's time to get back into my old exercise routine again. In 219 days we fly to Hawaii for 2 weeks to celebrate our 20th wedding anniverary & I do NOT want to go there looking like a beached whale - which is the way I feel now.
    Not that I will get into bikini shape (would never wear one anyway due to a BIG scar that runs the length of my shirt) but anything is better than my stomach sticking farther out than my breasts.

    I do have a question that ANYONE can try to answer for me. My GW is 165 or so. By looking at the scale of what I am supposed to weigh due to my height, I'm supposed to be 30 pounds less than where I have set my goal. So, should I lower my GW or go for where I am comfortable?

    SW: 253
    CW: 255 (thanks TOM)
    GW: 165 or so
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Dreamer, i'd go to what your comfortable with and stick with your original goal. When you get there you might want to lose some more or stay there. One of the reasons i don't have a proper goal weight because i think that the weight the bmi charts put for me seems a little ridiculous. I reckon i'd look unhealthy there.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Taking a short break this Sunday AM and checking in on you all. Holy Cow we are HUGE...in numbers and SHRINKING in clothing sizes! Every effort we make toward goal is an effort worthwhile. Confucius sez: "It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop".

    Dreamer: My health coach (from my health insurance co.) suggested short-term goals...like 10% weight loss at a time. At your current weight, that would be a 25 pound weight loss goal. He also suggests hanging around there for a couple of weeks before working on the next 10%. It makes a lot of sense to me. That two weeks allows your body settle with the new size, and helps us learn to maintain...a big reason why most of us can't keep the weight off. That may not get you to your goal in 218 (as of today) days...I didn't figure out that far. But it is up to you. Get where you feel comfortable, hang around there and if you feel you could go smaller and remain healthy...GO FOR IT!

    Dryer beeped...Happy Losing...*Ü*
  • KenishaFitness
    KenishaFitness Posts: 161 Member
    Hey Everyone

    SW= 245lbs
    GW= 160lbs
    CW= 226lbs
  • Aboulet
    Aboulet Posts: 11
    Thanks for inviting me to the group. It wasn't easy to find, but it sure would be nice to have group support!

    S/W 222
    G/W 140
    C/W 189.5

    MFP is a great tool, and together we will achieve our goals!
  • Aboulet
    Aboulet Posts: 11
    Since you asked for opinions, I'll give you mine honestly. I would strive for the goal you have set and not worry about what the charts say. Once you reach your personal goal, or at any time on your weight loss journey, you can choose to reset your goal if you want, or maintain for a while, or just stay at your persoanl goal. Don't feel the need to put too much pressure on yourself all at once! Getting down to 165 will be an amazing accomplishment, and once you arrive, then you will have the mind set to know if you want to continue to lose or stay where you are at the time.

    When I started, I thought I'd like to be down to 150, but that was my goal 4 months ago, and to be honest, I was skeptical at the time I set it. But now, I am losign weight, and I feel encouraged, so I reset my goal at 140. Setting a goal is a great first step, and reevaluating your goals is part of the process of taking control of your own weight loss story. At least that's how I see it.

    Best of luck to you!

    S/W 222
    C/W 189.5
    G/W 140
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    Down 3.1 lbs! I dont know why it hasnt gone down on my ticker? How do I do that? Im really excited to start the new week. We can do this!

    SW: 135.5 (298lbs)
    CW: 134.1 (295lbs)
    First GW: 120kg (264lbs) **What I got to when doing MFP last time**
    2nd GW: 95kg (209lbs)
    GW: 75kg (165lbs)
  • I hope there is room for me to join:flowerforyou:

    SW= 325 lbs
    GW= 160 lbs
    CW= 300 lbs

    i have two goals for this week: to start running and to workout at the rec center at least three days this week:smile:
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Guess i'm the first to weigh in today.

    SW: 301
    CW: ?
    GW: 265

    I've got tonsilitis right now so not really up to much so we'll just have to see how the week goes. I had some icecreams yesterday, my throat was so sore and hot water really wasn't helping it. Today though my throat feels really raw i'm struggling to even drink water.

    Good luck everyone for your weigh in.

    Welcome to the new members, keep posting guys, no need to ask if you can join just jump right in.
  • Peachy_T
    Peachy_T Posts: 138 Member
    Good morning, T.H.E. members!

    I'm down 3 lbs. after just starting Saturday! Yay!!! My goal for today and the rest of the week is to get in all of my water and to start exercising. Hope everyone has a great day!

    @Painten, I hope you feel better and recover soon!
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    OMG ( Great Large Team (sorry not in size but numbers:) ) LOL. Thank you for the invite and of course I would love to be where all the fun is happening.
    I am 51 years old so please read My blog "half a century old and now taken control of my life" and my profile to give you all a better idea about myself.

    My SW 77kg (169.4lbs)
    2day CW 71.5kg (157.3lbs)
    1st goal by Dec 2011 70kg (154)
    GW 65kg (143lbs ).

    Lets say I feel like Jennifer Hudson ,She sang the song in Dream girls " I am changing and I need a friend " . I went for a walk and this was the first song that was being played and I thought that that was my "message '' How ironic for me to have heard it the instant I have discovered myself !! and begun to feel I have control over my life despite the lady hormones etc:).

    Hawwaindreamer thanks for the invite. Would you be able to tell me your height at present? It is as most people say it is what you are comfy with go with that. Personally I have found that over time because I have been weight training on a regular basis ,lately, have found that my body changed so even though I weigh more I still look "presentable'' in clothes that I could only wear at a lower weight. Reason fat takes up more space but muscle takes up less!!! I am still over weight but because of the excersising and resistance workouts I can carry a higher weight even though I am small framed.hope I am making sense :).
    I would say don't rush it Enjoy your weight loss journey rather than make it a TASK.

    TO everybody else Welcome and I hope we can all get to know each other better and motivate each other in every possible way.
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    Sorry But I am not sure how you copy and paste from a thread!!! I just tried and it does not come up in blue print which I have seen when others are quoting :(.

    I just wanted to say to Painten ( sugar addict) Have you looked at taking Chromium Picolinate? It is a trace element that a great deal of us are deficient in and this tends to cause imbalances in Insulin levels in our Blood stream. To cut the long story short I have been taking it and it has helped me curb my cravings:):bigsmile: . Maybe it will help you? also suggest you eat small meals through the day to help keep your sugar levels balanced. I aquired a taste to dark chocolate and that has made a world of dfference to me as well.
    I used to eat slabs and slabs of chocolate at one go as well so I know how awfull that is. I would polish an entire cream doughnut and chocolate cake at one sitting:sick: . Thank God I am over that.
  • SW: 206.5
    CW: 205.5
    GW: 160

    I lost a lb since I started, but my goal of drinking enough water wet to the wayside this weekend. When I'm working and sitting at my desk, I drink tons, but once I'm out running around I either forget my bottle or just don't drink it.. I don't know what the issue is, but it's still my goal for this week, to drink my water!

    Dreamer, I would go with the weight you are comfortable at. The charts will always say I weigh more than I should, but I have fairly large breasts (and when I lose weight, they don't really get smaller), and they weigh a LOT, so the scale isn't very accurate of how I *look*. The most dangerous weight to carry is around your waist, so that is what I concentrate on. I think your healthy weight depends on a lot of factors and height seems to be the only one the charts take into account. If you're happy and comfortable at a weight and are more healthy than not... I say stay there.
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    Numbers as of this morning:

    SW: 175.4
    CW: 171.6
    GW: 150
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    floridapeachy.. 3lbs since saturday, wow that is good, you must have been really good.

    ntheba...great that you found a song you connected with like that, do you listen to that all the time now? I have not tried Chromium Picolinate but i'm willing to give it a bash, anything's worth a try isn't it?

    KariNick85...I am terrible with water too. I actually like it but it's only when i'm thirsty that i remember to drink it. I can go days with just a few mugs of coffee. I am slowly improving though only problem is the more i drink the more i have to go to the loo.
  • Lylora
    Lylora Posts: 21
    1lb down this week...I was on track for 2, but my mother was in town over the weekend and we ate really well. I didn't go over my calorie goals (well, ok, 50 cal. over on Sunday) but I had been pushing for 2lbs. But I'll take even a small victory!

    My goal for last week was to drink 8+ cups of water per day. I also let that go to the wayside over the weekend! But I was really good during the week days when I was sitting at my desk.

    My goal for this week: make the healthy choice. When I've got two options in front of me, go for the healthy one! It can be hard to give up the fattier, saltier one but know that I'll respect myself more if I do. Perfect case in point, btw. My fiance just left a bag of cornchips and a loaf of bread (my dooooooooom) and some honey on the table, and I had a small thing of cherry tomatoes out for me to snack on instead. I was good and only ate a couple of the cornchips (although we're aiming for NONE next week) but I ate like 3 slices of bread and honey. Oh dear. I WILL choose the cherry tomatoes next time! Honestly, they taste better, they're fresher, and I know I like them more...must avoid the bread doom!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Didn't weigh in this morning, I was up early to start a new job. Plus I'm super irregular and I didn't even want to know what the scale said! I weigh in on Thursday with another group, I'll just update then. :smile:
  • Hey there I want to join in,

    As I live in Australia and it's already Tuesday here I will have to weigh in as soon as I get home from work.

    I am hoping that a bit of moral support will go a long way in making me stick to my calorie limit, though I know it is going to be a massive struggle.

    Talk to you al soon I hope.

  • Monday's weigh in. Running short on time tonight. I will check in tomorrow.

    SW= 179.0
    GW= 135.0
    CW= 178.2

  • maggiemay365
    maggiemay365 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi, Well 30 minutes until Halloween is over...and I didn't have one piece of:wink: FREAKIN' CANDY..WOO-HOO