T.H.E. Team (trying hard everyday) October '11



  • Lylora
    Lylora Posts: 21
    Thanks for the invite, I'm in! And great to meet you all.

    I'm a 27-year old graduate student. I am 5'4" and I was 126 when I first started graduate school, and I'm now 156. I recently had an OB checkup (to renew my birth control pills) and the nurse said "you know, you've gained 30 pounds since you joined us [the school]. You're going to need to do something about that." She's right, but that's not why I've joined this community. I've been so busy that I barely noticed that I can no longer fit into all of my cute jeans and that I look, well, kind of silly in some of my favorite dresses. I want to look good in them again because this weight gain has been affecting my self-confidence more than I'd care to admit. I get into this whole self-loathing cycle whenever I hit a setback, so having a community around to help me stay positive and balanced sounds amazing. I'm already so inspired by so many of your stories, and can't wait to see what we can all accomplish together.

    SW: 156
    CW: 156
    GW: 130

    1. Log my food intake into this site. The next few days are going to be busy, but make the time.
    2. Drink 40fl oz of water every day
    3. Eat smaller meals. I really don't need seconds.
  • 2girlymama
    Thanks for the invite Dreamer - It's late into October, but I'd love to join...will there be a November thread?

    SW - 210
    CW - 190
    GW - 150

    My goal - to do some form of exercise every day....even creatively if need be (running around with my toddler for 20 minutes.... doing stairs..... and suggestions would be awesome!)

  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Good morning and thanks for the invite! My name is Gretchen and I'm 40 years old. I have a long journey ahead of me and am pushing myself every day. I have not set a goal weight as I really don't know what's realistic. The jury is out on it based on what docs say and the charts. Everyone has a different opinion of what I should be at. I'm thinking I'll start with 250 as a goal and then adjust from there!

    SW: 305.2
    GW: 250.0
    CW: 272.6

    I'm looking forward to meeting new people and helping get through this journey together!
  • laatsch
    Hi there.

    Thank you for an invite to the team! I am very excited to get started not sure exactly how a team works. But i gather every monday i should get on with my current weight info. With this being my first week i can't really provide much but am anxious to see how i progress so here it goes :)

    SW= 187
    This is my starting point right here on this day. I am looking forward to seeing what i am capable of doing !
  • kt_rubino
    kt_rubino Posts: 87 Member
    Woo! Thanks for the invite! I am so ready to start my journey with you all!

    SW: 284lbs
    CW 279lbs
    GW: 160lbs

    I am 5'7"
  • esdale81
    esdale81 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I would like to join T.H.E as I think I need some support. My current weight is 10 stone 5lbs and my goal weight is 9 stones so I have quite abit of work to do.
    I wil weigh in on Monday..look forward to hearing from you
  • becknorton68
    Hello everyone! My name is Beck and I am looking forward to this journey.




    My goal for this week and next, since I just began...is to eliminate ALL soda.

    My words of wisdom that came to me one morning when I felt so discouraged about my weight:

    Disappointment can be temporary or it can become destiny...you choose. (Beck Norton)
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Whoo Hoo! Look at all our new members! That is soooo amazing...WELCOME. Please stick with us. I love that some of you have come such a long way, and others are just starting. We will all work together to get to our goals, long and short term. This is very motivating!!!!!!!

    I'd LOVE to respond to each and every one of you, but it's quite late (should have logged on earlier..LOL) and I REALLY need my beauty rest. Pretty sure I'm the grandma of group, so you'll understand, I'm sure....about needing all the beauty I can gather...Ü

    Commission day (I'm on the Planning Commission of our small town...meets twice a month...AND I work for our Town as well, in the Police Department as Admin Assist-property clerk-evidence clerk-records clerk-court clerk AND most important...custodian!) I also try to make at least one of our two Council meetings each month. Keeps me up on what's going on around town (wink).

    Didn't plan ahead very well for today, but I'm pretty sure I'm under cals..for the most part. No sweets today but a lot of bread stuff. That is likely my biggest bug-a-boo.

    Okay gals....onward to Thursday...make it a healthy one....

    Happy Losing...*Ü*
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    Hello, Can I join please too? I joined about 6 or more months ago which I successfully lost about 21 pounds. I have since gained ALL and more back on.

    I need motivation just to log in and put my food in for the day. Also I NEED to keep to my goal of my calories! Its crazy easyish to do this, but for some reason I just cant get started again. My bloods are being done tomorrow and I know my cholesterol is up and others so I really need to start thinking about the long term again. I find it so so hard so the name THE works for me amazingly.

    Im 33 years 2 children, study full time and live rurally so travel also. Life is long LOL!

    CW: 135.5 kg (298lbs)
    First GW: 120kg (264lbs) **What I got to when doing MFP last time**
    2nd GW: 95kg (209lbs)
    GW: 75kg (165lbs)

    Oh and I am in NZ also :-)

    My goal weight will still make me "overweight" as I am 164cm. BUT I dont know
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Checking in. I hope everyone is okay. Kids are on half term this week so i've not had much time to myself. Took the kids to the pictures yesterday. I didn't buy myself anything to snack on but i did buy the kids stuff and ofcourse couldn't stop myself munching then later ate almost a tub of Ben and Jerry's..ack. I logged it all though, which i think i need to do. I really have to not touch anything with sugar in or i can't stop myself for the rest of the day.

    Being good today though and really one day isn't going to kill me, as long as i don't let it turn into several days, which i really wont.
  • 1GymKat
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Argh Zumba tonight, She's introduced a new routine where you keep spinning round. Holy moly first time i tried i went so dizzy i had to hold on to the wall to stop myself falling over, then i just kept skipping that. After the routine very loudly with her microphone she shows me how to do it and i had to explain i can't move my head quick because i get dizzy. Everyone thought it was very funny *lol* She must think i'm awkward, i can't do lunges as it hurts my knee and now i can't spin round as i go dizzy.
  • KariNich85
    Thanks for the invite... I could always use more support from people going through the same thing! My goal for the rest of this week and next week is to drink all my water. I have been really slacking in that area lately!!

    SW= 206.5 (as of a few minutes ago, but it could be different in the morning... the morning is when I usually weigh, but I needed a weight! lol)
    GW= 150
    CW= 206.5

    Good luck to everyone! And if anyone wants to add me as a friend, feel free! :)

    **Forgot to add, I've been on MFP for a little over a year now, I think it was September of 2010?
  • Jessicacleveland
    I am really new to this :) I do want to join. I have many goals. Monday I found out I am borderline Diabetic, high cholestoral, and possible cervical cancer (will know more after the biopsy). I started my weight loss in 2007. I lost 100 lbs by 2008 and then had a tubal pregnancy and my blood pressure went through the roof. I gained 50lbs back and haven't moved from that 50 lbs. 3 weeks ago, my doctor decided I could start my diet plan with medication. I have lost 10 lbs since 10/17.

    My goals this week: Loose another 4 lbs. Eat more veggies. Start walking to kick start working out.

    SW: 257 GW: 150 CW: 247 (as of yesterday).

    SW= your starting weight
    GW= your goal weight
    CW= current weight
  • 2befit1
    2befit1 Posts: 26
    Hello, I would like to be a part of T.H.E. Team. I found out about T.H.E. from Gretchen (gkeith1971) she started the challenge New Year New You. She has been great support to me. Dreamer thank you so much for the warm welcome to this Team!
    My name is Paula and I am 37 years old. I have been struggling with my weight...the hardest has been the past three years. I have always had issues especially after my daughter was born 15 yrs ago. But before three years ago I could go on a diet workout and it seemed like the weight would just fall off. Well, not anymore! It comes on really fast and takes even longer to get off. I think it's that I'm getting older. Anyway, I have been a merry-go-round healthy person for the last 3 yrs. Lately I do good 2 wks and the fall right off my wagon and then it takes months to get back on. I don't know why I do this to myself and my body. I KNOW it is harder on my heart doing what I have been doing. I want to put an end to all of this maddness once and for all...I know I can't do it alone. I need all the help and support that I can get and I will do my best to give the same back. The last time I weighed myself was 2 wks ago so I don't really know what my starting weight is. I will weigh on Monday and go with that...possibly 175?

  • 2befit1
    2befit1 Posts: 26
    Hello, I needed to know a starting weight so I weighed myself this morning.

    S.W.= 179.0
    G.W.= 135.0
    C.W.= 179.0
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks for the invite. I definitely need all the support that I can get. :happy:

    S.W. = 175.4
    C.W. = 175.4
    G.W. = 150
  • 12Junes
    12Junes Posts: 10
    Thanks for the invite. I'm not sure about the Monday weigh-in, but I'll try. I mostly use the iPad app and I'm not sure if the message boards even work there. I guess we'll see.

    A bit about me: I'm approaching the big 5 oh with more than 30 lbs gained since menopause hit 2 years ago. I think I'm on the tail end of that now. I've had to purchase new wardrobes every 6 months as Ive gained weight and outgrown my clothes. This is too expensive to keep going. After several purchases of motivational fitness and health books, I finally came across this site. What a godsend! This is exactly what I needed to monitor my intake and nutrition. My last visit to the doc showed my cholesterol at 212. My bad cholesterol was high, and the good was low. :( I was an avid runner for years, but let it slide when my youngest son became seriously ill and was hospitalized. He's all better now, but I never picked back up on running. It is the last thing that I want to do. In fact, exercise is just not my thing and never was. I know I have to change this attitude, but this is a good start for now.

    SW: 188
    CW: 183
    GW: 150

    I'm excited about this and look forward to sharing in the rewards with all of you.
  • Peachy_T
    Peachy_T Posts: 138 Member
    I love what T.H.E. stands for and I'm looking forward to this group! With this kind of support and motivation, I'm excited to see what I'll be able to accomplish. I'm the type of person who does better when I'm held accountable and have to "check in." For 2 years now, I've had no motivation or will power to do anything about my weight. I have started and quit so many diets and now it's time for me to grasp the meaning of lifestyle change. I joined MFP today and I have 73 lbs. to lose, which won't be easy, but I'll have to remind myself often that "inch by inch it's a cinch!"
    Thanks for the invite!
  • maggiemay365
    maggiemay365 Posts: 181 Member
    how do I join your group?