I need your opinions

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to post this topic to ask you how much more weight I should lose... I know its suppose to be a personal decision but my parents keep telling me that I am skinny enough and to stop losing weight from the picture below should I
a) stop losing weight, maintain
b)lose ___ lbs
This post is not to fish for compliments or anything its just that I still see the fat me and everyone keeps telling me I am not fat so I just wanted some strangers opinion. If you saw me walking down the street would you think oh shes pudgy, fat ect or just average? I want to lose another 17 lbs but my parents and everyone tell me that I will be too skinny if i do

Btw I am 5'8 152 lbs :)



  • okay the pic didnt work but its my profile pic :P
  • I think you look great. you are thin. not good that you don't see that. don't be so hard on yourself. at this point if you arent happy with the way you look.. i'd switch over from focusing on a # to toning up so things are nice and tight. maybe that would make you feel better?

    either way you look great and I think you are in a good shape.
  • hey honey speaking personaly i thinki you should work on maintaining. and if u feel uncomfortable maybe work on ur body fat % and tone up but dont drop and more lbs. ur so beautiful and a perfect weight for ur height. if u drop anymore u may end up in a vicouse cycle and i would hate to see that happen. uv'e lost so much and done so very very well defiinatly work on maintaining ur weight now honey. and well done on ur weight loss!!!
  • hey honey speaking personaly i thinki you should work on maintaining. and if u feel uncomfortable maybe work on ur body fat % and tone up but dont drop and more lbs. ur so beautiful and a perfect weight for ur height. if u drop anymore u may end up in a vicouse cycle and i would hate to see that happen. uv'e lost so much and done so very very well defiinatly work on maintaining ur weight now honey. and well done on ur weight loss!!!
  • I think you look good and are in good shape, maybe you should focus on toning rather than weight lost.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I would say that you don't look fat. I think your desire to lose a bit more is reasonable.

    Are you doing any resistance training?
  • ukloveme
    ukloveme Posts: 125
    no more weight lost, just maintain. Your parents are right x
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I don't think you are fat. You look slim to me. I would focus on toning my body.
  • i wish i looked as good as you do! i think bringing out toning the muscles would make you feel more confident so you could tell your body fat % was going down. :smile: just my opinion but you look good! no need to lose 17 more! maybe 5 tops!
  • If you want to try for a happy medium, why not work on getting toned? There is a huge difference between being thin and being in shape (just watch any interview of a skinny starlet that had to do real training for an action film). You might not lose any weight since muscle weighs more than fat, but you'll look better, be able to eat more calories and you'll be far healthier.
  • ewejewel
    ewejewel Posts: 36 Member
    I am also 5'8" and you are at my goal weight (even though "experts" say we can go as low at 130 lbs...we would be walking bone racks then)....but your goals should also be more than what the scale says...you could work on toning which may not necessarily knock off pounds but will change your shape...from the pics posted it looks like your hard work has paid off and you look fantastic...I know it's easier to hear than to believe...but I don't think you need to lose any more weight...

    Hope that helps!!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    You look great! If I were you I would go into maintenance mode and focus on getting toned rather than losing weight :D
  • Honestly? My personal preference is all about body composition. I prefer a lean look and would say that the 17lbs would be a good idea :]

    Do what ever you think is good though!
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    I think you look good.

    Are you happy?if not why?

    Are your parents fit, and maybe a bit jealous?

    It is a personal decision, I for one find incredibly thin way less attractive then Happy and few extra pounds.

    Again you look very nice, so you could stop its up to you.
  • Aboulet
    Aboulet Posts: 11
    I guess I'm not of the same mind as everyone else. I think like this - if you originally set a goal weight that would be considered a healthy weight from your height, but have not yet met that goal weight, then I would keep going. I agree with all of those who said some toning may be the way to go - because being thin and being fit are not the same thing. I also think you look fantastic - no one would look at you and think "she's fat" these daysl. However, I don't think you should allow your parents to dictate this decision. So long as you are eating a healthy, nutritious diet, you are not starving yourself, and you have the desire to keep losing, I personally don't see the problem with it.

    The first time in my life I lost about 35 lbs - I went from about 185 to 150, and my parents made me stop for the same reason as yours - they said I was getting too thin. looking back, I don't know why I ever listened to them because before long, they had me gaining back a few pounds, and eventually, I put all the weight back on and then some. That was 20 years ago when I was still young! When I look back at pictures of that time, I think I looked great, but it was so short lived. I wish I had not let them infludence me.

    This time, I'm losing a lot of weight for only the second time in my life. I started at 222, and so far I've lost 30.5 lbs. People are starting to call me "skinny minny" and tell me I look great, but I have to remember they are comparing me to the old me. I still weigh almost 190 lbs, and my goal weight this time is 140 (the ideal weight for my height is 120-160). I know people will try to convince me to stop long before that, but this time, I'm following my own advice. I will stop when I have achieved my goal. I'm already making great progres and am proud of myself. I am eating a healthy diet - though not getting enough exercise - and I am not "dying" to be thin. I am making slow steady progress, and I am doing this for me - not anybody else. I am in control, and so should you be. Best of luck in making your decision. <3
  • borys12
    borys12 Posts: 98
    You look great, but ..... I have the same situation, family keeps telling me stop. I lost about 80 lbs, and still a lot of fat, although comparing to old me, I'm like a new person. In your place I would workout on tonning ( more weights ) , and you will achieve rest automatically.
  • Blah, I kind of feel the same way. I'm so much more comfortable with myself and I love my body now after losing 20 pounds, buuuut I still have a little fat here, a little pudge there, and I at least want to lose seven more pounds to be at 120, which feels wrong becauese I'm already 10x happier in my body. You, you look pretty slim to me. I'd say stop trying to lose and just be happy, buy if you're worried about the fat then do more muscle training to tone down. If I saw you on the street, I'd probably envy you, like why can't I look like her? I think you're at a good place now. If all your clothes fit you right, then there's not much else.
  • Oh, also, this is also contradictory, but: Last year I lost 25 pounds, but my parents told me I was at a good weight, so I let myself slip and gained ALL of it back. And that's why I'm here, looking for a better way to lose and maintain so it won't happen again. So you're fine, but don't overthink it just because of what your parents say.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I think you look great. you are thin. not good that you don't see that. don't be so hard on yourself. at this point if you arent happy with the way you look.. i'd switch over from focusing on a # to toning up so things are nice and tight. maybe that would make you feel better?

    either way you look great and I think you are in a good shape.

  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    I think you are thin and look good. But the best answer to this question is to ask your doctor if you are a healthy weight.