wiremog Member


  • The carbs thing freaks me out. I'm pescetarian, and carbs are a significant part of my diet. Nothing crazy, a bit of rice/sushi here, a pitta bread there. But there is no way I can give them up. I watch my colleagues who seem to exist on lettuce leaves and meat, and they look great but I can't imagine surviving on that. I…
  • I think this is what's referred to as "gaslighting" and it straight up sucks.
  • This is 100% my motivator too. It was my 33rd birthday at the weekend and my face looks like a moon in all the photos. It made me so sad because I thought I looked pretty good. Also, I've been single for a while now and I'm too lacking in confidence to go on a date right now. I want to be chatted up in bars. I feel…
  • Booze is the #1 reason my diets always fail. I have a very busy social and work life, a lot of which revolves around drink in some capacity. Every time I start making progress, I get sloshed and slide back into bad habits again. I also think the amount I drink has started to show on my face, making me look puffy and older.…
  • Wow. I mean, I love a tall dude (ex was 6ft 5 and I have a serious thing for Adam Driver right now) but that's just lame, unless the woman is really tall herself. I can sort of understand not wanting to tower over your date as a female. Luckily never happens to me as I'm 5ft 4!
  • You guys have posted so many of the cliches already. A couple more that I see on so many guys' profiles it's not even funny: "Looking for my partner in crime" (UGH, what does that even mean, Steve? You are an accountant who has probably never even driven above the speed limit) "I'm [whatever his height is] as it seems to…
  • Last night I dreamed I adopted a cute little fluffy kitten that someone had dyed baby pink. WTF?!
  • Jillian Michaels 30 day shred this morning! Level 1 kills me, haven't dared look at 2 and 3 yet, lol
  • I've reached the conclusion, after years of denying the truth, that I'm going to have to do this too. Drinking is 100% the reason I've put all the weight back on that I lost 7 years ago. I work in a really boozy industry (PR) in Soho, London's booziest area, so it's gonna be tough!
  • Haha! Kitten it?! Oh MFP, you're cute.
  • Booze is always my '*kitten* it' trigger. Time to scale it right back!
  • Playdoh. Haha, I can relate!! You've had some really impressive successes before (8st loss?! Woah) so no doubt you can do it again. I lost a couple of stone about 6 years ago, and it's all crept back on now with an extra half stone for good measure :( Back on it from today, especially as I'm maid of honour for my best…
  • I've been going for nearly a week, I'll join you! It's tough but I'm already starting to feel firmer and fitter :)
  • I'm starting this tomorrow, first time I've tried it! I've been upping my exercise with other DVDs recently but feel the need to do something a bit more drastic to kick myself into a higher gear. This should do it by the sounds of things ;)
  • I've just started on 5:2 too - happy to friend anyone else doing it for mutual support :) I have a colleague who lost a lot of weight in the run up to her wedding doing this diet. She's still doing it and finds it the most effective way to keep the weight off. Personally, I control calories even when I'm not on a fast day,…
  • I find I have to give myself enough time to wake up properly first, and then the main thing I do is not give myself a choice. Once I've been awake for 30 minutes, I absolutely HAVE to get up and put my gym gear on, no alternative. If I fail to get to the gym in the morning it's usually because I've managed to talk myself…
  • My goal is a pair of tight black satin trousers (Yeah I'm from the UK - 'pants' to you guys across the pond!) that I wore to a club 2 years ago and pulled a really hot Irish guy in ;) I can just about zip them up but that muffin top is NOT attractive!
  • OK, makes sense - thank you.
  • So I eat 1200 calories when I don't exercise, and 1500 when I do? Or 1500 every day?
  • A few people have made a great point about diet - ie the importance of fruit, veg, lean protein. I am a big fan of the mediterranean style diet (I am a good cook) and I generally eat a big helping of salad or veg with my meals. I don't eat many ready meals and I like to cook from scratch as much as possible. Lately I've…
  • Thanks so much everybody for all your help! Lots to think about. For those that were asking, I've just done the calculator thingy: BMR: 1542 TDEE: 1851 Daily calories to hit goal: 1481 So that would suggest I do need to up my calories. BUT what if the problem is I've been overcalculating calories burned during exercise?…
  • I know everyone says this, but I do as much exercise as I humanly have time for! I have an extremely busy job involving long hours, so short of missing out on sleep I can't fit any more in.
  • That's a really good point and I need to start doing that. As I say, I think there has been some difference in how my clothes fit. However, I know that when I was smaller a couple of years back I weighed about 20lbs less than I do now. So I know I CAN weigh less, which I guess is why I'm wondering why it's not dropping off…
  • That's really interesting actually. I'm logging exercise based on what the machines/MFP calculate. I have looked at HRMs before but they're quite expensive. You might have just convinced me to buy one though! I do tend to guess weights when I'm confident I know what it should look like (eg tablespoons etc) but I do weigh…
  • It's so good to know someone else is in the same boat! And don't feel bad about the chocolate - we've all done it! (With me it's usually a massive glass of wine though ;))
  • Thanks guys! The prospect of upping the calories is a bit scary, but I will definitely consider it if this goes on much longer! Dawn - does that include Diet Coke? That's really the only soda I drink. I also drink water through the day (I don't like tea/coffee etc) but I should probably drink more. I'll focus on that.