Does Alcohol prevent you from losing weight?



  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Alcohol=poor judgement
    For is never enough so why bother ;)
  • duskyjewel
    duskyjewel Posts: 286 Member
    darharmar wrote: »
    If you're miserable when you're living healthily. And can't have anything fun. Chances are the changes won't be permanent. Managed (back in the day like 4 years ago) to lose a significant amount of weight. While still calculating the calories and drinking. I drink WAY less now. And losing weight is a $&*[ now. So. No. Alcohol had nothing to do with it.

    If you're miserable, you're not living healthfully. Mental health pertains to health, too.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    darharmar wrote: »
    If you're miserable when you're living healthily. And can't have anything fun. Chances are the changes won't be permanent. Managed (back in the day like 4 years ago) to lose a significant amount of weight. While still calculating the calories and drinking. I drink WAY less now. And losing weight is a $&*[ now. So. No. Alcohol had nothing to do with it.

    I know you didn't really mean to make a blanket statement that life is miserable and not fun without alcohol so am giving you a chance to clarify.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Biggest issue for me is the nibbles and being able to say no to the kids' Cheetos and cookies in the big walk in pantry that makes it really easy to get to them.
  • Elphaba1313
    Elphaba1313 Posts: 195 Member
    JBApplebee wrote: »

    As long as you aren't binge drinking every night, you'll be able to lose weight & drink. I'm down 50 pounds since the end of January & I like my tasty adult beverages.

    Even if you are binge drinking every night you'll be able to lose weight and drink. Your liver won't be happy and you will be missing out on nutrients to make it fit in your calories, but for weight loss, no problem! (I know a v skinny alcoholic - wouldn't recommend it myself)

  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    darharmar wrote: »
    IF you're miserable when you're living healthily. And can't have anything fun.

    Implied THEN
    Chances are the changes won't be permanent.

    Managed (back in the day like 4 years ago) to lose a significant amount of weight. While still calculating the calories and drinking. I drink WAY less now. And losing weight is a $&*[ now. So. No. Alcohol had nothing to do with it.

    duskyjewel wrote: »
    If you're miserable, you're not living healthfully. Mental health pertains to health, too.

    I'd encourage you to re-read the post you responded to. I'll give you some whitespace to help you out
  • wiremog
    wiremog Posts: 34 Member
    Booze is the #1 reason my diets always fail. I have a very busy social and work life, a lot of which revolves around drink in some capacity. Every time I start making progress, I get sloshed and slide back into bad habits again. I also think the amount I drink has started to show on my face, making me look puffy and older.

    I've realised that to make a real change I probably need to quit entirely, but that idea terrifies me right now! I'm going on holiday in 3 weeks time, and I've promised myself I'm going to avoid alcohol during that time. Trust me, that's a big deal for me!
  • SchweddyGirl
    SchweddyGirl Posts: 244 Member
    I just fit it in. If I have the calories available and I want a beer, I drink a beer.
  • nicolehorn0114
    nicolehorn0114 Posts: 51 Member
    I have either a glass of wine (6 ounces) or a beer (12 ounces) every night. It hasn’t hurt my weight loss any. I’m down over 60 pounds with around 35 to go. I just work it into my calories. It makes my plan more enjoyable.

    If you’re one of those people who binge drinks or gets a serious case of the munchies from alcohol, you might want to consider cutting back or abstaining.