Biggest dieting pet peeve



  • wiremog
    wiremog Posts: 34 Member
    The carbs thing freaks me out. I'm pescetarian, and carbs are a significant part of my diet. Nothing crazy, a bit of rice/sushi here, a pitta bread there. But there is no way I can give them up. I watch my colleagues who seem to exist on lettuce leaves and meat, and they look great but I can't imagine surviving on that. I think they probably think I should drop the carbs to lose weight, but it's not happening!
  • PangPangPrincess109
    PangPangPrincess109 Posts: 63 Member
    When people criticize what I'm eating. I know their heart is in the right place, but it drives me up the wall. Okay, I've been active all day and have only had cashews and water. So WHAT if I decide to eat a big Mac for dinner?

    Just because you're content with eating only fruit for dinner (and only a bowl of rice for breakfast and lunch) doesn't mean I'm going to punish myself too.
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    The so called helpful people. I did not ask for their advice, I do not want their advice, I will not follow their advice. But they seem to be compelled to tell me how their brother, sister, friend great aunt or someone lost weight and I am doing it all wrong. And I need to do it differently. This usually comes after they say gee notice you have lost some weight or your clothes seem to be bigger on you, what diet are you following. For the most part I have learned over the years to say. I eat less diet. And that seems to annoy the heck out of people.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Any fad diet, "cleanse", or people like Dr Oz that push the latest miracle. None of that stuff works in my opinion.

    People that preach keto, vegan, or anti dairy to me. Nope, I LIKE my carbs and dairy, thank you very much. I have personally had great results eating dairy and felt bad when I gave up dairy.

    Also, those that insist to me that weight loss is easy. I am a small person with little room for error. It is NOT easy for me, but it is doable and when motivated, I have success.

    People that think a 5'0" woman should weigh 100 lbs. If I am a size 2 at 115 lbs, why would I want to be even smaller and be a size double zero? That is too skinny. No.
  • Roger15Z
    Roger15Z Posts: 97 Member
    My pet peeve is literally any fad diet, it's a fad, not a life altering conscious decision, there is no fn magic pill or formula to make this work, it takes dedication and hard work just like, oh gee everything else in life!!
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited June 2018
    "If you all havent seen this... you need to."

    I've watched many of his things. How to become ultra spiritual. How to go paleo. :D The flat earth theory. He's funny.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    People who call it dieting. IMO, if you’re dieting, you’re getting no where. It’s a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet.

    Ooo my diet is definitely temporary. Shiritaki noodles, boiled chicken, plain egg whites, 1% cottage cheese and protein powder with water will not continue after my cut :s
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    edited June 2018
    What peeves me off are people trying to influence other people to correct their eating habits, as though they're going to collect $$ for choosing to change them. We all have thoughts. Why is it so difficult for some to mind their own business?

    I'm currently eating a Ketocentric diet because my friends are comfortable with Keto ... No judgement from me, as they're covering 5 dinners out of seven (granted, I will contribute on day 7 too). I can easily substitute carbs/sugar for fat flours/ingredients, for desserts I enjoy eating. Makes absolutely no sense eating something I find bilious. Just makes choices more calories dense vs the alternative. On my cutting cycle it's more about a caloric restriction with an emphasis on less carbs. It's how I like to do it. We all use a food scale too, so I pretty much gauge my own calories without being a helicopter to adults. If they want help, they'll ask. 2 have asked and as atypical MFPers + ETPers, we gave guidance and links allowing the adult to draw their own conclusions.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Cauliflower pizza crust. Is that still a thing?

    Apparently, my son just told me how he made this at his his defense gf is 27. Soooo.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    edited June 2018
    Cauliflower pizza crust. Is that still a thing?

    Apparently, my son just told me how he made this at his his defense gf is 27. Soooo.

    Mid twenty somethings in our friendship circles all have pre-made cauliflower pizza bases in their freezers. I prefer to use lupin or almond flour myself. Or we'll just order delivery. We're all currently into meat lovers & super cheesy toppings though.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    That I can't eat an unlimited amount of crap and not get fat.
    Sooooo unfair.
  • pinksunnyrose
    pinksunnyrose Posts: 453 Member
    Seeing all those KETO, Intermittent Fasting, “What I eat in a day” videos on my YT feed. Go away with your trendy bs!
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    edited June 2018
    Seeing all those KETO, Intermittent Fasting, “What I eat in a day” videos on my YT feed. Go away with your trendy bs!

    Just to touch on that I HATE videos like this with these self professed “experts”. I mean unless you have a nut allergy what’s wrong with eating regular “processed” peanut butter in moderation?! Has anyone actually DIED from eating Jif? I hate “natural” peanut butter too. It’s too oily, messy and hard to spread.
    I used to religiously watch her channel until I realized most of her “advice” was straight up BULL******** she did one of those “what I eat in a day” vids and it was kind of disturbing how little she ate. Her cooking vids were bad too. She would always tell her viewers to buy expensive brown rice bread and crackers, because wheat and white flour is “bad for you”. Where do these people come up with this s?$&??? lmao.
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    Seeing all those KETO, Intermittent Fasting, “What I eat in a day” videos on my YT feed. Go away with your trendy bs!

    Just to touch on that I HATE videos like this with these self professed “experts”. I mean unless you have a nut allergy what’s wrong with eating regular “processed” peanut butter in moderation?! Has anyone actually DIED from eating Jif? I hate “natural” peanut butter too. It’s too oily, messy and hard to spread.
    I used to religiously watch her channel until I realized most of her “advice” was straight up BULL******** she did one of those “what I eat in a day” vids and it was kind of disturbing how little she ate. Her cooking vids were bad too. She would always tell her viewers to buy expensive brown rice bread and crackers, because wheat and white flour is “bad for you”. Where do these people come up with this s?$&??? lmao.

    Life isn't worth living without JIF.
    I've visited some family and friends and they seemed buy more weird natural pB (not the good kind). One time there was so much oil in the pb it was soupy and I might have well just put peanut in oil in my oatmeal. Another time the natural pB was so CHALKY it couldn't spread, it tasted so bad! I now show up to relatives houses with my own small jar of creamy processed JIF peanut butter.
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    People asking me if I'm okay, am I sick, or am I on drugs. Nope just been resting my drinking arm and moving my legs. Thanks for your concern I guess, unless your just digging for gossip, in which case you can just fnck right off. :-)

    I'm going to use this "line" sometime -- love it!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    mandystar wrote: »
    I know this lady in real life. She is THE WORST. she has tried every magic pill, potion and fad there is. While she's doing them she floods Facebook with her every move, feeling, and thought.... worse than that though, is she never loses any weight. Every time I see her she is bigger. Now I'm not one to judge or fat shame because I have been triple the size I am now, but come on! This crap obviously isnt working sis

    Oh yeah, I know this lady too! I think we all do...some version of this, anyway.
    The one I'm thinking of, she now WORKS at a fit meals place where they make food to suit a few different diet and eating plans. She posts her every thought, move & feeling as well. Before and after pics that are always 2 weeks apart with a 15 lb loss. Eye roll.

    And then shares tons of videos and photos of different desserts (like ice cream inside of a cobbler) and various casseroles that consist of bacon, cheese, and more bacon plus some butter. Repeat cycle for 10 years.