

  • It seems to me like you have done a good job keeping your calories low.. but looking through a few of your days I notice you aren't eating your calories.. some days being under 1000 calories. That could be doing you in for sure.. I also would agree that WHAT you eat is every bit as important as how much.. so my suggestion…
  • I posted about this not to long ago as well.. I switched to using the TDEE calculations for calories and I was supposed to be getting a LOT more calories then I was.. and I struggled with being full at 1200 and not wanting a lot more food.. I got so many great ideas that upped my calories and it wasn't like I had to add a…
  • I sent you a message but wanted to encourage you to try the TDEE and include your exercise in your daily activity level.. then you don't have to worry about eating back your exercise points because its already included.. I have mine at active.. I workout a lot.. burning no less then 500 calories 6 days a week and closer to…
  • I wish there was a like button.. I keep searching for Thank you everyone.. I am adding stuff to my grocery list.. and I am off to eat a banana with some peanut butter (drool.. why didn't I think of that!!)
  • thank you for all the suggestions!.. I forget about nuts!! That would be something easy enough to grab on the go..and avocado's would be easy enough to add to my smoothies or salads.. I wish I could do protein shakes and have tried several kinds.. but every time I do I end up feeling very sick.. something in them does not…
  • oh honey.. you are not going to be fully recovered for a long while yet. I had a c section with my twins 2 years ago and it took a good 3 months before I could use my stomach muscles without pain.. remember they riped right through your core :(. At this point you should not even try to stress those muscles.. you want to…
  • You can totally do 1-2 pounds in that timing.. use your food tracker here... lots and lots of veggies, fruits, lean proteins, less sugar (you can have a treat here or there) kick up your cardio and add in some strength training..In fact.. if you do all this you could very likely lose more then 2 pounds.
  • I would have a hard time eating that many calories.. but honestly you need to eat MORE.. you don't have to eat all your exercise calories back but you should eat at least some of them back. try adding some healthy high calories foods.. yogurt, cheese, avocado..grapefruits are pretty low in calories which is a great idea…
  • I totally agree with a the *cheat* day. Eating low calorie days 7 days a week can set your body into starvation..tossing a high calorie day in there resets it.. Even WW gives you extra points to use during the week. Friday is usually my cheat day.. I don't go overboard but I will enjoy some pizza for dinner... or some…
  • ya.. there are a few days I wasn't able to complete my diary.. and I just realized that I am supposed to click the button to complete a I talked with a friend today who is a fitness trainer.. she took a look at my diet and workout and feels that I am not eating enough as well.. my goal is set at 1340.. and I…
  • ok.. I had to go figure out how to open my food diary.. but I got it.. so thats open now.. I don't know about sodium.. I wasn't tracking that but I don't salt anything and I don't eat much packaged foods..I added that to my list of things to track now though.. I drink a ton of fact its the only thing I drink...I…
  • Fill your fridge and pantry with healthy foods that you like and get rid of any junk.. that's the very first step. If you are anything like me you will eat it if its in front of you. Often times we mistake thirst for hunger. In an effort to get rid of that feeling we naturally want to eat..but its water that our body is…
    in frust ): Comment by Melwith9 March 2010
  • 300 calories is perfect..but that should be 300 from maintaining goals.. so 1800 is what you should be eating.
  • My name is Mel...I have 9 kiddos..yup..9