Been counting calories for 3 years.. Now I'm pregnant and am

I have had great success with my calorie counting over the years. I went from 144 lbs down to the 110-115 range. (Size 6-8 down to a 0-2).. At first I was eating 1500 calories and losing dramatically. Of course, as time went on, my body adjusted and I had to eat even less to lose. Before I got preg, I was eating 1200-1400 cals a day and not really losing any weight, just maintaing.

Anyways, now I am pregnant, and while I still want to count calories to keep it in check, I want to make sure that I am not harming my baby in the process. What did you ladies do while pregnant? Lately, I've been keeping it around 1600 a day.


  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    My ob said I need about 300 extra cal a day while pregnant, so if you were eating 1500 a day to maintain your current weight, you should be eating about 1800 a day now
  • empiremom
    empiremom Posts: 52
    yep 300 calories is all you need to add for the baby.
  • Melwith9
    Melwith9 Posts: 17
    300 calories is perfect..but that should be 300 from maintaining goals.. so 1800 is what you should be eating.
  • helliecopter
    helliecopter Posts: 19 Member
    I'm glad someone posted about this recently, as I have just found out I'm pregnant and was wondering what I should do.

    I have been eating around 1200 calories and doing quite well with losing. I'm currently 136lbs and my target was 133lbs. Obviously I don't expect to continue losing weight whilst pregnant but I don't want to use the baby as an excuse to eat for England! I'd just like to gain the 'normal' amount of weight for a pregnancy and eat healthily, giving the baby everything it needs.

    So, you think 300 cals upping my daily cals to around 1500 should be okay?

    Thanks :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    300 calories a day is what my daughter's midwife told her, too. Congarulations on your new additions!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I didn't increase my caloric intake until I was into my second trimester, my OBGYN said that the extra calories weren't needed until I went with it. had six healthy children, gained between 20-24lbs with each pregnancy and my babies were all between 9lbs4oz and 11lbs1oz., and I increased by about the same as everyone else, 300 calories..some days a little more when I just could not resist a bag of gummy bears.