NOT losing much weight! HELP!

Hey friends. I've been faithfully logging my calories for like 6 weeks now. I was doing 1200-1300 calories daily (even on Easter and bday parties). I exercise 6 days a week. Today, for example, I did 7 miles on the bike, 20 minutes of Kettlebells, and 30 minutes of AMT Precor machine. I have lost a whopping 3 pounds (1/2 pound a week!). I decided to up my caloric intake to 1400 to see if my body needs a bit more to decide to lose instead of store. Any other ideas? I'm trying NOT to get discouraged, but it seems like I'm doing everything "right". Oh, I'm also grain-free (occasional bean), dairy free and gluten free. PALEO!

Oh - I'm female, 41, weigh 169 and am 5'2". I've had 9 pregnancies (7 babies and 2 miscarriages).


  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Is that 1400 and eating back exercise cals, or just 1400? If it's just 1400, I suggest eating back at least half your exercise cals if not all of them.
  • terawolf
    terawolf Posts: 10
    I'm eating 1400 calories period. I exercised 700 today with a net of 700.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Then eat back your exercise cals, like I said
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I'm eating 1400 calories period. I exercised 700 today with a net of 700.

    BAD you have to net 1400. YOU ARE UNDEREATING! You body needs probably 1400 just to function normally without exercise. Please eat more or you will just damage your body including your organs. Under-eating causes more muscle loss than fat loss, so you can wave goodbye to your dream of being toned and having a healthy heart.
  • terawolf
    terawolf Posts: 10
    OK. Will do.Thx.:smile::smile:
  • Requiembell
    Requiembell Posts: 106 Member
    If you are exercising as much as it looks like you are, you are not eating near enough. You need to assume at your age and weight that you are burning about 100-110 cal per every 10 min of exercise where your heart rate is over 130, which looks to me like most of what you are doing goes in that category. You need need NEED to eat that back with high quality protein containing all 20 essential protogenic amino acids.

    If you keep this up, you will A) not loose fat and B) hurt yourself.

    I suspect based on your info that you are tough and pain doesn't worry you much. This will lead to injury.

    Go here and check yourself.

    Reduce that by about 25% for diet cals and replace what you exercise burn.
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    Are you measuring too? I sometimes get better results that way. Also watching sodium and drinking loads of water is helping me. Having said all that my weightloss is slow. 25lb since xmas. At first I was bothered by it until I realised I have no stretch marks or cellulite which is what happens with a slow loss. Less chance of putting it on again too so try not to worry. I eat an average of 1400 but have days above and below that. I also lost on 1680 and didn't change anything it's just that it made me lazy at the higher level.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    EAT BACK YOUR CALORIES! If you don't you will not be able to keep up the activity in a healthy state. That 1400 is supposed to be NET-Allowance plus calories burned minus calories eaten==goal==1400. A few over or under is fine. A bunch either way is NOT. Your body needs fuel to work correcty and build muscle as you lose fat. Muscle burns more calories than fat does. Eat more and gain muscle so you can exercise off the fat.

    You are already not losing as much as you wanted, so it isn't like you will make it worse-give it a try for 3 months and see what happens. If it works to eat more-then you will be thinner towards your goal. If not, it's just 3 months which is not very long in the overall scheme of things.
  • terawolf
    terawolf Posts: 10
    Hmmmmm - This is a lot more difficult than I ever imagined. I've conquered the calorie counting. I like the exercise and have found my rhythm. I guess I just need to eat more. YIKES! I'll do that and see what happens. Thanks a bunch everyone!
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    People have a good point that 1200 isn't a magic number, BUT, make sure you are actually calculating the calories in your food correctly. I know it seems simple and I don't mean to offend, but for every person who thinks they're actually eating 1200, I'd say the majority are eating far more without realizing it. We don't understand portion sizes anymore, use measuring cups and a scale to measure if you really want to know what you're eating. :) Most people overestimate their "eyeballing" abilities.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Just don't forget to give it TIME!! When upping your calories your body has to adjust a bit back to 'normal' settings so the scale can sometimes jump around a bit. Try it for a good 6 weeks before making any judgement.
  • terawolf
    terawolf Posts: 10
    Good point about portions. I am measuring and weighing the food.
  • terawolf
    terawolf Posts: 10
    I will give it time. It's been 6 weeks so far, and this isn't working - so I'll up the calories for 6 weeks to see what my body does. I never had to diet in my younger years. I had NO idea it was so much effort.
  • terawolf
    terawolf Posts: 10
    I went to the website that was given. Apparently, my TDEE is 2200! That doesn't mean that I'm supposed to eat 2200 calories daily, right?
  • terawolf
    terawolf Posts: 10
    My BMR is 1483.
  • jasmine_noel
    jasmine_noel Posts: 62 Member
    TDEE is what you can eat to maintain current weight... eat about 20% below that (and this method already accounts for exercise, so don't 'eat back' those cals). It's honestly much more than I've ever eaten while making an effort to lose weight and it's working :)
  • terawolf
    terawolf Posts: 10
    Thank you, Jasmine! So, basically if I exercise the same as I have been then I should be eating about 1700 calories a day. Time to add some food! :happy: :happy:
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Here are my thoughts: I weigh myself once a month and mainly go off my clothes weight. I feel if I weigh myself too frequently, it will discourage me if the numbers go up and down. So far, by weighing myself once a month, my weight has steadily gone down. For the most part, I will leave about 200 calories left and I exercise every other week because I cannot get to a gym that much. I eat a variety of foods, if you want to check out my diary and I have had good results just concentrating on the diet portion and not so much on working out. But, those are my results. I lose about 2.5 pounds a week, getting in a 90 minute workout in 2 days time. I usually work out like twice a week for 45 minutes each workout and a little weight lifting. Some weeks I do not work out at all, but I also care for my special needs son, who cannot bathe or dress himself, so I probably burn calories with that some too, even though I do not count that in. The only thing I can say is that you might be checking your weight too much. I dont really know.
  • Melwith9
    Melwith9 Posts: 17
    I sent you a message but wanted to encourage you to try the TDEE and include your exercise in your daily activity level.. then you don't have to worry about eating back your exercise points because its already included.. I have mine at active.. I workout a lot.. burning no less then 500 calories 6 days a week and closer to 900-1000 4 days a week... With the TDEE I am supposed to get 1700 a day.. and I feel waaaaay better during my workouts this week.. I actually feel like I can keep going if I had the I only log my exercise now because I like to see it.