cricketannie Member


  • Awesome! I want to join. I'll start officially tracking it tonight. Thanks! Annie
  • Diamond Back. I have a diamond back and have been riding it since I was 270lbs. I'm down to 220 now and haven't so much as had to replace a spoke. It's durable and dependable. My husband rides a diamond back also. He's about 315. We ride almost every weekend, and some week these bikes get a LOT of use.
  • ohh yummy. Those are probably less than 200 cals each depending on what products you use. A regular crescent roll is around 100 cals. The reduced fat kind is about 70. depending on how much cheese you use, you could make some pretty low calorie yummy tasting snacks. These would be good to make with kiddos, too! I know mine…
  • sounds sooooo good!
  • I just read a blog about this! The only way I can get over my fear is to put on sunglasses and headphones to block out the rest of the world, and take my dog with me. Having her run beside me makes it a little easier...It takes the focus off of me a little bit b/c everyone I see always looks right past me and to my pretty…
  • Target. They have every thing out where you can buy just one or two, and they are only a couple dollars each. Also they are much nicer than Walmart's dishes. I learned that the hard way. My first dish set was from Walmart, and within a year I had to go out and buy new ones. I bought some from target, and have had them for…
  • change up what you are eating. Up your protein, and really really watch your sodium intake. Drink loads of least that's what someone told me to do after my 4 week plateau. I lost over 2 lbs this week, so for me it worked!
  • I have that problem all the time. Sometimes I make myself make whatever food I'm craving, take one bite, then throw it in the trash. I know it's really wasteful and all, but it works for me. It reminds me that I can turn down the food...and also gets the fattening foods out of my fridge. Good luck!!!
  • So happy for you!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!
  • I have been trying to lose weight for almost a year now. I started at 278, then joined MFP at 268. I currently weigh 224 and I am allowed 1390cals a day. I exercise 3-4 times a week for about an hour. I just recently lowered my activity level on my goals because I has stopped losing weight. It took off a couple hundred…
  • I was having this problem, too. I would make a healthy dinner, and the kids wouldn't eat it because it was not what they were used to. I had to make the rule: What I make for dinner is what you eat, or you can not eat at all. My kids only held out 2 times before they realized I am serious about my rule. Now we can actually…
  • Trail mix. get the kids with chocolate. Bagels with natural PB and nutella. mmmmmm cheese and wheat thins (i have to measure these carefully b/c I will over eat WAY too easily on these) bluebell fruit bars. Best. Popsicles. Ever. These are not all super low cal, but the beat the heck out of a snickers bar any day.
  • One for me was after I lost 40lbs, and then realized how big I actually was because some of my clothes just then fit me properly. Apparently I had been in denial about it. Another is that I am embarrassed to exercise in front of people because I feel like they are judging me for being so big. The worst is that my fat…
  • I've heard that before, and I honestly don't think the people realized how insensitive they were being. Probably the worst one I've ever heard was from my ex fiancee just after he and I split up. "Babe, I know the world doesn't view you as attractive, but I've always found you beautiful." My reply was "F*** you" don't…
  • I agree! There is no need to punish yourself. And if you still feel like you MUST punish yourself, why not take it out on yourself with a long hard workout, and then eat the amount of food your body actually needs to be healthy. It's not about the number of calories you's about being healthy. Sometimes you crave…
  • I usually log as I go. I just have to make the decision before I eat something "Is this worth logging?" and then decide if it is worth eating. 9 times out of 10 I make myself put the cookie down!! lol! Also if I decide to go ahead and eat the damn cookie, I know that I need to get in a little bit better workout that day.
  • I got a wii for christmas and I LOVE it. I have Wii Sport, and WII Fit w/balance board. The Wii Fit has options of creating your own workout and it leads you through the different exercises. I use it for yoga and aerobic workouts when I can't make it to the yoga studio or out for a jog/walk. It's a lot of fun! I don't know…
  • What a transformation!! Great work!!
  • I have been on daily steroids for my asthma since I was a teenager. It's the only way I can keep it under control. Yes it is harder for me to get my metabolism boosted, and extra hard when I have to go in for steroid shots for any illnesses I catch. On the bright side, knowing why you have some weight gain means knowing…
  • Amazing!!! You can see all that hard work paying off big time!!!
  • Fage is sooo good! I usually get the 2% with sides of fruit. Or the 0% and add some pudding mix or honey. They make great snacks and breakfasts. Also one serving gives you about 1/4 of your daily protein needs. Good luck!
  • I was feeling like giving up, also. I kinda plateaued at 35 lbs lost, and still had soooooo much to go. I went on and joined a challenge. Just a small one where we lost 10lbs by christmas. I have almost met that goal! Next we are doing a 10lbs down by Valentines day. I'm super excited about it. It works for me to be able…
  • "When you've seen beyond yourself-then you may find, peace of mind, Is waiting there- And the time will come when you see we're all one, and life flows on within you and without you." ---The Beatles Within You Without You--- I can't honestly say this defines me, but I try to think about it every day. also..... "Fat bottom…
  • I am a really messy person, but I am very VERY VERY particular about how I the bathroom towels are supposed to be folded....and then they don't always make it to the bathroom cabinet. But, dammit! They are folded neatly in a nice stack on my couch!
  • OOh I forgot Bele Fleck and the Flecktones! How could I forget them?!? Also Red Hot Chili Peppers. Can we pick more than 5? There's just way too many.
  • 1. The Beatles 2. Simon & Garfunkel 3. James Taylor 4. Radio Head 5. Nirvana This is only for popular music. Jazz has it's own special list, as does classical music. Ooooh and then there are musicals. Can you guys tell I was a music major? :tongue:
  • The way I look at it is that if you are on here and logging, you are looking for some "good job's" and "way to go's" A lot of my friends are partaking in their weight loss journey's on their own and without a lot of family encouragement. Sometimes you need someone to tell you "good job" after you decided to eat an orange…
  • That is so wonderful!!! I remember the first time I could jog around the block without feeling like I was about to die, so I know how you feel. GREAT JOB!!!!
  • I want to get in on this for December. I need something to hold me accountable for all those bowls of cereal, icecream, candy, leftovers, or whatever else my hands might grab while I'm watching tv at night. Such a great idea!!