females 200lbs+ What works for you??

bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
hey guys. been kinda stuck in the same weight. not sure if im eating too much, too little, or whats up. i weigh 214, i work out typically 5 times a week for 60-90 minutes. i was eating 1600-1700 calories but im going up to 1870 this week just to see if thats the issue - a few friends recommended upping my calories.

how many calorie do you guys eat? have you found that upping them sometimes helps you lose weight? let me know. if you can - show me what you weigh/howmanycalsyoueat/howoftenyouworkout if you are losing steady weight that would be awesome, just so i could compare and contrast!

thanks so much !


  • dayylight
    Starting weight: 256
    Current Weight: 238

    I used to eat 1,670 calories a day, then 1,570. I just got lowered to 1,520. I usually get to eat more than that because I work out at least 4x a week/ 30 minutes cardio and I do different exercise dvds a few times a week. I've been consistently losing 1-2 pounds a week. I recommend eating back your exercise calories, at least part of them. Also, I like to have a spike day every now and then because it keeps my body confused. I find I gain a little right after I spike but then the next week I net a bigger loss. I also drink a ton of water every day, and in my personal experience when I drink lots of water I have an easier time losing weight.

    Hope this all helps.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    I'm down to 198 from 243 (I was 187 before the holidays -- I indulged a little too much) but I eat between 900-1400 calories a day, and do 30-90 minutes of cardio 3-6 days a week.

    I typically lose between 2-6 lbs a week.

    When I was stuck at a plateau, I completely STOPPED counting calories and exercising for 2 weeks. When I started up again, I dropped weight pretty quickly.
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    Highest known weight- 274
    Current weight- 240

    When I started MFP (20lbs ago) it had me set to 1370, then 1320, and when I hit the 20lb loss mark it dropped me down to 1250. I try and eat at least the 1200 calories, find filling, low-calorie alternatives, and it's been working really well for me.

    I generally exercise 45-90 minutes 4 or more times a week.

    Good luck breaking your plateau!
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    I weigh 97kg (213lbs) and for the past three weeks I've been really strict sticking to around 1300 cal a day (except for dinner on Saturday night) and doing two thirty minute workouts each day- swimming, weight training and stationary exercise bike. I've been steadily losing 1kg per week (2.2llbs). That might just be me. A month ago I was eating mass quantities of takeaway food and not exercising so we'll see how much longer this lasts. Goodluck :)
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I'm down to 198 from 243 (I was 187 before the holidays -- I indulged a little too much) but I eat between 900-1400 calories a day, and do 30-90 minutes of cardio 3-6 days a week.

    I typically lose between 2-6 lbs a week.

    When I was stuck at a plateau, I completely STOPPED counting calories and exercising for 2 weeks. When I started up again, I dropped weight pretty quickly.

    I'm down to 205 from 247 (since joining in Oct). Since I have quite a bit to lose, I don't eat my exercise cals back. This is a hot button issue here in the forums. I rarely do it, don't want to lecture lol! I consume anywhere from 900-1300 a day. I just updated my goals though and was dropped down to 1200 a day by MFP. I typically lose between 2-5 a week. If I plateau, I spike my cals for a few days. I work out 5 days a week for 60 minutes.

    Good luck!
  • Kristyjoy
    Kristyjoy Posts: 2 Member
    This might sound weird, but I've always found the most success when I've only focussed on losing weight and gave up the workouts. I'm not suggesting not being active or healthy living, but I find my body doesn't lose weight as fast if I'm working out all the time. Also, I'll second the water motion- I have to make sure I'm drinking 2-2.5 litres a day if I want to see optimal weight loss
  • KemahSunshine

    These are changes that I have made for myself. Each person is on their own journey. What works for me may not work for you. It is always a work in progress. So, the more I learn the more changes I make to improve my health & my life.
    I have learned that there is no quick fix, no magic pill & no going back. Health & well being are more a state of mind than anything else. It doesn’t take self-discipline … it takes self- love. I have finally gotten to a place in life where I love who I am (not necessarily how I look) and, most importantly…
    I have discovered… I AM WORTH IT!!!

    However, PORTION CONTROL IS ESSENTIAL!!! I would rather savor a morsel of dark chocolate than to scarf down a ton of it & get nauseous like I used to… NEVER AGAIN!

    2. CALORIES IN/ CALORIES OUT… it really is that simple!
    I personally keep my calorie intake to 1200-1400 per day & make it a habit to either go walking or ride the stationary bike 4-6 days per week. Each time I try to increase my previous calorie burn. I set little personal challenges for myself. I also have a pedometer & strive for 10,000 steps each day. That alone will burn
    1lb per week. It doesn’t sound like much but, in a year that’s 52lbs… just from something as simple as walking! My goal is to own an Elliptical Machine & a Total Gym for resistance training…. Then I can alternate my workouts.

    Most Breads, White Potatoes, White Rice, White Pastas, Red Meats, Cow’s Milk, Cheese, Refined Sugars, Salt, Gravy’s, Dressings, Anything Breaded & Fried & Sodas- (even diet).
    These choices are made because these items are usually the items that are high in calories, cause me to gain weight quickly or have other adverse effects I just don’t want to deal with. I don’t abstain from all of them all the time but, I am selective I pay close attention to the portions I consume. (EX: I wouldn’t want to put 200 calories of creamy salad dressing on my 35 calorie salad when I can put some other veggies & seasoning like Mrs. Dash on it & keep the calories low. Then enjoy a nice piece of grilled chicken for 179 calories & have a well balanced meal that is much more filling than just a small salad alone!)

    A. I CREATED A LOG that I put my weight loss goals on… broken down by the week. So, it is much more manageable to look at this weeks goal of 2-3lbs weight loss instead of the whole 100lbs of weight loss.
    B. I WEIGH DAILY! I do this to help me see where my food choices are affecting my weight. There are & will be fluctuations… sometimes it’s two steps forward & one step back… sometimes it’s a plateau.
    C. I DRINK LOTS OF WATER! I Love Water with Lemon, Teas & Coffees as well… these are my Staples! 8-9 8oz servings a day!
    D. I SLEEP! 6-8 hours a night.
    E. I JOINED www.myfitnesspal.com ….Its a great tool for tracking foods & exercise as well as a wonderful support system with lots of others who are also on their own weight loss journey & inspirational success stories as well!


    Best Wishes!!!
  • rollycollysmama
    starting weight 238
    Current weight 227
    MFP has given me 1750 cal intake a day, I find it nearly impossible to eat that many a day, considering i'm doing 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. I know I just started, but I found that finding filling low carb/cal food makes it much easier for me, I have also been drinking half my body weight in oz of water a day. so for me, its 14 cups... I measure it too, because lord knows I hate water and if I dont have to drink and extra oz i wont. I went from being nearly compleatly inactive, to doing 15 mintes of elipitcal training twice a day. I also concentrate on "dressing my plate" I split my plate into two quarters and one half, one quarter for protein, one quarter of a healthy carb and than a half of the plate is salad and or fruit. I stopped using salad dressings by adding grapes in my salad, it gave it that sweet taste I was looking for, without a boat load of uneeded fat! The last thing I did, which I really think was BRILLIANT! I made a personal goal...if I was going to sit on facebook, even for one minute to be mindless...I had to go work out for 5 minutes first... those five minutes add up FAST, if your someone like me who log in every hour or two out because your board. i found zumba clips on youtube, so I've been doing at least once, sometimes two dances infront of my computer before I type in www.facebook.com LOL its been so much fun, and I look silly, and stupid, and clumsy, but its a great work out..unlike my elipitical i can actually feel the "burn" like 2 minutes into it. so I know its doing somthing good! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • nicoleisback
    My personal experience is whenever I work out and eat well in an attempt to lose weight I will always lose less than when I just eat well. I guess it is the whole muscle weighs more than fat thing. I do find, however, I am generally able to still see results when I take my measurements.
  • Tari150
    Tari150 Posts: 17
    Starting weight 242
    Weight now 226

    The last time I tried losing weight I ate a lot of "diet foods", foods that were sugar-free or processed low fat or low cal foods and I lost very slowly, sometimes only a pound every two weeks. This time I am staying away from "diet foods" and am trying to eat a lot less processed foods and am losing at a steady rate each week. Hope this helps.
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Start weight 10/1/11: 208
    Highest weight: 230
    Current weight is: 176
    Loss since 10/1/11: 32

    I don't exercise at all and eat right around 1200 cal/day.
    I eat lots, LOTS of vegetables, starchy and not.
    I do not eat butter, mayo, fat based salad dressings and the like, or add any kind of oil to my food before, during or after cooking.
    I do eat nuts, seeds, avocados & olives.

    I have steadily lost weight over the past 3.5 months. Before whenever I tried to loose weight I didn't know about eating mostly vegetables all day. I was never satisfied, often hungry and found it hard to loose even with exercise. But now I get full, even stuffed, and often have calories left over.

    I have been 8 wks recovering from a foot surgery with my foot up 6-8 hrs/day, so my activity was even lower than my usual sedentariness. ;-) I was astonished to still loose weight. I had been so worried that I'd blow up like a balloon!

    I'd read that higher and higher fat, salt and sugar content in packaged, processed foods creates insatiable apetite for more and more. When you cut that out your body can respond, I don't know, I guess I'd say, respond more honestly.
    Anyway, it's sure worked for me, like a dream. I'm looking forward to eating my way down to never before attained weights by summer. I do hope to do some walking and light exercising and be able to enjoy summer clothes and even swimsuits (which haven't ever been a fun thing for me). I'll 52 yrs old, by the way.
    I'm excited about this new (to me) way of eating/living!

    I wish you the best of luck!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I cant believe how few calories everyone is eating. The minimum anyone should be eating is 1200 so those of you eating 900-1200 and still working out.. i really just gotta say wtf. Thanks for the answers but Im still looking for someone who is eating a realistic amount of calories and working out. Anyone? I don't usually eat my work out calories but I do eat the calories mfp recommends for me and I've lost quite a bit of weight that way. Maybe I should lower but Im gonna try to up them first for the week. Thanks for the answers guys.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    I'm down to 198 from 243 (I was 187 before the holidays -- I indulged a little too much) but I eat between 900-1400 calories a day, and do 30-90 minutes of cardio 3-6 days a week.

    I typically lose between 2-6 lbs a week.

    When I was stuck at a plateau, I completely STOPPED counting calories and exercising for 2 weeks. When I started up again, I dropped weight pretty quickly.

    I'm down to 205 from 247 (since joining in Oct). Since I have quite a bit to lose, I don't eat my exercise cals back. This is a hot button issue here in the forums. I rarely do it, don't want to lecture lol! I consume anywhere from 900-1300 a day. I just updated my goals though and was dropped down to 1200 a day by MFP. I typically lose between 2-5 a week. If I plateau, I spike my cals for a few days. I work out 5 days a week for 60 minutes.

    Good luck!

    When I saw I was quoted, I thought it was going to be someone yelling at me for eating under 1200! Glad we're on the same page! I hate the 1200 calorie myth!!! I eat A LOT of food, and I exceed all of the require nutrients and vitamins, while generally staying under carbs/sugar/sodium/fat... I just eat a mostly natural, plant based diet.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    PW: 234
    CW: 222

    I just started in December, so I have not yet experienced what you are going through. Still, I have lost 12 lbs in 1 month, 2 inches on my waist, 1 inch on my hips, and .5 inches on my neck. I just started working out this past week due to a previous knee injury that flared up a couple days when I previously attempted to start. I am very much in the "count calories" and "you don't have to deprive yourself of anything" bootcamps.

    I have MFP set to lose 1lb a week (about 1700). However, I also did the math on what it would take to lose 2lbs a week (about 1200). Personally, I aim to be between those two numbers. As such, I never actually eat around the same amount of calories day by day because I do not aim for any one number, but for a range of numbers. I NEVER eat under 1200 unless I am ill. I will eat back any exercise calories to get above my minimum mark. I do this because this is a lifestyle, not a diet, and no way in heck would I be able to sustain such a low calorie amount personally. That, and it's just not healthy in general.
  • Christinemary6
    Christinemary6 Posts: 60 Member
    This might sound weird, but I've always found the most success when I've only focussed on losing weight and gave up the workouts. I'm not suggesting not being active or healthy living, but I find my body doesn't lose weight as fast if I'm working out all the time. Also, I'll second the water motion- I have to make sure I'm drinking 2-2.5 litres a day if I want to see optimal weight loss

    I agree. Exercise to get fit, not to lose weight.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    This is my first week on MFP starting at 250 and I'm 5'8", and I'm eating 1500 calories per day, and not eating exercise calories. So far I have found this easy to stick to by eating "sensibly" so I don't feel deprived or starved. I snack pretty frequently. I am also doing P90X which means working out 6 days/week, and I try to eat some protein following each workout. When I'm not working out, I'm very sedentary as I spend a lot of the day on the computer for work.

    I will try out the 1500 for the week and see where I'm at/how I feel and adjust accordingly. As I continue losing weight my plan is to rotate between 1300-1600 cal/day weeks to change things up. I've hit plateaus in the past and they totally suck, wanna avoid them!
  • KMiche82
    KMiche82 Posts: 144 Member
    I try not to eat my exercise calories and eat between 1200-1400 calories per day and I drink at least 80oz of water, and my pounds have been peeling off.
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    When i started i was 210lbs and i ate 1800 calories a day and walked 30-60mins 6 days a week, i lost 36lbs in 6 months and than started doing a video that was more intense and ate around 1500 and some days some of my exercise calories back. I was down a total of 53lbs in a lil over a year but also gained a lot if muscles towards the end. Now I'm pregnant and trying to keep my gain healthy and than will continue to my goal weight of 145lbs.
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    I have been trying to lose weight for almost a year now. I started at 278, then joined MFP at 268. I currently weigh 224 and I am allowed 1390cals a day. I exercise 3-4 times a week for about an hour. I just recently lowered my activity level on my goals because I has stopped losing weight. It took off a couple hundred cals a day, but those have paid off. I am back on track losing 1-2lbs a week. I ha to be honest with myself and realize that what I cal an active lifestyle might not be what MFP considers an active lifestyle.

    When it comes down t it, though, you know your body better than anyone else. There is no magic formula you can key into the computer that will help you lose weight. You just have to fiddle with the guidelines and let them just give you an idea of what you need to do.
    Good luck with everything!!!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I cant believe how few calories everyone is eating. The minimum anyone should be eating is 1200 so those of you eating 900-1200 and still working out.. i really just gotta say wtf. Thanks for the answers but Im still looking for someone who is eating a realistic amount of calories and working out. Anyone? I don't usually eat my work out calories but I do eat the calories mfp recommends for me and I've lost quite a bit of weight that way. Maybe I should lower but Im gonna try to up them first for the week. Thanks for the answers guys.

    Eating under 1200 may work for some temporarily, but they will plateau and be scratching their heads as to where they are going wrong. Also, more than likely muscle is what these people, who are eating too little, are losing. This is typical of most forum topics, but 98% of the advice in this thread is poor. Check out this thread for more valuable info/actual research to back up "eat more to lose more".
