Controlling urges and binging

I have been doing my fitnesspal for three days. The first day I was way under my calories and the second day I was way over and binge eating mini candy bars and individual snack bag chips! Today I managed to hold it all off until just an hour or so ago when I ate a bag of mixed nuts. I am disgusted with myself and am looking for help or suggestions on how to control that behavior. Thanks.:sad:


  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    I'm really struggling with terrible binges as well lately. I wish I had some advice, but I think for me, I need to start busying myself and start laying down the law. It's almost like I convince myself that "calorie counting has no power over me" and binge, just to spite the system. Obviously this doesn't work. Would love to hear other thoughts, and good luck!
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    Maybe you could try an activity to take your mind off food like a walk around the block, reading a book, or watching a show you like.
  • Ciarn
    Ciarn Posts: 92
    Bump!!! I have the same problem, I eat very good on the weekdays and for some reason I bing and eat all the bad foods on the weekends :-( trying to work on it.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    My best advice is to not beat yourself up about it too much. If you binge, or you fail, you have to pick back up and keep trying. Everyone has bad meals, days, weeks, but what makes someone successful is their ability to remain focused on a goal. Also, make sure you don't deprive yourself to lose weight. Deprivation can lead to binges. I have lost 40lbs and never given up chocolate, bacon, or beer. Everything in moderation,
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    These are great suggestions.

    Also, I would add making better snack choices. You seem to go for high sugar stuff that makes your sugar peak and crash a lot.

    Have some lean protein instead.

    10 almonds
    a boiled egg
    beef jerky (small portion)

    Eat it slowly, drink some water, and distract yourself like the above poster said.

    You won't be hungry any more

    Good luck!
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Please know you are not alone, I am a diagnosed food addict and binge eater, I usually binge on healthy food but always too much and almost always due to stressful situations, I have an all or nothing mentality, I can go weeks without doing it and then all of a sudden BAM! and nothing stops me, the more I eat the more out of control I feel and them more angry and depressed I get.....i literally have to pull myself out of it, a few things I do are:

    1. Ask myself is this real hunger of am I just bored etc
    2. I drink two glasses of water before I attempt to eat something
    3. I picture myself feeling sick after eating
    4. I go and pick up a magazine or book
    5. I run a bath to soak in
    6. I paint my toenails
    7. Put on a workout DVD and exercise
    8. Have cut up healthy snacks to reach for

    So anything to really distract myself, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but the most important thing to do is to recognise why you are doing it, stress, boredom etc, mine is also habit and it's about breaking the habit and forming a new one, my binges are nowhere near what they used to be so you can do it but you have to be consistent.

  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Janice it was so hard for me when I first started this way of life. What I have found that helps me the most is by eating every 2 to 3 hours. I plan what I am gonna eat and I always have something that is in my plan to munch on. Here are some of the snacks I carry, cheese, cut up apples, few almonds, yogurt, carrots, celery. anything jus to eat so I dont wanna binge on the food not on my plan. I also carry around water sip out of it all day water sometime will fill you up where you are not hungry. Don't get disgusted or discouraged, whenyou mess up just get right back on track. We all do it and as long as you start over you will be successful.. Melva
  • nikkibyrdRN
    nikkibyrdRN Posts: 37 Member
    I personally try not to get over excited if I screw up. It keeps me from giving up. Take it minute by minute. When you have an urge, try drinking a big glass of water, brush your teeth or even chew a piece of gum. Something to get your mind off of it. If you give it just 10 or 15 minutes, you might find that you really didn't want the snack anyway. Another thing that helps me is to not have those types of things in my home! Healthy snacks make for healthy options!! :)
  • ArmyBound2012
    Hey there....dont be so hard on yourself....its only day 3. Seems like you have a sweet tooth. One thing that helps me with the cravings is a banana and a cup of skim milk. To fill the other voids, water is the best...try for half a gallon a day for now...eventually progressing to a gallon. Portion control allows you to eat from 4-6 times a day. Set a cut off time for eating. I take a bottle of water to bed with me every night. Veggies, fruit, and protein are your best friends when dieting. Stay away from breads and pastas....of course the fried foods. Anything else you may need....add me as a friend. #ARMYBOUND
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Hey gals!

    If you've just begun your journey, my only advice would be not to restrict your diet too much in that first week as that is when your body realises that things are changing and it begins to crave more (I feel like my body 'freaks out') and then we binge eat. In my first week I cut back on all the extra bits and pieces and focused on swapping & finding better alternatives. After those first initial days (or week) your cravings aren't as bad. I ended up losing 3 kilograms in my first week! Before I began, I had a normal eating day and recorded everything - to say the least I was SHOCKED at how many calories I was actually consuming. The best thing that my dietician once directed to me was to eat whole grains, have a big breakfast, have a big ham & salad sandwich for lunch, and base most meals around palm sized meat and veg. Snacks are to be yogurts, etc. But the most important thing he said & my personal trainer said was "You can't always be perfect - you're allowed to have little extras every now & then". I didn't listen, I got obsessed and then after 8 weeks & 5 kilo's gone I put it all back on when I stopped (and I was very stressed out & emotionally eating due to job circumstances). I now try my best to stick to my diet but I am not going crazy. I eat extremely nutritious food now filled with whole grains & low go choices, nuts, salad & veg, good quality meat - but I am still eating pasta, chocolate and even had macdonald's the other night. I feel full all the time & I don't feel like I am missing out - I am simply just having smaller portions!

    Good luck. The first week is the hardest! I have been doing this for 4 weeks and have lost 5.2 kilograms. :-) Only 5 more to go! :)
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    I have that problem all the time. Sometimes I make myself make whatever food I'm craving, take one bite, then throw it in the trash. I know it's really wasteful and all, but it works for me. It reminds me that I can turn down the food...and also gets the fattening foods out of my fridge.
    Good luck!!!
  • cbeauford132
    This is going to sound crazy but ICE COLD WATER!!! It truly helps hunger cravings and the face that your stomach has to warm up the water burns calories! Quote taken from fox news website:
    "At a restaurant, make sure your water glass is always topped off and that it’s ice cold. Drinking water throughout your meal makes you feel fuller faster, and the coldness causes you to burn more calories to bring the water’s temperature up," said David Kirsch, New York City–based celebrity trainer (clients include Heidi Klum and Liv Tyler) and author of The Ultimate New York Diet.

    Read more:

    It really works. Alos I am an absolute choco holic!!!! I have found that the 90 calorie packs are awesome. Specil k has a few fiber one has some very very yummy brownies. Those have gotten me through my afternoons until supper.
  • JessLiane22
    JessLiane22 Posts: 10 Member
    I have the same problem! And I've been doing MFP for 4 days now a and haven't had any junk! This is AMAZING for me. One thing I needed to do is get rid of all the junk food in the house. That took care of some of the temptations. I've also had my boyfriend go to the store instead of me so i wouldnt be tempted to keep throwing candy and snack food in the cart. Now I know I can't stay out of the store for ever, but the way I see it, it's a habit I need to control. So I'm detoxing myself of all the junk and sweets that have essentially been ruining my life. Ya, I could work a sweet or two into my calorie count for the day, but then I would have to control how much I eat and not pig out. And that's always been a reason for my diet failures. So I've decided not to put myself in that situation, ya know? Be kind to myself and not add extra stress to my daily routine, when some days are hard to get through as it is. Good news is...WE CAN DO THIS!! One day at a time...
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    My best advice is to not beat yourself up about it too much. If you binge, or you fail, you have to pick back up and keep trying. Everyone has bad meals, days, weeks, but what makes someone successful is their ability to remain focused on a goal. Also, make sure you don't deprive yourself to lose weight. Deprivation can lead to binges. I have lost 40lbs and never given up chocolate, bacon, or beer. Everything in moderation,


    There are no bad foods. It is possible to eat within your calorie limit and still have a treat. Of course, it means giving up something more nutritional to do so but it can be done. Some people do it daily. Some just once or twice a week. It depends on how much you need that treat to keep you going.

    You can also up your exercise to give you more calories to eat.

    Something else that might help. I zig-zag my calories throughout the week. I have days where my hunger is less and often eat below my calorie target. So I bank those calories to use for splurges later in the week.
  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    i would find some friends on MFP who have similar goals. make your food diary public, maybe the shame game will be good motivation? this journey is about wanting to do this and wanting to do this for yourself, no one else. sometimes you will have bad days, who doesnt, try again the next day. whats the worst that can happen? you CAN do this, you are here, you have taken the first steps. best of luck on your journey
    bump. :)
  • ReggieOwens
    1. Don't buy it
    2. Start tracking everything you eat. Everything. It will give a sense of accountability for your actions and you can see the damage. Kinda like how writing something helps you memorize it.
    3. If you have it, throw it in the trash.
    4. Of course make sure you're not truly a food addict. If you're not sure, research it. Because if you are (most aren't) go get the necessary help.
    5. You may need to experiment with your meal timing. Such as eating later in the day, or skipping or adding breakfast, whichever is your vice versa. If you have breakfast I suggest very few carbs and if so make it ezekiel bread or something similar, along with mostly good fats and proteins. Egg(s)(yes with the yolks) scrambled with a little olive oil and lean ham, canadian bacon, or even regular bacon..
    6. If you're trying to eat " 6 to 8" small meals this can also increase urges. (yea I know that one will cause some hissy fits). Vice versa. if you're currently eating a bunch of small meals, you may need to switch to, say, 3 larger ones. None of that crap makes a difference it's all hype and it's totally dependent on the individual as to what will ultimately be the most beneficial. At the end of the day it's: Did you get your adequate intake of calories and nutrition?
    7. Make sure you're eating enough decent calories a day.
    8. Eat an apple or pickle...or two, if you can fit it in your intake.
    9. yes try a large glass of water, perhaps with #8
    10. If it's early in the day, try caffeine.
    11. Some people report Glutamine as having an appetite suppressing kick
    12. Know that one binge or even one day or two doesn't really damage your goals, or shouldn't at least.
    13. Ditch the 100 calorie snack packs. You'll probably just eat 2 or 3 of them. And since they are pretty much devoid of anything useful for curing a crave, i.e. fiber or fat, or protein, for instance, you'll probably just want more.
    14. Again, check your intake. Higher fat meals help you feel fuller longer. Of course, the fat type and amount is important.
    15. Workout or take a brief walk if you can.

    Of course this is all barring a malfunction or disease. Consult with your physician to know for sure.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    I view binging as an addiction. Although I have only been losing weight (this time) for a month I no longer feel the need to reach for the ice cream, cake or crisps at night.

    I asked myself how could I possibly be hungry 60-90 mins after dinner, I easily go between breakfast to lunch and lunch to dinner without feeling the need for food so it cannot be a true signal my body is giving me. Once I reaslied it was an addiction and not a true need for food I went cold turkey and had 3 or 4 grumpy nights when I really wanted to eat but did not. The night when I went to the gym later as work and kids pushed things back was the easiest.

    After those 3-4 days I have not craved food after dinner anymore.

    To get through the 3-4 days I focused on the main reasons why I am wanting to lose weight and why this time is different to all the others.
  • hybridscientist
    hybridscientist Posts: 93 Member
    I'm going to suggest really researching what happens to the food when it enters your body.

    Have a look into what happens when you eat carbs, protein and fats. have a look at what happens when you eat refined carbs, unrefined carbs, unsaturated fat, saturated fat, lean protein, fattyer portions of protein etc etc etc. Get really educated.

    When you eat something you'll then have an appreciation of what happens when you eat it and how it's going to effect your body.

    I do not deprive myself of things. Since I've found out how food effects my body, I can look at something and think 'ok a LITTLE bit of that isn't going to hurt, but a lot of it is'. It's all about portions. I also agree with eating every few hours... if you're not hungry you're not likely to binge.
  • DairByNature
    DairByNature Posts: 35 Member
    i stuggled masive over the weekend & i was over my food intake for 2 days but today im back to routine, as im now feeling rubbish n sorry for myself & if anyone does have good ideas for tempting food im all ears x x x