
  • Great! Thanks... Yes, I'd consider it a superset. I actually do pull-ups now as a compliment, so I guess great minds think alike. I was just looking for a more well rounded set of options though, so a row would be ideal! I'd imagine other chest exercises like chest flies wouldn't be such a good idea, correct?
  • I get pumped by listening to this band called Giuda... They're on Spotify. Their album is "Racey Roller."
  • I love Gardein stuff.. There's this veg fast food place that serves a Gardein chicken burger, where they batter, bread and fry a Gardein patty themselves. Out of this world! There's also a new product on the market that I like even better that Gardein called Beyond Meat. I haven't seen it in too many places, but my local…
  • Going to see the Specials tomorrow. Saw them about 15 years ago and they were great then!
  • Awesome! A couple friends of mine went and somehow got into the sold-out Damned show for free. Not like they haven't seen them before, but that's definitely an added bonus. Maybe I'll try to make the trip next year. Didn't know Turbonegro was even still around!
    in Hi! Comment by RUNNINxRIOT June 2013
  • Ahh.. I can definitely mix up hand positions, I always try to push/pull up with explosive power and slowly let myself down. Any other advice on sets/reps maybe? Is a 20 minute workout of these enough to make some gains? @Cast... Yes, I could definitely work in some squats too. I'd like to somehow work in just bodyweight…
  • I can manage to do push-ups without much of a problem (some slight pain) if I angle my hand right. This was meant to be more of a general question too though. If push-ups and pull-ups are done properly, with increased resistance, could that just be done in lieu of traditional barbell/dumbbell weights and such (I'm thinking…
  • Beets; or what I affectionately refer to them as, sugar-dirt.
  • Just saw Peter Murphy last week doing Bauhaus on his Moonlight tour. Great show but he never came out for an encore! WTF?
  • Great list!
  • Florence, Italy and Frisco, CA.. NYC to a lesser extent.
  • So here's my playlist.. Literally, from Spotify: Blitz - "We Are the Boys" Cockney Rejects - "Police Car" Brigada Flores Magon - "Black Bloc Revenge" The Boys - "Living in the City" The Business - "Real Enemy" TNT - "Zuri Brannt" Cocksparrer - "Working" (or "running riot" of course!) Zounds - "Can't Cheat Karma" The…
  • This is an ongoing issue for me. I'm a vegan so most protein sources come with calories; i.e. nuts, beans or grains like quinoa. It's hard for me to get my weight in grams of protein without going over my calorie intake which would cause bulking. Spinach is a nice source, but I can only eat so much of that in a day, so I…
  • I use a scoop of Now pea protein and a scoop of Source Naturals rice protein respectively in my shakes. Not sure if they're as good as some of the other stuff out there, but they serve me just fine. Throw in some almond milk and a banana, and you're set.
  • Thanks for the responses.. It does sound like there's some disagreement even here, so let me ask this: How much should body indeed be burning when doing a strength-only session with periods of rest? I tend to agree that if the heart is beating, then calories are theoretically being burned; so why would it be any different…
    in LIAR! Comment by RUNNINxRIOT May 2013
  • Cool, thx for the tip. I use the FullFitness app, and have run out of full routines on there. @DavPul I'm looking mainly for strength, so I'm going heavy with them, no more that 6-8 reps for about 4 sets. I have plates so they're adjustable.
  • This is just about identical to mine, but sometimes I'll swap out for blueberries. I also use a scoop of rice and a scoop of pea protein.
  • Hummus with celery is probably the quickest thing to do. It's fairly inexpensive and it's very healthy. Although it involves beans technically, it doesn't really taste like beans... Add some dill and it's like the best tasting thing you'll eat.
  • Okay... Now I really am in the wrong catagory... Can't posts be retracted or edited once posted??? Geez! This is not a good way to start off!
    in Hey... Comment by RUNNINxRIOT May 2013
  • Nawww.. .Not looking for recipes necessarily. Just a point of interest for being on here. I really was trying to introduce myself. Lol. @princess, I definitely have some I could share, I wouldn't call them all healthy though!
    in Hey... Comment by RUNNINxRIOT May 2013