Wow, thanks for sharing!
Wow that's awesome! Never hurts to try, count me in!!
Oh!!! I can definitely relate to this! It was like that for me when I went to the store earlier today. It's like little devils everywhere you turn. That's awesome that you went back and got your money instead of the junk food. I can't say that I would've done that. You rock! Keep up the great work! You're doing so well!…
Bumping for later, I'm interested in others responses.
thanks for sharing!
Wow that's awesome! Thanks again for keeping me focused and on my A game! I truly appreciate you! Let's do 30 second wall sits 4 times.
Good Morning!! Count me in! Thanks for all your help sis! you're the best!
Let's get it!!! Grrrrr!!!! Time to buckle down! It's us against ourselves! We can do this!
Hey beautiful fit fam! I'm still in it and am a work in progress! My three things are working out a minimum of four days per week which I've done!!! Woop Woop!!! Turning off my Ipad, laptop, cell phone for surfing the web purposes @ 10:00 so that I can get more rest: I started off well with this but it's been a struggle…
Wow, that's great! Very inspirational story! Thanks for sharing!
Wow you look great! This is so inspiring! Keep up the great work!
Wow this is very inspiring! You look great! This makes me want to get errrrr done! Keep up the great work!
Sounds good! Thanks!
I love this!!
Well everyone's body is different. If your weight loss has already stalled from not eating enough calories I'd say you should try eating at least 1200 calories regardless if you work out or not to prevent your body from going into starvation mode.
I will be reading this later when I'm off from work...can't wait!
I'm interested in knowing what you sent to her about appetite suppression.
I concur, nuvaring made sex painful and it was horrible for me. In fact it was the worse bc I've ever taken. I hate the decrease in libido...but I guess that's real bc for you.
Whoa you look grrreat!!! Very inspirational.
THUNDER THE HELL UPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I too have the same problem. I eat sugar like it's a drug. =(
Thanks for the recipe
sounds delish thanks for sharing.
congrats you look awesome!!!
great list
Sure! Thanks in advance
Wow you look great!!! Congrats!!!
I love the labrada lean pro's delicious and I get it from a local vendor for a steal. The vanilla tastes like a vanilla milk shake.
I do cardio every time I workout which is normally 4-5 times per week. I try to life weights on 2 or 3 of those days. I really don't have a strong workout plan. It depends on how I'm feeling that day. Lastnight I barely slept because of my loud neighbors so I'll probably rest today and skip the exercise all together. I've…