

  • I agree 100% with this.. I have found that if I don't eat all of my daily calories & most of my exercise calories that my weight fluctuates rather badly (up and down rather than just down) rather than having a steady loss. But as you said it does work slightly different for everyone. I am also looking at this as a life…
  • How about Dairylea or Extra Light Philadelphia with Celery in a Pita or low fat bread? or Salad Pita breads with a fat free yoghurt with mint dressing? Or jacket potatoes with tuna? Tuna sandwich or pita? Pasta Salads? Spicy rice with peas?
  • Edit: Not sure why but this posted twice,, wierd. Ignore this nothing to see here.. move along :)
  • How about Hearty Pasta Soup from one of my BBC Goodfood Healthy Eats cook books.. serves 4. You could swap the filled pasta for standard whole meal pasta for lower total fat. 1tbsp olive oil 2 carrots, chopped 1 large onion,finely chopped 1 litre/1 3/4 pints vege stock 400g can chopped tomatoes with garlic 200g frozen…
  • Hi Everyone.. 25 days into my cheesy American Power 90 workout & healthy eating, haven't missed a day of exercise yet and still feeling good most of the time :) I had a sneaky peak at my weight this morning even though I'm not due to weigh myself for another 4 days... I've gone from 14st 9lb to 13st 13lb! Woooot. I am…
  • Hey everyone... and welcome to the new peeps! Just thought I'd say Hi, still doing pretty good here been exercising every day & still eating better.. weigh day tomorrow :) Had a bit of an odd day on Saturday.. I had nearly my total daily calorie allowance in pints of Guinness at the pub! Still I only went over my calories…
  • This morning I had an organic whole grain muffin with poached egg & turkey bacon.. oh and brown sauce :) Yumm!
  • Welcome matey.. well done on the previous loss that's superb! :) Hopefully we can all keep each other motivated when we need it..
  • joanna_marie I know what ya mean about looking at yourself and not noticing.. I think its because I look down on my belly rather than fromt he front so it always looks big hahah!
  • Yeah it's pretty good.. I've never been into exercise DVD's as they are all usually aimed at the ladies. It's a bit cheesy and I would imagine gets boring after a while like anything.. but for me it works as it feels like a gym workout rather than a ladies fitness dvd (probably because of the sculpt\weight days every other…
  • Hey everyone.. Now on to my second week of exercise (P90 beginner program) & healthy eating.. lost my first bit of weight 3lbs! My belly feels a little smaller & I'm feeling much happier :) My wife is doing really well too and is getting into the exercise etc Hope everyone is doing well.. Tim
  • Thank you everyone for your advice.. I've amended my ratio to 50/30/20 for now and will see how I go in the next few days. I do eat cashews and sometimes plain peanuts in the day but obviously not enough. Thanks again.
  • Hello everyone.. Tim from Kent here.. only 6 days into my healthy regime & exercise regime.... feeling excellent and less bloated so far though. Hopefully I'll be positing in a week or so having lost a few pounds :) Goodluck all.. Tim
  • Thanks for the welcome :) I cooked fish (rainbow trout) last night.. cooked in lemon juice, a little butter & a few garlic cloves in a little parcel. First time in ages I have cooked fish and it was sooo nice :) I'm not fit enough yet for P90x so just doing the standard P90 for a while first so I don't injure myself.. is…