Team UK - May 2010



  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    It's been a little while since I posted, busy busy with the new job. In Australia I'd been used to living walking distance from where I worked so commuting kills me! Not to mention I have to walk past the McVities factory on my way to and from work and it smells delicious - like chocolate brownies baking - it's such a tease!!

    I know EXACTLY what you mean, I live less than a ten minute walk from the Nestlé factory in York. If the wind is blowing our way you can smell it all through our house even with the windows closed. Then you open the door or something and the smell just HITS you.

    I swear I gain a lb just from breathing in!

    Imagine what it is like working there :laugh: There are always Kit Kats in the snack room so it is really hard to lose weight when you are surrounded by chocolate. I wasn't at the front of the queue either when willpower was been given out :bigsmile: I have no chance smelling it and eating it :smile: What is that saying Just say No just say No Just say No - Oh go on then if you insist.

    Viv :heart:
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member

    Imagine what it is like working there :laugh: There are always Kit Kats in the snack room so it is really hard to lose weight when you are surrounded by chocolate. I wasn't at the front of the queue either when willpower was been given out :bigsmile: I have no chance smelling it and eating it :smile: What is that saying Just say No just say No Just say No - Oh go on then if you insist.

    Viv :heart:

    I think im quite envious of your job. Although I would be fired within the first week for trying to swim in melted chocolate :laugh:

    I would have thought being surrounded by chocolate all day would mean you'd be sick of it! When it smells of chocolate here after a few days the last thing i want is chocolate.. but I guess that makes up for the first few days, where all I want is chocolate :laugh: :

    Also.. can I have a kitkat =D
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Hi lovely UK-ers! Glad that we have all been enjoying the nice weather! Let's hope it comes back for the bank holiday!!

    Just thought I'd pop by and give you all a code for some free snacks! The company is Graze Box and using the code WJ5K48K you can get a FREE box of snacks - and your second one half price!! You can cancel at ANY time though - so get your free snacks and cancel if you like :)

    I've just got my first one and I'm really excited about it haha! They come with all the nutritional details and everything, I'm so impressed!! Individual packs too so you can have them on different days if you fancy! :)

    Hope some of you can get some good use of the code and enjoy your snacks! :)
  • reenyb
    reenyb Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone - Im new here and hoping to lose 14lbs which i have gained back since my weight Watchers days a few years ago. Have abandoned WW now as fed up with being constantly starving and having to convert calories to points - seems a good way of making life hard for yourself!

    My pat on the back for the week is running the Edinburgh half marathon on Sunday! My fall from grace was consuming my entire body weight in Magners and fizzy wine to celebrate, oops!

    nice to see a UK board and wish you all a good week.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Good afternoon :smile:

    I'm laughing at all the posts about the chocolate factory! Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on which way you look at it) I live in the country, so the only smell we get now and again is that good old country smell (moo poo) :sick:

    I've been so good over the last few weeks I rewarded myself last night with some new pants (I say rewarded, but honestly, my old ones were too big!) and a new pair of jogging bottoms.

    My boss is turning us all into fitness freaks, and has signed us all up for the Ballygowan Pink/Action Cancer Moonlight Walk next month. It's a night time walk from Stormont into Belfast City centre and back, so that should be fun. I need to get back to my walking properly though, as I've slipped slightly over the last month.
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Evening everyone - so the rain and the cold have turned my bed in to a much harder place to get out of in the morning!!!
    I'm still on daily exercise (all 44 days out of the last 46) and feel so much better for it - I can't believe I can actually still function without my morning lie in (usually til 7.30) - but it appears I can!!!
    Hope everyone's having a great week - we've got half term next week so temptation will be rife for 2 weeks!!!!
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Evening everyone - so the rain and the cold have turned my bed in to a much harder place to get out of in the morning!!!
    I'm still on daily exercise (all 44 days out of the last 46) and feel so much better for it - I can't believe I can actually still function without my morning lie in (usually til 7.30) - but it appears I can!!!
    Hope everyone's having a great week - we've got half term next week so temptation will be rife for 2 weeks!!!!

    Your "lie in" is till 7:30? :huh:
    Please tell me you mean in the evening! :laugh:
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Your "lie in" is till 7:30? :huh:
    Please tell me you mean in the evening! :laugh:

    Sadly not - the joy of life with 2 young kids - oh and apparently I have to turn up to work too :-)
    I don't mind in the summer months actually, the sunshine in the morning is one of my favourite sights, but in the winter I turn in to a hibernating bear - got to get in shape before the dark mornings come back ;-)!!
    I remember the days when my Mum would call me at 11.30am and I would be annoyed that she woke me up ....... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
  • galoot
    galoot Posts: 17
    Hi Everyone..

    25 days into my cheesy American Power 90 workout & healthy eating, haven't missed a day of exercise yet and still feeling good most of the time :)

    I had a sneaky peak at my weight this morning even though I'm not due to weigh myself for another 4 days... I've gone from 14st 9lb to 13st 13lb! Woooot.

    I am really proud of myself as I've never stuck to exercising, its good to hear everyone is doing really well too.

    Take care all, Tim
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone - sounds like you're all doing really well (swimming in vats of melted chocolate fantasies withstanding!). Hope you've all got nice plans for the weekend. I'm off for a weekend at the in laws. Last time I was there I put on five pounds, even though I was trying to be careful - it's impossible to turn down my mother in law, let me tell you! I know we're booked to go out to eat all three days and then there will be cooked breakfast and lunch as well! Obviously I'll eat smaller portions and try to be careful, but sometimes no matter what you do you're scuppered. I'm taking my running stuff, and hopefully I'll be able to find time in the packed schedule to get a couple of runs in to off set a few of the excess cals!

    Take care everyone!

    Erika x
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hey everyone - sounds like you're all doing really well (swimming in vats of melted chocolate fantasies withstanding!). Hope you've all got nice plans for the weekend. I'm off for a weekend at the in laws. Last time I was there I put on five pounds, even though I was trying to be careful - it's impossible to turn down my mother in law, let me tell you! I know we're booked to go out to eat all three days and then there will be cooked breakfast and lunch as well!

    I'm doing the same thing, and yep! can't really tell them what they eat isn't healthy :P

    But also, since I'm in Devon, I feel that I must have Devonshire tea :P It's our only weekend away for the last couple of months though, so not going to let myself feel quilty about it!

  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Well done Tim, that's great progress!!
    I am on the last 3 days before my Florida holiday so I am starting to imagine vats full of lard for sale in the disney parks that my kids will be drawn to like moths to a flame!! Aaarrrgghhh! At least we're slef catering so two meals a day will be nutritious! I am trying not to be the food police on this holiday because actually I want a break from being the boring food/homework/room tidy/lifestyle police for my kids and I'm sure they'd like a break from it too!! I just hope they don't notice my ploy to get them swimming so much every day that it melts away!!!!
    Good luck for the next few weeks everyone and hope the sunshine comes back to play soon!
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Hey everyone - sounds like you're all doing really well (swimming in vats of melted chocolate fantasies withstanding!). Hope you've all got nice plans for the weekend. I'm off for a weekend at the in laws. Last time I was there I put on five pounds, even though I was trying to be careful - it's impossible to turn down my mother in law, let me tell you! I know we're booked to go out to eat all three days and then there will be cooked breakfast and lunch as well!

    I'm doing the same thing, and yep! can't really tell them what they eat isn't healthy :P

    But also, since I'm in Devon, I feel that I must have Devonshire tea :P It's our only weekend away for the last couple of months though, so not going to let myself feel quilty about it!


    I'm at the in-laws aswell, This seems to be a popular week for that!:laugh:

    I'm managing to stay within my guidelines though :happy: , the food here isnt the healthiest either (bbq's, 2 whole casks of beer , cakes galore and sunday roasts :explode: ) but I'm making up for it by much smaller portions, and surprisingly I'm not hungry at all. Not to mention that Im having to steer clear of the beer and only help myself to the occasional half pint. Its castle rock screech owl aswell, so that isnt an easy task :sad:
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all,

    Hope you have all had a really good bank holiday weekend!! :smile: I've had a mixed one, it's been quiet and very loud. :laugh: Didn't do much on Friday when I was off work, took time to chill out and enjoy some me time. Saturday was spent packing as I was staying overnight at my mate's static caravan home in Pwllhelli, North Wales. What should have been a nice 2 hour drive along the coast, turned into a very stressful 4 and a half hour stop start journey. Eventually got there at 6pm after leaving home at 1.30pm, so as soon as I was parked up it was onto the Brandy and Coke!!

    Sunday was a really nice drive back (with no hangover!!!) and it did take two hours. Then it was home to a quick shower and change and back out as I was going up to Bradford for the Warrington Wolves Challenge Cup Quarter final game. The whole day was frought with nerves, but luckily we came through and won by only 4 points!! Few celebratory pints later and it was back home. The rest of the time was just spend chilling out, and now unfortunately I am back in work. :frown:

    My weight doesn't seem to have changed for about 2-3 weeks now, so I'm going to mix my gym routine up a bit, try and burn the fat a bit quicker. Also need to really do the chest exercises as I'm getting well self conscious about my "man boobs" now, it's getting well out of hand and starting to really upset me. :sad:

    Good luck with this week everyone and hope you all hit your targets! :glasses:

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    Sorry guys n girls!!!!! hope to see u on the other siide!! x x x x x
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