Team UK - May 2010



  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Hi all - well I got married a week and a half ago - managed to get down from a size 22 to a small size 14 for the wedding (see my profile pic), and I felt like a million dollars!

    A week in Barcelona stuffing tapas and Rioja has put 5lb on but I've set a nice easy goal to get that off by 12 June. Then I want to lose another 10lb and I'll be happy as a pig in... :wink:

    Back to the gym later this week after I've cleared all the washing and ironing from the wedding and the holiday. Just going to go online to buy a gorgeous dress from Coast as an incentive.:tongue:

    Good luck for May everyone!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hi all - well I got married a week and a half ago - managed to get down from a size 22 to a small size 14 for the wedding (see my profile pic), and I felt like a million dollars!

    Congratulations! You look great in your dress :)
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all,

    Hoep you are well. I couldn't go the gym last night, but did the next best thing (well, for me anyway!!) and went the driving range to get a bit of practice in. Hopefully if it comes off, me and a few mates are playing a round of golf on Saturday and I'm really looking forward to it. :smile: Not been for a while and it will be really good exercise.

    Back in work now, but it's only 3 days to the weekend, so it's not all bad. :smile: Not having anything planned at all, will be a nice chilled out weekend, watching the Golf Players Championship and hopefully Warrington Wolves continuing the defence of their Challenge Cup!! :happy:

    My boss has made me a nice gesture aswell, she told me I don't need to take any holidays for my Aunt's funeral nest Tuesday afternoon, which is really nice of her. Also, I got called into the big bosses office in which I got really worried as I thought I got in trouble whilst I was off........I ended up walking out with a big pack of Cadbury's Heroes and a 6 pack of Budweiser. Since I'm not really drinking and watching what I eat, the missus can have them for when she goes round to her mates on Saturday. I'm glad I'm back in work in a way, as I can get back into my usual routine. With being off, I've not had any breakfast and it's been having an effect on me.

    Anyway, enough ramblings from me (which has come as a nice change, as the last few days has obviously been a bit sombre :frown:), lots of work to catch up on.

    Hope everyone has a good day and a big welcome to all the newbies. You'll find a heck of a lot of cracking people on here, who will motivate you, look after you and are very caring and considerate despite the fact that you have never met them in person. I consider a lot of people on here now to be really good friends of mine and over time, I'm sure all you new guys will aswell. :happy:

    Take care

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Kendra - Well done on the Size 18, I had a very similar experience in Debenhams in October when I was looking for a dress for a wedding. I think the shop assistant thought I was nuts! It's a fabulous feeling. :flowerforyou:

    hdelamore - Sounds like you're doing very well :happy:

    Rudie - Congrats on the wedding, and the weightloss. You look gorgeous and very happy in your photo. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new, lurkers and posters alike.

    KP - Glad to hear you're ok. Just remember to look after yourself .

    I'm supposed to be going to the gym tonight, but I feel a bit rough today. I've not been sleeping very well recently, and I think with the weekend it might all be catching up with me! Hopefully I'll feel a bit more awake this afternoon.

    Hope you all have a good day,

    Erika x
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Howdy Doody MFPeeps! :flowerforyou:

    Hugs to you all! I hope you all have a good May and the sun comes out wherever you certainly doesn't seem to want to in Leeds :angry:

    It's May and I'm going on holiday in JUNE! :noway: :glasses: :smokin: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Anyhoo...I've done quite badly the last couple weeks argh same old story do good do bad do good do bad = don't get a anywhere :brokenheart: :sad: :brokenheart: :sad:

    I'm on Day 11 of 30 Day Shred today...I'm starting Level 2 tonight, I took a sneak peek at the first couple exercises after completing level one last night...Oh. Dear. God. I'm gonna need some good lucks to complete Level 2 without keeling over I think!

    So...I went to Warehouse and bought some nice shorts for my holiday on the weekend...size 12 but they were a comfortable fit quite roomy, which is good BUT I think I might genetically supposed to be like a size 8 or something because even though there was quite a bit of give in the waist and around the thighs I still have orange peel leg, how much fat can physically be on me for God's sake :embarassed: anyway I'm hoping doing the Shred everyday for 2 months will help me out a bit but man on man I do get depressed about it :huh:

    6 wks until my Race for Life 10k - nobody has sponsored me in my office or my family yet :grumble: what the!

    Anyway who looks at my wall will probably know I was meant to weigh myself yesterday after a few weeks of not weighing myself...I bottled it. I'm doing it tonight and I've resigned myself to a bad result. I can only hope it's not THAT bad!

    Have a great day everyone!

    :heart: Mims
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    good luck mimi :)!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I may have had to wait at home all day and miss the gym... but I got the job! Woohoo!!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Evening All :happy:

    Cheers all for your best wishes, it's very much appreciated!! I talked to my sister's somemore and I'm resigned to waiting till the sale - if only for the price tag to drop some :happy: but I'm still on a high from fitting into a size 18.

    More good news, I had my weigh-in at the Rosemary Conley class I go to and I've lost 2.5lbs this week :noway: which I'm in shock about - since I was out for dinner on both Friday and Saturday and I know I went waaaaay over my calories. BUT I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and will be sticking to my calorie allowance for the rest of the week :happy:

    Katherine - good to see ya, as always :flowerforyou: and have a fab time @ the Westlife gig

    lilmissy2 - :drinker: WTG on getting the job :drinker: Cheers for the link btw, love checking out new food websites. And look no further than this forum for motivation, afterall that's what we're here for x

    Rudie - you look amazing your wedding dress :happy: I'm aiming to get down to a size 14 myself. :laugh: i probably should've started sooner, so I could get a reasonable priced dress for my friend's wedding in a few weeks, but better late than never and I have Oz to aim for

    Lee - *hugs* you take it easy. It was a very nice gesture by your bosses, I'm glad they're being understanding x

    Erika - I think if I go back to Debenhams the sales assistant might just call security!! Besides I took a pic of the dress so i can drool over it at my leisure. But yes it is a fabulous feeling, espeically given i've not been a size 18 for so long!!

    Mimi - You can do this!! You're doing sooooo well with the 30-day shred. I did check it out on YouTube (like I did with P90x) it's something I'd like to try, but I think I'll leave it till I've lost a bit more weight. And good luck with the RFL!! I'm aiming to run that next year x

    I'm off, I have a St John Ambulance meeting to get to, so, TC folks and cya all again soon xxx
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Why... WHY does my local sainsburys have to start doing sushi now? All the times ive craved it in the past its not been there.. now im on a diet and trying to limit my carbs.. sushi pops up! along with a lot more tasty but forbidden treats.

    Sainsburys is the diet devil in disguise!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Why... WHY does my local sainsburys have to start doing sushi now? All the times ive craved it in the past its not been there.. now im on a diet and trying to limit my carbs.. sushi pops up! along with a lot more tasty but forbidden treats.

    Sainsburys is the diet devil in disguise!

    Sushi is really healthy! I love it! We had a SI Sushi near my work and it had posters all around saying the rice and seaweed plus protein was like the most balanced healthy meal option out there, and I believe it! It might have carbs but we all need carbs for a healthy diet! Mmm sushi! :love:
  • niki7g
    niki7g Posts: 41
    Wow! Lots going on here again ... always interesting to read through and see ....
    I missed my Rosemary Conley weigh in this week due to the bank holiday ... fingers crossed it'll be a good weigh in next Monday!!!
    Hope everyone has a good day xx
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Hiya, my name's Lesley and I'm posting from Co. Armagh.

    I've been using MFP since February/March, more to log my weightloss than anything else (I did log calories and exercise at the start, but I got out of the way of it).

    Some of the posts in here make for an interesting read, and it's great to see the support you guys offer to eachother :)

    I'm aiming to get fit and complate the Oxfam Trailtrekker challenge in September, so here's hoping :D
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27

    Well done on the size 18! I'd definitely buy a size smaller if you have until December. On top of that, my bridesmaids dresses were from Debenhams and they are designed in such a way that they can be taken in easily. My niece had hers taken in by 2 sizes (had to get a bigger size because she has a big rack) and it looked sensational!

    Go for it girl!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hiya all!

    I walked all the way to the gym this morning only to discover the gym instructor who I really don't get along with (for pushing me to increase weights in a class in front of everybody even though he knows I'm just back from an injury) was manning the counter. So yeah, didn't go in but at least I got a nice long walk.

    I'm thinking I might start going to one of the fitness firsts at Oxford Circus because it will be about halfway on my way home from work and it seems they are blue clubs. Has anyone been to either of these gyms??

    Or any other blue fitness first gyms in London that people recommend??
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    I may have had to wait at home all day and miss the gym... but I got the job! Woohoo!!

    Brilliant! Pleased for you :happy:
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    Hello all. I am a newbie here as well. I live in Derbyshire and CAN'T WAIT for the nicer weather so I can get outside more!!
    Jodi xx
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hello all. I am a newbie here as well. I live in Derbyshire and CAN'T WAIT for the nicer weather so I can get outside more!!
    Jodi xx

    Me too!!! When I move back to Australia I will never again take the sun for granted! hehehe
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hi everyone, hope you're all ok. I'm back on MFP after a couple of months break. Hope everyone's still doing well
    Gem xxx
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hello all.

    Weigh in day tomoz...... I want to be 10.9 soooooooooooooooo bad!!!! Not been 10 and single digit for years!!!! :ohwell: :ohwell: So fingers crossed!!!

    Got an active weekend planned doing a charity hill walk in the Lake District on Saturday, I'm told it usually takes 6 hours!!! :noway: :noway: But its for a great cause so am sure that will keep me going. Plus am training for the mancheser 10k which is next Sunday, so have done a 4 mile run tonigt!!

    At least all this activity will stop me eating and drinking!!! Well hopefully!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Lee - hope you are well, and keeping strong.

    Jim Jam - Welcome back.

    KP - Keep seeing your face pop up, hope you are doing well and have a great time at your summer ball..... v posh!!!

    All the newbies - Hello and welcome.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • joanna_marie
    I have been following a new diet for the last 2 weeks.

    Last week I lost 4lbs and was so pleased.

    This week I have lost 2.8lbs which I should also be pleased about - but for some stupid reason I feel really disappointed.

    It didn't help that when I first stood on the scales they said a lb gain, but then I moved them and the following 3 times I stood on them I got the 2.8lbs loss.

    How can I snap myself out of it and be pleased that I am losing weight? Its stupid but if it had been a 3lb loss or more I would have felt so much better? I am so hard on myself and don't know how not to be. :o/