Team UK - May 2010



  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    Erika - I hope you aren't in any post-tattoo pain!

    Kimmy - I ruined dinner on Friday night too :( I had cooked somme chicken and veg to go with pasta and was suppposed to make it a bit creamy by mixing in low fat yoghurt but it curdled terribly! I guess the yoghurt was close to it's expiry date! It's so disappointing when that happens.

    Well, I gained 1kg this week but I'm not really surprised because we have been so busy and stressed with my new job starting today so we ate out a few times because we were in town and didn't have time to come home. We got the save the dates finished for the wedding though, got our notice of intended marriage witnessed at the Aussie embassy and shopped for the invitations... trying to get a few things done before I get crazy-busy with work!

    The definite advantage of the new job is that there's a fitness first right near my first tube station change so I can hopefully go on the way home. Not today though - have too many folders, books etc to carry on my first day!

    Have a good week everyone!
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Hi all

    Had a dreadful weekend food-wise, and still not back at the gym after the wedding. This week I HAVE to get back in to my routine!!

    I've put on 5lb since the wedding (although 3lb of that went on overnight so is likely to be bloating), and I am so cross with myself. Aaargh!
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all, and hi to all the newbies who have joined! :smile:

    Mixed week for me, not been able to get the gym, so just tried to eat as healthily as I possibly can. Not weighed myself over the weekend though as I don't want to see what they results are. :sad:

    Started work for the week and we've moved offices, same building but different floor and my temporary desk for the week is right out in the sticks, stuck in the corner away from the rest of my team. :frown: Anyone would think I've been a naughty boy, lol. Still, not going to let it get to me, if I manage to get a bit of work done, then I suppose it will be okay.

    Going to absolutely leather the gym tonight, going to start with a double session and going to have a walk on my lunch. Weather is not too bad here in Newton, cloudy but not raining.

    Aunt's funeral is tomorrow afternoon so hopefully everyone will give her a good send off!

    Hope everyone is doing okay and good luck for the week!

  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Lee - good luck with your mammoth gym session tonight! I must say I am really looking forward to doing some exercise today after my hangover yesterday (oops). Best of luck for tomorrow lots of hugs } } } } } } } }

    Welcome to all the new UK’ers! This group is getting mighty impressive!

    Have a great week

    :heart: Mimi
  • bobbyboy16
    bobbyboy16 Posts: 15
    Howdy dodie Uks

    Been off the radar for a while with work and things, but back on stream this week.

    Welcome all newies, and by the looks of new addtions, this site is getting bigger than my facebook :happy: Not quite, I still have some friends left:wink:

    I have stayed the same weight for a couple of weeks now, and really struggling to get some loss going again, although I am sticking to my count and excercise. Don't know why I have reached this dead stop so would welcome any suggestions

    Keep the faith everyone and have a good week:drinker:

  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi there UKer's and welcome newbies!!

    Had a really good weekend. Went to the lakes on Friday night with family and friends, 40 of us walked / climbed Helvellyn, which is the third highest peak in Britain. We did it to raise funds for the Christopher Tickle Foundation. Chris was my fiances cousin and sadly died last October aged 23. He broke his neck playing rugby!! His parents have set up the foundation which will help people and their families who suffer spinal injuries!! The walk was hard and the first I have done of this kind, was actually scared when we got to the top, but did it for Chris!!

    Did quite well food wise over the weekend too, so fingers crossed for a loss this week.

    Got the Manchester 10k on Sunday, which I am again doing for Chris's foundation, so an active couple of weeks all in all!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Erica - Your tattoo is lovely, and you were very brave!!

    Lee - Hope all goes well tomorrow!

    Everybody - Good luck for the week ahead everyone!!

    Need today to go fast, my legs are killing me and I just want to be at home with my duvet!!!

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Welcome to all newbies, it's nice to see you.

    Rudie - Don't sweat the gain, sounds like it's mostly bloating and will come right off again. Just get back to it!

    Lee - I'm sorry you're not having a good day. Hope the new office situation improves, at least you'll be able to get your head down and get some work done I suppose. I hope tomorrow goes ok. I'll be thinking of you.

    Bob - sorry to hear that you're not losing. Are you sure you're eating enough??? Having said that, I tend to get losses every couple of weeks instead of every week. I also find if I change my exercise routine I can stay steady for a while and then it starts coming off again - probably muscles retaining glycogen or something. The thing to do is to perservere and it will come off.

    Plantpot - Well done on the climb. You should be really proud of yourself. Good luck with the 10K.

    I'm ok - not in pain from the tattoo or anything. It is a little bit sore, but I think that's more to do with the clingfilm and micropore tape pulling on my skin rather than the tattoo itself.

    Foodwise I didn't do too badly over the weekend. We did end up having a pub lunch on Saturday as I was starving by the time the tattoo was done, and I did have chips! Managed to steer clear of the vino though (!!), so hopefully I'll see a loss this week too. I can't really go to they gym until the dressing comes off the tat, so I'll have to wait until Wednesday.

    Hope you all have a good week.

    Erika x
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hi de hi all!! :bigsmile:

    WOW!! Welcome to all the newbies!!!!!!! Turn my back for one week....haha!! I can't keep up!!!

    Hope you're all good??! I am still hungover so today's a bloomin' struggle I can tell you!!! :yawn:

    Anyway have decided to be ULTRA good for the next couple of weeks as i'm 'jetting off' to Brighton for bank holiday!! Woop!!

    Nearly home time!! (I know, but go with it....)

  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    PS sorry I haven't had time to go through all the thread (we are pre board meetings, or bored meetings as I like to call them....) just noticed that you have had a tatoo Erika!!! It's amazing!!!!!!!!
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    ErikazJ: I used to love pub food but find I have to avoid it now. everything.. and I mean EVERYTHING comes with chips. Its ridiculous.

    I had to trawl through the menu for half an hour when I went to the pub for lunch last week. The only things on the menu that didnt have chips were a Chicken Tikka and Quorn chilli. Knowing that currys can be quite fatty I went for the chilli. I go up to order it and I was asked if I wanted chips instead of rice. =/

    we might as well start calling ourselves the nation of chips!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    ErikazJ: I used to love pub food but find I have to avoid it now. everything.. and I mean EVERYTHING comes with chips. Its ridiculous.

    We always advised in Australia that you should ask at a pub if they can make you veg instead, not sure if that trick works here in the uk!

    I ended up making it to the gym afterall. Really good spinning class and much better than the other fitness first I go to... yay!
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hi UKers :flowerforyou:
    Hope you've all had a good weekend and here's hoping for a good week for us all. I'm back on it this week, I've had my first good day in quite a while and have been for a run in the park after work :smile:
    Have a good week
    Gem x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Just dropping by to say hello and i hope you are all ok..? Not had a chance to read through all your posts..

    Welcome to a couple of newbies i see.. I hope you find this group a help!! It is full of some lovely people who will support you and keep you motivated..

    Sorry for my absence guys n girls.. work has been hectic so i havent really had a chance to keep u all up to date with my goings on!

    We have our summer ball on saturday which i cannot wait for! Going to wear my green dress which is featured in my photos... Still havent tried it on since my birthday but i think i will be fine fitting into it! havent really put on any weight (only 4lbs!!!) lol but since i wore the dress (when i was 10stone 2) im the same size again! ha ha!!

    Also seeing westlife tomorrow night.. SOOOO EXCITED!!! :drinker:

    Im still logging and going to the gym/keeping up with my fitness so feel free to send me a post/e-mail and i will get back to you :smile:

    :heart: Katherine x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Ohh and before i forget... for the first time EVER... i burnt off 1000 cals! woopy :)

    Only cause i ate a couple of cookies and a left over easter egg yesterday! ha ha
  • SkinnyOJ2010
    Hi Guys - i'm relatively new to MFP (two weeks) and only just seen this thread. I'm from London and work in the City.

    I have lost 65lb with WW previous to finding MFP ...

    Please can I join your group?
  • Manuka
    Manuka Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, what a great group! I'm relatively new, been on MFP for about 2 months now.
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi Guys - i'm relatively new to MFP (two weeks) and only just seen this thread. I'm from London and work in the City.

    I have lost 65lb with WW previous to finding MFP ...

    Please can I join your group?

    Hi there and welcome to a great group.
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi, what a great group! I'm relatively new, been on MFP for about 2 months now.

    Hi there to you too.
  • galoot
    galoot Posts: 17
    Hey everyone..

    Now on to my second week of exercise (P90 beginner program) & healthy eating.. lost my first bit of weight 3lbs! My belly feels a little smaller & I'm feeling much happier :)

    My wife is doing really well too and is getting into the exercise etc

    Hope everyone is doing well.. Tim
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Hello Everyone, I'm fairly new too and have just seen this thread. I'm trying to lose a final 7lbs. I have lost 92 so far. Finding the last part hard to shift so I will be checking in often for much needed tips and encouragement!!
