Team UK - May 2010



  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Darn booze and its tempting goodness!

    Unluckily (or luckily?) Im at work all weekend so i dont even have the option of going out. Saves £ and lbs!
  • muppetkeeper
    muppetkeeper Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks for all the words of wisdom over the last week, i managed to lose 2.5lbs in 11 days. I have changed my weigh in day to Saturday am, as its to stick to that day.

    I've also read up on a lot of the links people have sent me, and changed my target weight loss to 1lb per week, as I now have 5.5lbs left to my first target weight.

    I've also realised that walking, no matter how fast, just isn't exercise for me, and as I mentioned in earlier posts, I have bought a very large punchbag and have been hitting that for 15 or so minutes... SO that's what exercise feels like! MFP came up with that exercise being 111 Kcalories, and I'm happy to claim all of those!!!

    I won't go into details, but lets say I'm having a couple of pints of water now to re-hydrate.

    Thanks all, and I'll keep passing by to see how everyone is doing.

  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi guys, hope everyone is well and had good weekend. :wink:

    I have had a good one, very busy! Went for a dress fitting yesterday with my bridesmaids and mum, so tried my dress on again, which was lovely and great motivation to keep going with the diet. Going to really try and step it up a bit now, as my Hen Do in Ibiza in in August, which will be hear before we know it, so going to work hard for my Bora Bora Beach Bod!!! Ha!!! :glasses:

    Did the Manchester 10k today, finished in 1 hour 4 mins :love: , which I was pleased with as 3 mins faster than last year!! Was a struggle though, ran the first 4 / 5 miles than had to have a rest, had to stop a few times for the last mile!! Got a bluming big blister on my foot now, which may pose a problem for exercise this week! :sad:

    Not been great food wise. Had Maccy D's today but figured I had earnt it!! Ha!!!

    Booooooooo to it being Monday tomorrow!!! :grumble: :frown: :grumble: Enjoy whats left of the weekend!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Hi all,

    Thanks for all the words of wisdom over the last week, i managed to lose 2.5lbs in 11 days. I have changed my weigh in day to Saturday am, as its to stick to that day.

    I've also read up on a lot of the links people have sent me, and changed my target weight loss to 1lb per week, as I now have 5.5lbs left to my first target weight.

    I've also realised that walking, no matter how fast, just isn't exercise for me, and as I mentioned in earlier posts, I have bought a very large punchbag and have been hitting that for 15 or so minutes... SO that's what exercise feels like! MFP came up with that exercise being 111 Kcalories, and I'm happy to claim all of those!!!

    I won't go into details, but lets say I'm having a couple of pints of water now to re-hydrate.

    Thanks all, and I'll keep passing by to see how everyone is doing.


    Hey MK,
    I do a bit of boxing training too! Fantastic for the arms and great cardio. I am lucky enough to have a personal trainer and she is really into it - she makes me work!! Totally understand the need to rehydrate - boxing brings out what I like to call my Meatloaf look. (Don't know if you have seen him all red and sweaty! )
    Good Luck with it all
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Did the Manchester 10k today, finished in 1 hour 4 mins :love: , which I was pleased with as 3 mins faster than last year!! Was a struggle though, ran the first 4 / 5 miles than had to have a rest, had to stop a few times for the last mile!! Got a bluming big blister on my foot now, which may pose a problem for exercise this week! :sad:

    Wow. Great going! I think I dont have a hope in hell of doing half as well as that!
    I did my first ever couch 2 5k yesterday and my legs are definatey feeling it today (it hurts to move :sad: ). I had to walk through the 4th and 7th running session though :embarassed: but I was determined not to let a podcast beat me so after the last one I rewound and did two more running sessions to make up for it :ohwell:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Did the Manchester 10k today, finished in 1 hour 4 mins :love: , which I was pleased with as 3 mins faster than last year!! Was a struggle though, ran the first 4 / 5 miles than had to have a rest, had to stop a few times for the last mile!! Got a bluming big blister on my foot now, which may pose a problem for exercise this week! :sad:

    Wow. Great going! I think I dont have a hope in hell of doing half as well as that!
    I did my first ever couch 2 5k yesterday and my legs are definatey feeling it today (it hurts to move :sad: ). I had to walk through the 4th and 7th running session though :embarassed: but I was determined not to let a podcast beat me so after the last one I rewound and did two more running sessions to make up for it :ohwell:

    Plantpot - Well done on the run. Hope the blister gets better soon.

    Kimmy - I'm on week five of Couch to 5k. I did struggle with pain in my legs and groin to start with, but it's much better now that I've learnt to stretch properly after each run. If you want me to send you a suggested list of post run stretches let me know. It really helps, that and proper running shoes, fitted for you.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Just dropping by to say hello.. i will post more on my lunch break.. Hope you are all OK?

    x KP x
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Hi all!

    Well done to Plantpot completing your 10k! And quicker than last year too! Woohoo! I have my first 5K coming up soon and I'm already doubting I can finish it haha, haven't done enough training so just going to battle through it!

    I've just back from a weekend camping in Helmsley, weather stayed nice and the wine flowed a bit too much - aswell as the biscuits :(

    BUT I did manage to complete a 30 Day Shred session in the field (yes I'm that sad that I wrote down all the moves and took a digital timer and my dumbells!) and went for a run yesterday morning before the rain started! So hopefully didn't do too much damage with the biscuits!

    Hope everyone is well today :)
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hey everyone, happy Monday, it's here again already! :grumble: Hope you've all had a good weekend :smile:
    I lost 1.4lb this week, every little helps! I weighed myself first thing yesterday and had lost 3lb but weighed myself later and had only lost 1.4 so I decided to stick with that one to be on the safe side!
    Well done Plantpot for completing the 10k :flowerforyou: I'm doing Race for Life on 2nd June, it'll be my 3rd one and I'm determined to run it all this time! I'm going for a run with my Mum tonight for traning
    Good luck for this week
    Gem x
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all,

    Hope you had a good weekend. Can't believe how fast they go. :frown:

    Went out to see Lucy Porter's stand up show in Warrington on Friday night, she was fantastic. Saturday was spent tidying the flat and the evening consisted of a nice chillax whilst the missus was out drinking. Sunday was a boring day, didn't really do much and now I'm back in work. Had a change of desk so trying to get used to our new surroundings.

    Unfortunately I've not been the gym for a while. Been getting pains in my chest and I'm quite worried about it so going the doctors tomorrow to try and get a diagnosis and hopefully it's nothing serious as I don't want it to impact my routine.

    Have a good week all

  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Happy Monday :flowerforyou: I just realised I hadn't posted on here since LAST MONDAY omg how time flies!

    I'm being very strict today, had a carrot as a snack, it's all gravy baby hahha wish me luck sticking to it. I seem to be destroying my hard work lately and somehow there's only 1.5months until my holiday! :noway:

    Hi KP :heart: hope you're awesome!

    Good luck this week!

  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I've just been reading through the posts in here and the support you all share is fantastic :happy:

    I had my weigh in this morning and I've hit a bit of a plateau :frown: but I was naughty on Tuesday/Wednesday, so I wasn't really expecting any different!

    So this week I'm going to do my very best to get on the vibro plates every night as well as either walking or cycling, and NO naughty foods except for my usual Saturday treat :happy: I have a wedding to go to in 6-7 weeks and I want to look pretty :bigsmile:
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    plantpot: those stretches would be very appreciated, if you dont mind :flowerforyou:

    Also I dont have the money to buy proper proper running shoes, and on top of that I practically walk on the outer edges of my feet, so my shoes wear down unbelievably fast, so it would be a waste of money anyway. My ankles collapse all the time due to it, no doubt i will be face planting the ground many times during my running sessions, but im used to it, I practically bounce back up now.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    Those of you who havent looked at this post.. its quite a read, when you have a moment take a look and then post on here what you honestly think.. would be nice to see what all your views are...
    I've already had some interesting thoughts posted to me...

    Katherine :heart:

    P.S Mimi... im fantabulous right now!! Back on it with a vengance!!! :laugh:
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Hi kpnuts - I was looking at that thread last week - interesting isn't it? For anyone who hasn't read it, it's about whether people who say they are full on less than 1200cals are deluding themselves or not. I haven't posted on there because people are getting a bit cross, but here's my take on it anyway.

    First the context - I've lost 5 stone in 18 months. I do work out about 4 times a week, I never eat convenience food, everything is cooked from fresh ingredients, I have my 5 a day, my omega 3 twice a week and a proper balanced diet. For all of the 18 months, I've tracked my calories and my mood every day, and I set my goal somewhere between 1200 and 1400 a day.

    Here's the shocker then... :wink: Sometimes I go for 4 or 5 days when I am just not that hungry. It gets to dinner time and I just want a bowl of soup, or sometimes my hubby gets home late and I've had a snack and spoiled my appetite. Those days, it's not impossible for me to close the day at 900-1000cals. Equally, sometimes I go for a few days completely ravenous, and have 15 or 1600 cals a day.

    I think it is possible sometimes to be satisfied on less than 1200 cals BUT, I couldn't see it working long term. I'm sure that odd days with slightly lower intake and odd days with slightly higher does you no harm at all, but setting your intake goal at 1000 or less is not a good idea at all - too much pressure, too much planning in order to get a balanced diet, too much spending money on supplements to give you what you should have got from your meals in the first place!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    plantpot: those stretches would be very appreciated, if you dont mind :flowerforyou:

    Also I dont have the money to buy proper proper running shoes, and on top of that I practically walk on the outer edges of my feet, so my shoes wear down unbelievably fast, so it would be a waste of money anyway. My ankles collapse all the time due to it, no doubt i will be face planting the ground many times during my running sessions, but im used to it, I practically bounce back up now.

    Hello - I'll post a link to the stretches tomorrow, as I can't remember where I got them from now, so will need to check my print out!

    Honestly, if you don't want an injury you are going to have to buy some shoes especially as you roll your feet so much. You could do yourself some serious long lasting damage and suffer a lot of unecessary pain.

    I know they are expensive, but if they are fitted properly they will stop your feet rolling so much and you won't wear them down so much. To save money you can do what I've done and go to a store which analyses your gait and try on some shoes they recommend. Note down the ones you like, say you've got to think about it, and then walk away and buy some from ebay. You can still get them new, but for less money. The ones I've got cost £90 in the shop, and I got them for £50 on ebay. I know it probably feels a bit cheeky, but you won't be the first or the last. Your health has to come first.

    All the best,

    Erika x
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    Those of you who havent looked at this post.. its quite a read, when you have a moment take a look and then post on here what you honestly think.. would be nice to see what all your views are...
    I've already had some interesting thoughts posted to me...

    I'm not sure what the warning on MFP says about eating less than 1200cal a day but I think it's somewhat ahem wrong. 'Starvation mode' as it seems to be known here is more about how long your body goes without food rather than the amount of calories you put in. Well, actually, not without food but without actual nutrition i.e. without carbs and proteins in particular. For example eating nothing but vegetables 6 times a day won't help avoid it. It's when your body is without it's main energy sources for long periods of time that it begins to use less energy in an effort to preserve what it may need for later if it were not fed. Nutritionally on the other hand, you are very unlikely to meet your requirements on less than 1200cal/day.

    I think people get a bit weight-loss-focused here and forget about the grand scheme of things.

    From a weight loss perspective, I guess the one of the main dangers of eating so few calories is that there's an element of looking for a quick fix rather than changing your eating patterns in a sustainable way. Sure, it may feel like you are changing your eating patterns to healthy eating but if you are denying yourself certain foods and not allowing any treats then eventually it is likely to catch up with you... and then it's usually a binge party! It's a crazy statistic (something like 80%) of people that regain weight they have lost and this is one of the reasons.

    As for being 'full' on 1200cal per day... I'm not sure I believe that is really possible. I do believe you can not be hungry eating less than 1200cal per day but that isn't the same thing. And actually, that's what we encourage people to try to achieve - ie listen to your body, eat when you are hungry and stop when you are 'just satisfied' rather than full.

    Anyway there's my 2 cents worth... hmm well I might get paid just a little more for that opinion at work ;)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone

    :smile: Just a quick hello from sunny York.

    I agree with lilmissy2 being full is different to not being hungry, and we need to listen to our bodies and eat when we're hungry and stop when satisfied. Everything in moderation. :wink:

    :frown: I was supposed to have a day off work today, but we are short staffed so I have to go in. I was really looking forward to it too, never mind though I have Thursday and Friday off to catch up with stuff.

    Anyone heard of the GCC? It's a walking challenge for businesses all around the world. Teams of 7 people all wear pedometers for about 3 months (aiming to walk more than 10,000 steps each) and add it in to a virtual walk around the world. We start it tomorrow, so I'll be taking the doggies out for some extra long walks :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Well I'd better get ready for work.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    :drinker: Happy Hump Day everyone!

    I'm having a good week so far and I am LOVING it! I'm really looking forward to my fast jog tonight, I'm doing week four of the Race for Life 10k training plan...hmm wish me luck!

    Hope everyone is good!

    :heart: Mimi
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Here's the link to the stretches I use after doing any running. It makes such a difference to me the next day:

    Erika x