Team UK - May 2010



  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    This is normal. I too have had weeks when things have not gone a well as expected. In fact for the past few weeks I have stayed the same and this cna be very frustrating at times. Most people have a good loss in their first week and this can be a good motivator. Eventually your body will settle to the new diet . A good healthy loss is around 2lb a week and so far you are achieving this so I would not be too hard on yourselft just yet.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Joanna marie - dont be disapointed, if you round this weeks weight loss up to 3lbs (I tend to work in wholes & halfs), that means you have lost half a stone in 2 weeks which is amazing!!!! Thats could be a dress size difference!!!! Well done, and dont be dis-heartened, keep up the good work!!

    Well it was my official weigh in this morning, and I was 10.9 1/4 so................ I have cheated a little and rounded it down to 10.9!! Ha!!!

    Thank god its Friday, for a short week, its been a long one!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Walking up Helvellyn tomorrow, which I am told is the second highest peak in England, so that should be an experience and fingers crossed shift that blumin 1/4 of a pound!!!! :sad: :sad:

    Have good days everybody.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hi everyone, hope you're all ok. I'm back on MFP after a couple of months break. Hope everyone's still doing well
    Gem xxx

    Hey hun, welcome back. :-) x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone

    Joanna - Marie - 2.8 pounds in a week is an awesome loss.:happy: I have never lost that much in a week. You should be super proud of yourself.:flowerforyou: Unfortunately it is fairly normal to lose lots in the first week, especially if you have been watching your sodium. Still, nearly 3 pounds the second week is amazing! :drinker: Remember you're in this for the long term. There will be weeks where the scales seem to be out to get you! The closer you get to your goal, the slower it will drop...I'm at the stage now where I only seem to lose weight every 2-3 weeks instead of every week, but I'll take it. Better than being where I was before right?! I've found if I average out my loss for all the time I've been on here it roughly works out at about 1 pound a week, which they say is a good healthy loss.

    Plantpot - Well done on your loss...:happy: and good luck with your hike tomorrow.

    JimJAm - Good to see you :flowerforyou:

    Well despite the country being in a mess right now, I'm quite a happy bunny as SOMEHOW....goodness knows how, I've managed a loss this week....despite the bender over bank holiday. I have now hit (and very slightly gone past) the 4 stone lost mark!!!!!! :noway: :glasses:

    I've got today off as holiday as I've been feeling crappy all week, but this has cheered me up a bit. I'll be off to the gym in a bit. Tomorrow I'm getting a tattoo....I'm well scared!!!

    Have great weekends everybody x x x x
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Erikazj - Thank you, and well done to your too, you are doing so well!!! :happy: :happy:

    What tattoo are you getting?

    I have two, which I love, flowers on my thigh are a simble of my name (Plant) which will be going soon when I get married. Also my my intials (JP, my fiance' is called Paul so it also stands for Jo & Paul..... sad I know but I love it) with Cherry Blossoms, which simble for live for now apparantly, got this after we had a death in the family, its on my wrist, and the idea is that I look at it when I am getting down or taking things to seriously to remind myself of what is important!!

    Am hoping to get a third on my foot when we are on honeymoon and Paul is thinking of having one as well, which will be fun!!

    I have a very low pain threshold, the one on my thigh hurt much more than the one on my wrist, but both times I went with friends, while I was wimpering and squirming :sad: :sad: , they didnt make a murmer!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Anybody else got any? If so what have you got and where, and why? I'm nosey arnt I!! :wink: :wink:
  • crispy1990
    crispy1990 Posts: 53
    Hi Everyone :flowerforyou:

    Plantpot - No Tats for me - Good luck for that hike tomorrow !

    Erika - Thats brilliant and WOW 4 stone, you should be so chuffed :bigsmile:

    Joanne Marie - Keep going, and be prepared for the weightloss to slow down. Half a stone in a fortnight is brilliant but you must accept that everyweek will not be good for weightloss otherwise it will mess with your head.

    I had done really well up until 2 weeks ago, and then nothing, nada, zip lost since then. I have been logging my food but not posting much (sulking) I am taking it one day at a time, and reason that I haven't exercised as much as I was and this is why my loss has slowed. So its time for me to kick my butt & get back into an exercise routine. But with a full time job, four kids and a part time job it's so hard to find the energy in the evenings. :ohwell: Enough moaning, someone kick me please !!

    have a good weekend
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Erikazj - Thank you, and well done to your too, you are doing so well!!! :happy: :happy:

    What tattoo are you getting?

    I have two, which I love, flowers on my thigh are a simble of my name (Plant) which will be going soon when I get married. Also my my intials (JP, my fiance' is called Paul so it also stands for Jo & Paul..... sad I know but I love it) with Cherry Blossoms, which simble for live for now apparantly, got this after we had a death in the family, its on my wrist, and the idea is that I look at it when I am getting down or taking things to seriously to remind myself of what is important!!

    Am hoping to get a third on my foot when we are on honeymoon and Paul is thinking of having one as well, which will be fun!!

    I have a very low pain threshold, the one on my thigh hurt much more than the one on my wrist, but both times I went with friends, while I was wimpering and squirming :sad: :sad: , they didnt make a murmer!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Anybody else got any? If so what have you got and where, and why? I'm nosey arnt I!! :wink: :wink:

    Any pics?

    I'm getting a chrysanthemum head on the top of my arm in bluey purples in a watercolour style. The tattoo artist reckons it'll take about 3 or 4 hours....gulp! Any tips??

    E x
  • Thanks people! :o)

    I spoke to my pt this morning about it and she told me not to be so daft!!

    I am really pleased with my weight loss so far and this fabulous site has helped me to keep on track. :smile:

    I have a tattoo of a gecko on my lower back! It was my early midlife crisis!!!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi Everyone :flowerforyou:

    Plantpot - No Tats for me - Good luck for that hike tomorrow !

    Erika - Thats brilliant and WOW 4 stone, you should be so chuffed :bigsmile:

    Joanne Marie - Keep going, and be prepared for the weightloss to slow down. Half a stone in a fortnight is brilliant but you must accept that everyweek will not be good for weightloss otherwise it will mess with your head.

    I had done really well up until 2 weeks ago, and then nothing, nada, zip lost since then. I have been logging my food but not posting much (sulking) I am taking it one day at a time, and reason that I haven't exercised as much as I was and this is why my loss has slowed. So its time for me to kick my butt & get back into an exercise routine. But with a full time job, four kids and a part time job it's so hard to find the energy in the evenings. :ohwell: Enough moaning, someone kick me please !!

    have a good weekend

    Thanks Karen. You'll get there...I have weeks in a row when I don't lose anything, even when I am being good (rare I know!!). It will come off eventually, it's all about time. I know about the sulking thing though, my hubby gets annoyed with that!

    Take care xxx
  • I had a dream last night that I was at the theatre and I was eating a massive bag of minstrels and some crisps and I woke up in a massive panic wondering how I was going to tell my pt that I was eating junk food! I have never been so relieved to wake up!!! Thats scary!!!

    ... and oh look, another rainy weekend!
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Its not rainy over in York. but it keeps threatening. Darn clouds.

    At last I'm at work l weekend so hopefully its nice again when I am off.

    I'm also very sad. I made myself a chicken salad for tea at work, and used a new dressing recipe. its god awful and now my salad is practically inedible. Bleurgh. Thankfully I scoffed the chicken before I put the dressing on. Or I would be stavred.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone, incredibly miserable day here weather wise. Looks like it might be better tomorrow.

    Kimmy - sorry to hear about your lunch. I hope you've managed to have a nice tea to make up for it.

    Joanna-Marie - Sounds like you need to give yourself a break! It's funny how are brains deal with things using dreams. Hope you sleep better tonight.

    Well, I went for my tattoo today. It took just over 3 and 1/2 hours, and I managed it with just one 10 minute break (I have a terrible bladder!!!!!!). I wouldn't say it was painless, but I didn't cry or anything, and it was pretty manageable most the time. It was only towards the end it got really nippy.

    Here are some 'in progress' photos on flickr (with thanks to my hubby Will, my personal paparazzi). I'll load up a 'finished' photo once I've taken the dressing off and cleaned it up a bit.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone,

    Erika x
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Kimmy - sorry to hear about your lunch. I hope you've managed to have a nice tea to make up for it.

    Unfortunately that was my tea :cry: I have awkward shifts. this is one of the shorter ones but started at 4 this afternoon and finishes at 9am tomorrow. Also being the clutz I am I have forgotten to bring breakfast. Ill have to get something from the shop across the road in the morning. Hopefully hey do something nice that isn't completely rolled in fat and covered in sugar.

    Nice tattoo. I've always wanted one but I'm WAAAAAY too indecisive. It takes me about an hour to decide on what to have for lunch, I dread to think what I will be like with something that is going to sty with me for the rest of my life!

    Id probs want a bee and a flower or a butterfly on my foot though, I think that would be cute.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Kimmy - sorry to hear about your lunch. I hope you've managed to have a nice tea to make up for it.

    Unfortunately that was my tea :cry: I have awkward shifts. this is one of the shorter ones but started at 4 this afternoon and finishes at 9am tomorrow. Also being the clutz I am I have forgotten to bring breakfast. Ill have to get something from the shop across the road in the morning. Hopefully hey do something nice that isn't completely rolled in fat and covered in sugar.

    Nice tattoo. I've always wanted one but I'm WAAAAAY too indecisive. It takes me about an hour to decide on what to have for lunch, I dread to think what I will be like with something that is going to sty with me for the rest of my life!

    Id probs want a bee and a flower or a butterfly on my foot though, I think that would be cute.

    Awwww no. Hope you manage to get something half decent for breakfast. I could never work shifts, I can't cope with a late night in the week, let alone any major messing around with my sleep patterns.

    Look after yourself x
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member

    Awwww no. Hope you manage to get something half decent for breakfast. I could never work shifts, I can't cope with a late night in the week, let alone any major messing around with my sleep patterns.

    Look after yourself x

    Thanks <3
    But its actually not as hard as you would believe. I'm a support worker for adults with learning difficulties. and its not a waking night so there is a bed in the office. I get to sleep when the person I am supporting does, Im just here in case they need me in the night.
    Its a pretty awesome job. Most days all the people im supporting want to do is go shopping or watch telly, so I get payed to do that with them, I get payed to sleep at night. and its introduced me to some pretty awesome new experiences. Its an awesome job, but extremely emotionally stressfull. Ive had about 2 emotional breakdowns since working here. but otherwise the job is just too good to leave =/
  • lilyrose96
    lilyrose96 Posts: 2
    hello everyone
    is anyone from wales, i'm from cardiff lol
    if you are add me : )
  • lotter
    lotter Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there UK! :glasses:

    I've just stumbled upon this thread after being with MFP for two months.

    Can't believe it's taken this long to find this thread!

    Will read more and catch up later when I have more time.

  • galoot
    galoot Posts: 17
    Hello everyone..

    Tim from Kent here.. only 6 days into my healthy regime & exercise regime.... feeling excellent and less bloated so far though.

    Hopefully I'll be positing in a week or so having lost a few pounds :)

    Goodluck all.. Tim
  • thepurplestar
    thepurplestar Posts: 28 Member
    Angie from London here... back on the low-carb wagon (again). It's the only thing that works, but the weight loss is oh so slow since having a baby :ohwell:
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    wowsers. Lots of new people (not been here that long myself)

    Welcome all. Grab a cuppa and settle yourselves down :drinker:
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