Calories from fat & carb/protein/fat ratio

galoot Posts: 17
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Hey all..

Couple of questions, my current ratio on my carb/protein/fat intake are ending up around 60/30/10 each day.. I'm not on a low carb diet but was aiming to have a ratio of 40/40/20 which is more balanced I believe. I find it really hard to replace carbs with protein as everything including fruit has tons of carbs .. is my current ratio of 60/30/10 that bad?

Also I keep having calories left but the MFP guide is showing I have used all my carbs & protein for the day but have loads of fat allocation available. Like today its saying I have no carb or protein allocation left but 40 grams of fat left.. I feel like I am eating healthly but obviously not eating enough fat in the day?? Or should I ignore the suggestion & get the remaining calories from protein or carbs rather than fat?

Slightly confused.. Tim


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Fat is essential, try using a higher fat % milk, i.e. if you drink skim switch to 1%. Add nuts and or nut butters to your daily diet. A balanced diet would be one in which 20% to 30% calories comes from fat. People often think fat is bad but this is not true, fat is essential for many of the body's functions. 60/30/10 does not seem balanced. Try switching slowly to a balanced maybe 50/30/20 to start and go from there.

    You can go in and change your daily goals to the % you want to achieve, MFP default does not work for everyone.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    You can switch your goals to reflect the 50/30/20 or 40/30/30 by going to My Home, Goals, Change Goals, Custom. Then you can set the percentages manually. 60/30/10 is just the MFP default.
  • sparkles321
    sparkles321 Posts: 107
    From what I've read/heard, ideal limits are 50-60% carb, 30% protein, 10-20% fat. I set mine at 55/30/15 to get a middle ground between the two and it seems to work out.

    Healthy fats are essential, so I would try to increase them where you can. You might want to try adding some nuts/seeds or avocados to your day. An easy way is adding sunflower seeds (roasted, unsalted) and some chunks of avocado to a salad. Or even just eating a snack of almonds. It doesn't take much of any of these, 1oz of almonds (about 22 of them) will add 15g of healthy fat to your day.
  • galoot
    galoot Posts: 17
    Thank you everyone for your advice.. I've amended my ratio to 50/30/20 for now and will see how I go in the next few days. I do eat cashews and sometimes plain peanuts in the day but obviously not enough.

    Thanks again.
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