NatalieLJ Member


  • I log every day, and happy to motivate (and be motivated!). Feel free to add me :)
  • I did Juice Plus, loved how easy it was (tempting with a busy lifestyle), lost loads of weight really fast and looked and felt great. Now 18 months later I'm back, having put all the weight back on (and more) and so I'm doing it properly this time. The JP plan just didn't teach me how to eat better, make healthier choices…
  • I'm in the UK and looking to lose about 2 stone - I also lost the weight and put it back on, so trying again. On a bit of a plateau at the moment, so always nice to see diary entry ideas from other UK friends :)
  • Some great advice there, thanks everyone. I know this is a common problem and I need to just stick with it for the long haul - and I will. I feel better for eating better, weight loss or not so I'm not going back. I definitely need to mix up my exercise, and take measurements rather than just weigh. Duly noted!
  • Correct stats: * Age 33 * Height 175cm/5'7'' * SW 77kg * CW 72.5kg * GW 62kg * Calories 1,200-1,400 per day (depending on amount/lack of exercise that day)
  • Ah sorry, I was rushing! It should read 77kg and 72.5kg - I'm not sure where the extra '1' came from! I'd like to be back down to about 62kg, which is where I've previously felt comfortable and looked healthy. I'm pleased with my weight loss so far, for sure. It just seems strange to have started off so well then have come…
  • I'm Natalie, also from Leeds. Feel free to add me :)
  • Feel free to add me, I need the motivation from more alerts when friends overtake me on points lol! My username is 'natbag'.
  • Leeds :)
  • Every day or other day, out of curiosity I guess and to keep me on track/motivated. I always place the scales on the exact same bathroom tile for consistency/fairness though, and I only log on MFP if the number has reduced (of course, it doesn't always for the various reasons others have given above).
  • I'm another 1200-a-day-er - I have a sedentary job and although i exercise 3 times a week and try to get more steps in daily I just don't seem to lose weight if I eat more than this. Not finding it too bad so far, just sticking to smaller portions and healthier versions of meals. I'm down 4kg and have about another 14kg to…
  • Lemon-drenched salmon fillet baked on a bed of asparagus, courgette, red pepper and served with mashed sweet potato. It was delicious!
  • Age 33 Height 5'7 CW 162 GW 133 Recently climbed back aboard the MFP wagon having regained all the weight I lost last time, and some more. Sigh! Aiming for 1,200 calories per day due to having a sedentary job, although I've been taking walks at lunchtime or using the elliptical on an evening to try hit my step counter…
  • I'm a yo-yo dieter too. I lost 20lb over a year ago and have since gained 30lb back, so I know how you feel! Looking to lose slowly by changing my food and exercise habits longer term and keep the weight off for good this time (or at least do something to prevent re-gaining a lot sooner!).
  • I'm trying to lose 30lb too - I did it once, then fell off the wagon and gained it back plus a bit more. Snacking is my downfall too, so I have switched to fruit, veg, poached egg, yoghurt etc, making sure it fits in my MFP allowance and maybe the odd little treat to kerb any cravings. I also work full time, sometimes in…
  • Same here, and I although I started an exercise class twice a week back in January I just couldn't quite make the other adjustments needed to lose weight and just continued gaining. It wasn't until I replaced the battery in the scales and actually saw the damage in black and white that I realised I needed to get back on…
  • Is holding the handles causing you to not quite put your entire weight on the scale properly? I ask because my weighing scales are in front of my bathroom sink, and when I hold it to steady myself on a morning, the scales show less until I remove my hands from the sink, then give the true reading. Might be wrong, but just…
  • My wrists - they are pretty skinny anyway and I don't have to worry about if they are toned, saggy, etc lol.
  • It's really awkward when people do that - and why do they?! There's just no need! I usually just say I'm on a diet and trying to be good if it's friends, family or colleagues offering, and most now have learnt to respect that, or if it's a stranger I don't usually comment, it's none of their business and I'm not in control…
  • I have a meal replacement shake for breakfast, as before that I wouldn't eat anything on a morning and wouldn't lose weight (I just don't seem to if I skip breakfast). Plus, being gluten, fructose and lactose intolerant, my breakfast choices were pretty limited even if I did feel like eating! Now I have a shake for…
  • 32 and UK-based too, feel free to add me :)
  • It is really hard losing weight when you don't have much left to lose. I've done well so far, but the scales have been mocking me for the last week now, and I keep going between 140lb and 140.5lb, up and down but no lower. I really want to be into the next stone bracket for the first time, it's so annoying! I'm 5'7'' btw.
  • I'm intolerant to gluten and dairy too, which was hard to hear as I was a huge lover of pasta and cheeses. I'm not a big fan of bread-based products anyway, and the gluten-free range is really bland, so haven't missed those, just pizza but many large pizza companies now offer gluten-free for the occasional treat. I…
  • I'd bought a new fine knit top, I didn't try it on in the shop as it's the sort of thing that normally suits me. Got it home and it looked awful on me, just clung to all the wrong places and looked a mess. I chucked it in my wardrobe and have just started wearing it having lost 17lb, it looks a whole load better now!
  • Definitely drink more water also, and finally lose this same half pound that has been going on and off the scales for almost a week now - it's stopping me going into the next stone bracket, so it's really annoying!
    in Goals? Comment by NatalieLJ October 2014
  • I have the same problem, but I have found the perfect pair of skinny jeans - they are high waisted with stretchy denim, so fit lovely on the waist, and also fit comfortably on the thighs. Means I can get into a smaller size, which look and fit great. Look out for something similar and give them a try :)
  • Yes, that! That was me about 6 weeks ago, everything you just wrote, and I think that's pretty normal because it's such a huge change/commitment to take on and so important to us. But I'm doing well, and I know you can too, definitely with the support of MFP. Feel free to add me as a friend for support.
  • Similar age, similar reasons for wanting to do this. I log daily and am pretty active on the site and app. Feel free to add me - same goes for anyone in this thread :)
  • Not a big milk drinker on its own, but I've switched to unsweetened almond milk and hazelnut milk since finding out I'm lactose intolerant. I like the coconut milk too. It really depends on what I'm mixing it with as to which one I go for, but I usually have all three in the fridge lol!