Tonilynn70 Member


  • Girl! You are not a failure.. you are here and you are working to make yourself better. We all slip up and eat things that are not so good for us. But you should definitely take this advice. You got this!!!
  • Can he come live with me fora week? LOL It was not offensive and it is something we all should read.. because it's honestly not just about weigh loss.. It's about our lifestyles in general.
  • I am also doing low carb (under direction of my doctor) - I will eat left overs from dinner for breakfast. That is really the first thing you need to so.. break the stigma that there is a "breakfast food". This morning for example, I mixed a left over pork chop with some roasted veggies. It fills me up and there is barely…
  • Thanks so much for all your feedback. I was diagnosed and the 14 year old I live with is the niece that has leukemia.. so it was a rough week. I also live with my sister and my father. I also work full time and am a full time grad student.. so my time is short. I sleep about 5 hours a night, which I know will not help the…
  • I would like to lose 100 lbs by next Christmas. My goals in order to accomplish that are: eating more fruit and veggies, exercising more often (I miss running and would like to get back to that) and running at least one 5K before the end of the year. On top of that, my personal goals are - getting a house, getting a job in…
  • I am also weaning off sugar. I did it for a month and allowed myself to cheat over this past week. I found myself with a stomach ache, a headache, achy joints, tired... It's worth it. Take Tylenol for the headache and eat some fruit. Good luck!!!
  • OHHH add me too!! My sister has Crohn's and the the doctor told her to cut back on the carbs and refined sugars (we are both significantly overweight and have a family history of heart attacks and diabetes) So, we just started Monday, but need ideas for snacks and meals, due to living with other people (my dad- he is a…
  • I know this thread is old (ish) but I just read the book on the plane to New York about 4 weeks ago. I came home and drank almost 80oz of water and ate good for two days. I felt amazing I was loving it. And then something happened at home and I ate junk.. And haven't gone back. I need to go back. So if any of you are still…
  • YOU, my wonderful friend, always motivate me. And I also have very intense conversations with myself in the car lol. You know I think you're amazing!!!
  • You made me cry!!! I have been there. I found a dress I wanted and went to see it.... Once I saw it in my size it wasn't cute anymore. Great job and you are def motivation!!!!
  • Lol. Hysterical... !!!!!
  • You all are so motivating!!! I make excuses (bc I can't get up at 630 am, bc I have to study or watch 2 hours of the Voice). Although, when I was losing weight and doing well, I was happier, had more energy and LOVED to exercise. I fell off the wagon and it's difficult to get motivated to get back on. I am going to make a…
  • That is a great NSV!!!! I unfortunately feel that I won't have that one!!! Lol. But when and if I do, I WILL be sharing!!!! Congratulations! !!!!
  • I have found that if I drink water and only water (I'm a diet pepsi addict), the weight falls off... but even if I have been eating healthy and NOT drinking water it stays. Also, if you are doing the same type of exercise you may want to change it up or amp it up. You can do this!!!
  • Laura, I am sorry for your loss! You can do this. Stay motivated, keep the goal in sight and you WILL achieve this! Feel free to add me, if you'd like. :-) Welcome!
  • Thank you all! I appreciate the support. I am still freaking out, upset and confused... I just needed to vent. I have my drs appt tomorrow and will take it day by day from there. <3
  • Thank you all! I appreciate the support. I am still freaking out, upset and confused... I just needed to vent. I have my drs appt tomorrow and will take it day by day from there. <3
  • Thanks y'all! I am going to try to up my carbs a bit and eat more. I do thinks its pms... bc I am having a hard time accomplishing even normal daily tasks without having to stop. lol. I think I will better next week... but I know I do have to keep my calories up. Thanks again... number one reason I love this site.. ppl…
  • I think your calories are too low for that much working out. I started out at 1300 and lost nothing... even tho I was exercising. I raised my calories to match my "fitness level" ... and within 2 days the weight started coming off. Granted, its been 8 lbs in about a month but its going down. Good luck!!!
  • I can understand completely. I was out of work for 2 years and had to move back home (@39). I have a degree in accounting and am working in a call center not making enough money to pay my bills. Everyday I look for another job, but nothing. I still get up every morning and I work out...bc it gets my stress out and my mind…
  • I found C25k to aggressive for me (being 230 lbs and had not run in a good 30 years)...but I wanted to run soooo badly!!! So I researched and I found a book called "Run Your Butt Off" and I am in week 5 of the 12 week program, but find I want tun longer then they say. So, try C25k, but if you want or need something that…
  • Google "Couch to 5k". You will learn everything there!!! :-)
  • Go right back to your normal eating habits and exercise. Falling off the wagon for one day does not hinder your weight loss. We have all had them... those days where for one reason or another you don't stop eating. You have to forgive yourself for the slip up, and start today fresh. Keep up your good work!
  • The other day for lunch.. I made a pork stir fry. I used left over pork, zucchini, and onions. I sauted it all in a pan sprayed with Pam. Added 1 tbsn of soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper and ground red pepper. Put it over brown rice and yummy... :smile:
  • I am with you and the night time binging. I have a high stress job and am a full time student. What happens is.. I get up, hang out with my kid, get on the treadmill for 30, hang out with my kid... go to work at 11.. eat lunch at 1.. get home at 830 and am usually starving by 7. So, I get home, eat dinner and can't stop…
  • That is AWESOME!!! Isn't it amazing when you accomplish something you never thought you could? You should be very proud!!!!
  • I LOVE this post! Its empowering us to love our bodies as they are so we can continue to make them better. I have never in my life worn a bikini (and probably never will), I've always been the girl in the tshirt at the pool and never changed out in gym. I am in!!!
  • You look amazing!!! And go one with your booty dance!!! :smile:
  • Success stories everywhere (including here) involved people over 40 and overweight, losing weight and running 5ks. That guy has no idea what he's talking about. I agree see your GP and if they have no issues with it, go for it.
  • I am a former diet pepsi addict. I never log them bc they have no calories and no fat... but the other day (I drink one a day during the week for fhe caffiene bc I don't drink coffee, and prob 2-4 a day on the weekend...but I used to drink a 12 pack or more A DAY)...anyway, I noticed the sodium content in it. Its something…