JAMProphet Member


  • Tucson Yo! What up?!?!
  • Just got back to it
  • Yea, that's true- and usually, my heart rate monitor gives me fairly different readings then on here, but my HRM is on the fritz at the moment. I hope that I can get it working again, so I can get better measures of what I am actually doing.
  • Nice work, man! It is an amazing thing you have done!
  • @Glynn20 last pic, second row...you look BAD@$$!
  • Nice work, Rok. We gotta get together and spar sometime! We'll put it on here as an event and charge admission for tickets.
  • I'm back! I was a big time MFPeep a year ago, and then dropped off due to frustration with progress. I am coming back, a) because I miss y'all and b) because every single one of you helped to keep me honest! I am currently big into boxing and boxing cardio classes over at Boxing Inc Univ. If you go there, come say hi! I'll…
  • And yes, W, I think this distinction is important...
  • Da *kitten* did I just read????
  • I agree. I like Strong Lifts to start with, since it a) helps you to work on form by only giving you a few exercises to learn and perfect and b) because you get some great confidence by being able to up your weight each time. I am on my 6 week of strong lifts, and as of today, I squatted my body weight (210) and benched…
  • Let me know what you figure out about this. I have been using a HRM while lifting, and I thought I was getting a pretty fair reading of what my status was, in terms of calories burned, since it seemed to adjust for work and rest periods.
  • I'm thinking maybe getting back into running might help. Maybe training for a 1/2 marathon at the end of the year?
  • I've been thinking about getting into running again. Its been about a year since my first race - I'll look into it! Thanks!
  • Happy help! Feel free to add if you'd like. Motivation is my middle name! (I know, its weird, but I had eccentric parents)
  • I tell one of my MFPeeps to kick me in the *kitten*, and that usually helps :)
  • Food as a reward can work if it is done in a very measured way (though in many ways, it can contribute to the process in some people's heads where food is equated with happiness) so I will often use non-food rewards, like iTunes purchases, clothes, or athletic clothing.
  • YUP! Teaching at a community college, a university and occasionally at a middle school can be hectic, so the summer is def my recharge batteries and get stuff done. I am going to spend a whole bunch of time working on muscle toning and perfecting my boxing technique. Looking forward to it!
  • Congratulations on making a decision for a positive change. One thing that helped me immensely is the quantification of goals, such as what you did with your water. It is one thing to say "I will not eat junk food" which can give you some wiggle room (I'm pretty sure I've justified everything in the world at least once as…
  • If then ankle pain doesn't inhibit it, you may want to up your cardio- perhaps walking a bunch. You'd be surprised how much you can burn by walking- Alot of the champion bodybuilders use low intensity cardio like walking to tone and burn fat. It won't necessarily give you everything that squats would, but it will workout…
  • Yup! Me and Goodwill are the best of friends!
  • Yup. You may want to reduce or restrict carbohydrate intake. Many people consume WAY more then they need, and a boost your protein intake can help you burn more because your body works harder to break down protein. I lost most of my weight using Atkins low carb diets (you can see my before and after on my profile). You…
  • Almost everyday. I often look at myself (or at people who are near the weight I used to be) and can hear a distinct voice that says "I am still that size." The only real solution I have found is to continually remind myself that this is not the case. I don't know that the voice well ever go away (after all, you do have…
  • One way to check your progress is to move from paying attention to weight and paying attention to body fat percentage, since in reality, that is what we are most concerned about (I don't hear people saying "I am dying to lose this muscle mass") 1) Grab yourself a body fat percentage scale…
  • Close approximations are not the worst thing in the world. Its really more of a guide for yourself, rather than a rigid rule - you can also try writing it down by hand just to keep a record for yourself.
  • Binging is all mental. You can work on re-conditioning your mind to consider alternatives to eating when you feel the need/craving. Here are some things I do:
  • Yup! Thats my favorite one! As soon as I discovered that it would take me about one hour of burpees to burn off ONE BAGEL, I said "EFF that ISH!"
  • No in CA, but I have had success challenging MFPeeps on here. For example, I ended up buying one friend a Starbucks gift card because she beat me in a mileage challenge we had. You can set things up like that with your friends on here, and its a fun way to keep yourself going. I am going to propose a pushup challenge with…
  • Have you considered/tried macros adjustment? You may need to reevaluate your carb to protein/fat intake. Many people do well with reduced carbohydrate intake.
  • I don't tweet either, but I had great success posting pics and progress reports on my Facebook for a long time. my friends would check in, and occasionally kick me in the butt to get going. Sometimes, having support outside of MFP is helpful!