if you are a positive person who is optomistic

you are the kind of friend I am looking for. I have 55 pounds to go to reach my goal weight and beginning new changes my first steps are:

1. surrounding myself with positive people and a negative free zone

2. drink water at least 64 ounces

3. eat healthy and stop eating junk food/ binge eating

the more positive people supporting me in my journey the better I will succeed at it


  • whycantregister
    whycantregister Posts: 22 Member
    you are the kind of friend I am looking for. I have 55 pounds to go to reach my goal weight and beginning new changes my first steps are:

    1. surrounding myself with positive people and a negative free zone

    2. drink water at least 64 ounces

    3. eat healthy and stop eating junk food/ binge eating

    the more positive people supporting me in my journey the better I will succeed at it

    Hello lady,

    I am not the most optimistic girl as my positiveness always comes and goes, :blushing: but it seems to me you are on the right track for your journey. It's cliche and easier said than done, still, keep going steadily, and be patient. Don't forget to enjoy and in love with our life-long journey. Good luck!

  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I tend to be quite silly, but I consider myself pretty positive. xD Add me if you'd like.
  • klcalliari
    klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
    Are you planning to use exercise to lose the 55? I'm a super good workout cheerleader... Not always perfect with food but as long as I keep trying I figure I haven't lost the battle with food! I've lost over 80lbs so I know where you're coming from and it always helps to have people pushing you to keep going so go ahead and add me if you'd like.
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    Congratulations on making a decision for a positive change.

    One thing that helped me immensely is the quantification of goals, such as what you did with your water. It is one thing to say "I will not eat junk food" which can give you some wiggle room (I'm pretty sure I've justified everything in the world at least once as having some kind of healthy, redeeming quality) so the more concrete I made my goals, the more successful I was.

    For example:
    Instead of saying "I will eat healthy" I would say something like "I will limit myself to 60 grams of carbs today" or something like that. It made for much greater success when I knew exactly when I reached my goal.

    feel free to add me if you'd like! I'm big on motivation and kickin my MFPeeps in the butt from time to time.