wendybird5 Member


  • I recently gained back 20 pounds due to falling off my routine after a death on the family. No one noticed and even when I point it out to other people, they still don't see it. Some people just carry their weight differently so what is obvious to you because you keep such a close eye on it is not going to be as apparent…
  • Also remember that a lot of your larger friends may be thinking that if you consider your weight to be horrible, then you must think really badly of them for how big they are. Size is relative to each person, but someone struggling with a larger weight gain than you could also just as easily take as much offense as you do…
  • So true. I actually ended up having my RMR measured so I knew exactly how many calories I was burning a day on average because the 1200 calorie limit MFP recommended had some negative side effects for me (mood swings, more prone to severe binging, harder time focusing at work or remembering simple things, bad hunger pains,…
  • I have this for lunch at work every day: 1 pouch microwaveable long grain brown rice. 6 tbsp chunky salsa or pico de gallo 2 oz. low sodium turkey breast slices I get it all from Trader Joe's, heat up the rice, tear two turkey slices on top along with salsa. (You can also add in half an avocado diced as well for some…
  • They aren't changing per se. What the app does is set a certain calorie limit assuming that you will not exercise. When you exercise, you earn calories which it adds on to your base calorie limit. You aren't doing anything wrong.
  • Your sodium intake is high often from the couple weeks I saw. For me I've noticed that if I have too much sodium, then I tend to retain a lot of water weight so that could be contributing as well as the days you went over your calorie limit.
  • Aw, thank you. You make me blush. :heart: I'm definitely no expert. (Well, not until I become a registered dietitian and then I'm going to be a preachy know-it-all all over the place. A paid one at least. Tee hee! :laugh: )
  • Aw, thank you. You make me blush. :heart: I'm definitely no expert. (Well, not until I become a registered dietitian and then I'm going to be a preachy know-it-all all over the place. A paid one at least. Tee hee! :laugh: )
  • I'm the same measurements as you and get the same comments, not from family, but from co-workers who also like to warn me I'm going to get fat any time they see me eat a cookie. It probably is largely due to them being so used to how big you once were. My dad lost a lot of weight and at first it freaked me out because he…
  • Zeraus - Sean? (And no, mine is not Wendy.)
  • The girls I'm friends with are ones with whom I have fun and share common interests. I also think all my friends are gorgeous. The kind of people who base their friendships on looks are easy to spot as they tend to be superficial and catty. I'm not friends with those women. Plus I've known men who were just as superficial…
  • Great job! Don't worry if it's not as much as other people. It's a lot for you and that is all that matters. Keep up the fantastic work! You look beautiful!!
  • I don't know your current weight/size, but for me 1800 calories is maintenance mode. I can't lose weight at that level unless I'm doing 45-90 minutes of high impact exercising. I have to stay between 1300-1600 calories to lose weight. Maybe try going down to 1600 calories. It's not much of a drop in calories.
  • The original Life On Mars and the follow up Ashes to Ashes.
  • Congrats on the weight loss! You are awesome. But you can't compare yourself to your husband as men and women's bodies function slightly differently so what works for him isn't always going to yield the same results for you. I noticed you've been doing just the treadmill. If you are walking, you should consider increasing…
  • It's not a matter of whether or not MFP works. It's a matter of whether or not you are willing to do the work. It works if YOU work it.
  • Ditto! I used to struggle to just go three days a week for a half hour. Now I'm there 5-6 days a week for an hour on average and I get cranky if I miss a day.
  • Exercise is always a great way to help with soreness. I often don't feel sore until two days after my workout, but exercising always helps alleviate the pain and make it go away faster. Also a hot bath or shower and ibuprofen.
  • Cutting back on the sodium. I have very little loose skin in part thanks to cutting down on the sodium. Also you have to give your body time to adjust. Once I get into the shape I want to be, I'm going to give my body a year to tighten up on it's own before I even consider surgery.
    in tips Comment by wendybird5 May 2013
  • It took me a year and a half to lose 88 pounds by doing mostly cardio and eating what I wanted, but in moderation. I started out just counting calories. I ate what I wanted as long as it was within my limit. If I wanted to eat more, I would exercise first to "earn" more calories. And I had one cheat day a week. I lost 30…
  • None. I'm not into getting kinky with cars.
  • Love that feeling! Last week a maintenance man accidentally walked into the women's locker room at my gym while I was still in my bra and panties. My first thought: "Hope he's enjoying the view." Before I would have been mortified.
  • I adore all three of you. :flowerforyou:
  • Amen! It doesn't cost anything to take a walk. If your budget is tight, eating less in general is going to help with that. Of course this could be that the people I see, like me, with weight issues are not people living at the poverty level, but rather middle class level with enough money to pay for an SUV, take vacations…
  • Or you can eat them without the yolk which is where most of the "bad" stuff is though I know not everyone loves just the egg whites. I hard boil a couple dozen eggs each weekend and have five without the yolk and one with.
  • I'm 40, never been married and no kids and I live in LA where dating really sucks. But then I remember that the guy I could have married turned out to be a drug addict and I'm definitely much better off. Don't assume something is wrong with you. So much of relationships is just being in the right place at the right time. I…
  • This! For years I tried to lose weight just by exercising. I'd lose maybe 10-20 pounds and then stall out and end up injuring myself because I thought exercising more or harder would make me burn more. Then with this app, I started counting calories and lost 30 pounds without regular exercise or eating clean. Just eating…
  • I say the parents based on my own experience. Growing up my mother always cooked very healthy while my dad was the junk food junky. I was never a fat kid growing up thanks to a mother who didn't believe in microwaves, instant anything or fast food. Both my parents worked full time and my mother doesn't drive so she biked…