starfairy411 Member


  • Thanks everyone! Super happy about this goal! (and definitly no more kiddos for us!)
  • We lost one at 12 weeks in September 11' & I had a D&C. We found out we were pregnant again in November (were told to wait one cycle, so this was the 1st time we could have gotten pregnant). It took us 13+ months to get pregnant with the one we lost, so it was way eaiser after the loss (and everything went perfect that…
  • Update: Charlotte Elizabeth is here! 8/2/12 at 7:59am. 8lbs 4oz, 20" and perfect!!! -Jenny H.
  • 37 weeks pregnant and up 40lbs... I only gained 28 with my son (all of which was after the 1/2 point). I am at the same weight right now as I was when I had him though since I started lighter. I figure that is where my body needed/wanted to go because I've stayed at this weight for the last few weeks!
  • You should join the fit, fabulous and pregnant group on here, they have all of the guidelines and it's nice to have a bunch of pregnant ladies to give you support (since we all know about the hormonal eating!). Congrats!
  • Glad to find a group of ladies due when I am! I lost 22lbs between my m/c in septmber and getting my BFP 2 months later (lost 2 more after and now gained 1.4 back) Due August 9th (our 4th wedding anniversary!) with baby #2. We have a 20m old son. I have seen the baby on u/s at 7w1d, 9w and 11w6d and heard the HB on doppler…
  • Name: Jenny Hubby/Partner: Brian How many kids do you have: A 19 month old son and an angel in Heaven 9/11 Due Date: August 9th, 2012 (our 4th wedding anniversary!) Do you know the gender: Not Yet! Find out Mid-March Have you picked out the baby's name: Everett Allen or Charlotte Elizabeth Where do you live: Twin Cities,…
  • Thanks! My last one was 162 by Halloween, so down 12 lbs in 1.5 months! :-)
  • We went to a WI State Park for the day to see the beautiful waterfall (our 1st date was at a waterfall). He brought a picinic lunch, so after hiking and taking many wonderful pictures of the falls, we ate. After lunch he said he had a present to give to me. It was a beautiful jewelry box he had made, in-laying different…
  • Welcome back! All you can do is start from where you left off and do better from here on out! Good luck on getting thin and confident for your vow renewal and family reunion!
  • Awesome Job!!! :-) Pretty soon you will be running MILES w/o stopping and looking hot doing it! Keep it up!
  • AWESOME! This was the goal I hit today as well! Go us! :-)
  • Thanks everyone! It wasn't one of my "official" mini goals on the way to my goal weight, but it sure does feel awesome!
  • Awesome Job! :-)
  • Great Job! :-)
  • Stephanie & RisOnTheRun- Thanks! I am pretty excite to not be considered overweight in a few more lbs! I think that will be the most exciting thing about this so far! Karen- I am sorry... **HUGS** I've never had a CP but I did lose an angel at 10w2d so I know how it is to get excited and then find out bad news... Hopefully…
  • Karen- Congrats!!! :-) Tons of Sticky Dust!!! I lost 1.6lbs this week (even with being in a wedding on Sat and not watching what I eat for a few days). Only 4.2lbs away from a healthy BMI!!! I am hoping to work out more consitantly this week and make healthier choices with my food (not just eat less calories).
  • cutmd- Only 8.2lbs has been lost since the m/c, the rest was before the m/c (and really I was down 11 of my total 12.2 loss when I got pregnant, I am just getting back to where I started to we can do it again!). I've just been taking lost of walks with my son and counting calories. I think I am now hitting the point where…
  • jalara- I have not really had any issues w/my B/U. The only thing was I had to have a c-section because of it (the top of mine is only 1/3 of the thickness it should be, so even though I was having contractions 2x's as hard as they want you to have at the end of labor for 24 hours I only got to 4cm because it couldn't push…
  • Cutmd- Welcome! I feel your pain... I went through the same exact thing in September... it's tough finally getting pregnant and losing your little Angel. Can't wait to weight in on Monday! I think I've lost at least another 2lbs this week!
  • Hey, I am sorry for your losses. I can't imagine 3, 1 has been hard enough. I understand the hormones and losing weight to TTC thing though... I was diagnosed w/PCOS in June after TTC since our son was born in May '10 (got pregnant with him on the 1st try). The only difference between when I got pregnant w/my son and this…
  • Born & Raised Minnesotan here! Originally from Stillwater, Hubby is from Eagan, We now live west of the cities in Delano.
  • Hey everyone! I was part of the pregnancy groups, but sadly lost our Angel after seeing them twice on u/s with growing perfectly and with a strong HB (went in for my appt 9/19/11 at 11w3d and found out our the baby was only measuring 10w2d. Had to have a D&C on 9/22/11). So now I am back to losing weight while we TTC again…
  • YAY! Great Job! Mine is a fib too... last time I renewed it I was pregnant, so I just kept it at the same weight as before... which is from when I was 21 and about 25 lbs less than now. Hopefully it wont be a lie for me soon either! Congrats!
  • Haha, LOVE it! Go you! :-)
  • Thanks everyone. It's been tough and will be nice to start focusing on something else.
  • Hello everyone, can I join? I found out a little over a week ago I am expecting baby #2 on 4/8/12 (Easter! And the day before my 27th birthday!) We are thrilled since we have been TTC since DS was born! Our son is 14 months old, so we are going to have 2 under 2!
  • Thank you! :-)
  • Thanks! :-)
  • Thank you, I am!!! It is so great! Now I just hve to tell DH when he gets home from a trip for work late tomorrow!