im back, tail between my legs.

It always sucks when you fall off the wagon, but im back ( with an added 8 pounds, go me) and am ready to get my butt into ONEderland. The last time I was here I got down from 245 to 208, and somebody PLEASE tell me why i quit trying so close to my goal?? I have a family reunion in February in Vegas, and would like to feel great about myself while being around my family. ALso, im surprizing my husband of 4 years with renewing our vows, and I just want to be confident, happy and completely focused on changing my life for the better. Thanks for the support guys, I need it!


  • starfairy411
    starfairy411 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome back! All you can do is start from where you left off and do better from here on out! Good luck on getting thin and confident for your vow renewal and family reunion!
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm back today too :) I was doing really well, then had a few weekends of partying/eating/drinking etc and then just couldn't find the motivation to get back on track. Hopefully this time I will stick to it!!
  • ameerah77
    ameerah77 Posts: 37 Member
    Try to go easy on yourself! I have fallen off the band wagon myself a couple of times, but at least you are back. You can do it, you've done it before :flowerforyou:
  • I lost a lot of weight before and felt great - no idea why I let is come back on! It creeps up on ya!
    Important thing is we are back on track. Good luck with your trip to ONEderland - I'll see you there!!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    for help with limiting future stumbling blocks, I recommend reading my will power blog.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member

    remember how good you felt that day you CAN do it again and more, good luck on your journey!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    you really didnt gain that much back. I gained it all back! so just know your here now and we will help with motivation. i found a post the other day that said when you have been doing this for 3 or 4 months you want to give up because you are tired of doing it. that is when you need to dig in your heels!
  • You have to come to realize that his is a life style change. If you do not change your habits you will gain the weight back! This only took me 40 something years to get it through my head!

    We are so glad you came back! Get serious and make the changes you need to do.
  • Sounds like you have some exciting motivation to get you started again! Congrats on continuing your journey to a healthier you. We are all here to help you on this journey and give you the extra motivation you need. You are a beautiful and strong person! No matter why you stopped before, you have the strength to pick up from here and move on. You will be in my prayers. :flowerforyou:
  • DedicationPays
    DedicationPays Posts: 32 Member
    THIS WAS JUST THE POST I NEEDED...Im not happy that you fell off.....BUT IM ESTATIC THAT YOUR BACK......I just came back yesterday after 2wks of coasting and eating whatever....I had lost 7lbs in 3wks but gained bk 3lbs due to my temper tantrum....reading this post help me further conclude that I am not the only person that falls off then feel bad about it cuz I jeaporized thehard work I did put it....TOGETHER WE ALL CAN GET AND STAY ON TRACK AND WORK TOWARD OUT GOALS.....without falling off.....GLAD YOUR BAK...WE CAN DO THIS & WE WILL toast of water to accomplishing our goals :))))) Congrats on renewing your vows, hope u have a blast at your family reunion
  • swtgrl42
    swtgrl42 Posts: 100 Member
    all that matters is you are back. good luck!
  • Angela_2_Oh
    Angela_2_Oh Posts: 579 Member
    "Fall seven times; stand up eight."

    Glad you're back. I too, am starting over. I am really hoping to bust in to the next lower set of numbers (the 150s, for me) soon.
  • DGSki
    DGSki Posts: 71 Member
    You can do it! Lets look at the positive, you are back and ready to do something about it before it got too out of hand and you started at square one. Kudos for you coming back, and feel free to add me as a friend I can offer you support! :) You got this :)
  • marinucciphoto
    marinucciphoto Posts: 70 Member
    Right there with ya! I lost 115 pounds last year and then proceeded to gain 36 back over the last six stress-filled months! Spent some time upset with myself. And then, yesterday, I woke up and decided to stop dwelling on it and just get busy again. As people here have said, what's done is done. This is your new starting weight. Now get busy. I still plan to lose 20 by the end of the year and the remaining 10+ by the end of January! Good Luck to you!
  • Someone said to me...when you realize and re-focus; you are recovering from a lapse. The realization and recommitment keep it from becoming a collapse.