Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member

    Meggamix so how do they figure out titrating the clomid? Do you increase each cycle or what? Best of luck with it!

    You ladies make me want to start tracking temps, I think i lost my digital thermometer. I did notice the egg white cm I usually ignore, and combined with the time of the month it's probably that time! So I successful jumped DH and was feeling all smug until I read that only got me a 15-20% chance of pregnancy.  Drats. Why is human fertility so inefficient?

    I'm not really sure yet how it all works since this was my first time through. And I didn't really realize until a few days after my Dr. appointment that he really didn't explain the rest of the process. I think they did start with a low dose to see how I react to it and then will adjust from there. I go in on Wednesday to see if it worked (so if I have any good follicles) if so, then they'll make sure I don't have too many (to prevent multiples) and if not, then he'll probably up the dose of Clomid. So yeah, I'll have a better idea later this week!

    Your comment about human fertility was's true, but it does seem weird that our bodies would fight against the whole process seeing that it's such a natural part of life. Last week I ran across this documentary on YouTube called The Great Sperm Race. It's broken into 6 parts, I only got through half, but it's SOOO interesting I recommend everyone watch it! Here's the link to the first part if you are interested.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm wondering if any of you have ever read Chris Kresser's blog ( or taken his online course The Healthy Baby Code ( I've heard him speak on a couple of podcasts that I've listened to but I haven't shelled out the money for the online course. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with it.
  • smanibhai
    smanibhai Posts: 49 Member
    So I thought I'd check in with everyone and my challenge on trying one new food. I'll be honest, I still have my squash waiting to be cooked - I've either been too busy or not in the mood for that kind of food. How's it going for everyone else? Any cool recipes anyone has? I'm going to try one I pulled from the fertile kitchen cookbook called Carrots with Garlic & Cilantro (it's basically boiling carrots in garlic water and then adding cilantro and boiling for a few more minutes and then draining).

    My coworker grew tomatillos in her garden. I have had tomatillo salsa before, but I have never eaten one raw - I cut a few up and sprinkled a little salt and pepper, and they were yummy!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hey ladies - has anyone been on Prometrium suppositories? Anything you can tell me about your experience with them?

    Heh heh. Well, my expereince was different than when I was on Clomid, but you remember my commentaries on that phase of my life. Prometrium affected me too. Made me hungry, and to be quite honest, it depressed me--zapped my coping mechanisms. As if the 2WW wasn't hard enough, I couldn't figure out why I was so depressed and crying--I didn't even have a result yet! Then I read that depression can be a side effect, and while I didn't feel "better", I didn't feel crazy anymore. And, a week or so after I stopped the suppositories, I felt more like my old self--more resilient. Again, you experience may vary, but that's what mine was like. I'm not looking forward to doing again during the next treatment cycle. I'm pretty sure I talked about it in some of my older posts from the summer if you want to go back and read them (as if you don't have anything else to do!) Good luck!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Thanks Karen!!!!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I used to have an iron stomach, never got nauseated until the pregnancy. Now even after I miscarried my stomach is still upset half the time. It's not fair! :sad:
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    So have been MIA for a while now-- holidays, sick kid and and and... Spent a lot of yesterday trying to catch up on the thread and then posted some replies only to check today to see nobody had written anything new.... Yeah, cause I was reading and posting in September! Duh...
    Anyway, now have 9 pages to catch up on here.

    So, now that is out of the way.
    I had mentioned on the Sept post I put up that finally got to the Dr and had an ultrasound to look at the cyst on my ovary only to discover it is gone! That was good news. Hormone test on the third day of my cycle... of course I am hoping my cycle doesn't come.

    Goals for this week.
    Hubby just left for 6-7 weeks so I want to get back on track and focus.
    Do another round of 30DS while he is gone, Start today!
    Start logging food again.
    That is about it...
    weigh in was 151.8

    Wish I could write a bunch of personal messages to everyone but looks like I have nine pages of reading to catch up on before that happens.
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just checking in.... been having a rough go of things the last week. Especially since money is uber tight, and I can barely afford groceries (lemme re-phrase, I CAN'T afford groceries) so buying any fresh produce is out of the question. Ugh guess I need to break out the frozen veg. :x Anyway... stress is my enemy and been having a really hard time not going to my ol' standby mr carb. Saturday my mom had a belated Thanksgiving supper for a whole bunch of family, my husband and I included. I did not too bad until dessert rolled around. I was content with having grapes as dessert, but them somehow the extra piece of homemade saskatoon berry pie with a scoop of ice cream wound up in front of me and the rest is history. I vaguely remember tasting the couple of pieces of pizza we had when out with friends later that night. And Then there was the 3am snack of ham sandwiches... *sigh* I go to the nutritionist tomorrow.... not looking forward to showing her my journal. Some days are missing as I only logged on here... and I am so ashamed of myself for my actions the last few days... *sigh*. Makes me feel like any of the progress or learning I am doing at the Craving Change workshop is all for nothing.

    Anyway, enough of my whining and crying. Just needed to get it out.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I am going to take my sorry bum to bed now since its 4am lol

    Love, hugs n baby dust! *sprinkle sprinkle*
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Hi all, just a quick check in - I did write a long post on Friday morning but then my beloved cat stepped on the power button of my laptop, turning it off and deleting the whole thing!

    Things are a bit tough at the moment, my OH is having a terrible time at work and has been really quite depressed. Then as he was driving home Friday he heard that a very close friend of his died unexpectedly from a heart attack (a marathon runner aged 51, I still can't believe it myself) that afternoon so it's been an emotional weekend. Most of my resources are of course going into supporting him at the moment so I've not been about much but I'm trying to keep up when I can.

    Hope to catch up properly soon!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I was "gone" for 3 days while my family was in town and now I am having a hard time catching up! i hope all is well with you all. I saw two of the ladies feeling like the doctors aren't taking them seriously because of their age. That sucks and i'm sorry to hear that, keep pushing to get the tests you need. Though it's not in relation to fertility I am having a similar experience. My surgeon seems to think that I should wait to get surgery....or should I say his receptionist and nurse think so. I went and saw an orthopedic surgeon and he confirmed everything I already knew (that the pain is from my spine and a very small localized area that is giving me pain is from my shoulder) I called my neurosurgeon to tell them that and to talk about scheduling either surgery or at least an appt to talk about if the doctor thinks I shouldn't get surgery at all, or just shouldn't get surgery NOW. But I cant get past the stupid receptionist, who just reads the notes that the doctor wrote and says "oh he says not to come back for 4-6 month and it says here that he doesn't recommend surgery." Guess what b**** he told me he doesnt' WANT to do surgery because I'm so young but that it may be necessary so let me talk to the freaking I'm going to call and insist on talking to the doctor, or at least someone with some kind of medical expertise.
    I was freaking emotional this weekend! My dad and step mom were in town so we did a lot of touristy things (pretty much meaning going into all the little shops) Well, one of them has a bunch of "Willow Tree" figurines, and if you're at all familiar with willow tree, you know they have a ton that are mother and child or father and child and it really made me want a baby even more. Not to mention there were babies everywhere. And all the cute little halloween costumes. SIGH Also, trying to prevent a baby when you really want one SUCKS!!! I know that I need to get my shoulder taken care of before baby making but it still sucks.
    Anyway, sorry to be a downer, I'll try and keep up better with you all this week.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member

    Things are a bit tough at the moment, my OH is having a terrible time at work and has been really quite depressed. Then as he was driving home Friday he heard that a very close friend of his died unexpectedly from a heart attack (a marathon runner aged 51, I still can't believe it myself) that afternoon so it's been an emotional weekend. Most of my resources are of course going into supporting him at the moment so I've not been about much but I'm trying to keep up when I can.

    So sorry to hear that! Hang in there and don't worry about us, just take care of your man and yourself. Hugs
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    So, for me, it's been a long few days.

    Good stuff - I finally worked out for the first time in over a month! And it nearly killed me but I did it! I will be going after school during the week more often :) I just need to get through the initial hump.
    Also, we had a belayed Thanksgiving dinner last night - and it was awesome!

    Not so good stuff - had a breakdown last night with hubby. Huge emotions following by even bigger sobs. But feeling much better.

    We're looking into moving our first IVF up from May to December. We still have some things to consider, but we are thinking about it. It means stopping the Clomid (at my clinic you need 3 'bleeds' in between) which makes me feel as though we'd have zero chance otherwise. It's a hard threshold to get through - finally taking that step, but we'll see.

    Anyone besides Pam doing/done IVF?

    Silver lining - it's the motivation I need to stick to my diet!
  • starfairy411
    starfairy411 Posts: 37 Member
    cutmd- Only 8.2lbs has been lost since the m/c, the rest was before the m/c (and really I was down 11 of my total 12.2 loss when I got pregnant, I am just getting back to where I started to we can do it again!). I've just been taking lost of walks with my son and counting calories. I think I am now hitting the point where it's going to be harder to lose... no more few lbs a week losses for me!
  • smanibhai
    smanibhai Posts: 49 Member
    Jalara - I have done IVF. We had one live round in September 2008 which seemed to go well but resulted in no pregnancy. We had 2 frozen embryos and did a frozen embryo cycle in December 2008. Both embryos implanted but one stopped growing at 6 weeks, and I had a healthy son September 2009. Now we are trying for number 2 and I am starting IVF again next month. Our diagnosis was MFI.

    I am more than happy to talk about it or answer questions about my experience - just let me know.
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    Love reading everyones updates! Sorry to the ones whos doctors are not taking them serious because of their age. Ive recently had to deal with that myself. Just not with the ob with my gp.

    AFM- I am down 4lbs this week. I did horrible at sticking to my goals. Going to try to revamp and go at it again this week. Along with the added goal of sticking to the 30 DS.
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Happy Monday ladies! I love that I usually have a half hour free to catch up and respond to y'all. It's a good start to the week!

    Welcome smanibhai, Imwitha, cutmd & leylaaa87

    Nice to see you again Amanda. Sorry to hear about the ectopic pregnancy. Good job staying focused on your health through all of the craziness.

    dexters_dexterity - Love your workout updates. It inspires me to want to try some new things.

    Meggan, Glad you're through with this round of clomid. Now fingers crossed for everything to work out just right!

    kaitlinj - Hubby and I say the same thing about how responsible we were when we were younger about not getting pregnant and now that we want to it is so hard. We have a theory that irresponsibility increases the likelihood of pregnancy. He says that means we need to do it in the back of the car. I laughed at the time, but now, you never know...

    Beth - Glad you had a good session with a trainer. I've been thinking about paying for a few sessions once I reach my next milestone. Getting the cardio in is not so tough, but I know nothing about the proper way to strength train and I know it is so beneficial, I don't want to miss out. And very cool about crocheting. I knit some and it is a super stress relief.

    Smores18 - Sorry you haven't heard back from the doctor yet. That feeling of waiting to move forward is so hard. Of course, only your doctor can say for sure, but I don't think the exercise and diet will hurt your chances. Just don't do anything crazy or weird. To be honest, if your diet is balanced, even at a slightly lower calorie intake, it can be a good thing for your body. Fingers crossed that you get some good answers and direction soon.

    EmilyRanae22 - Good luck with the surgery. I feel so badly for you with all the pain that you're in. Keep us up to date with how you're doing.

    3ricaAnn - Sending positive thoughts your way for finding a new job! Best of luck to you! About the cycle lengths, I will share this. My cycle changed a lot when I was in my early 20s. You're right to stay on top of your doctors to find out more, especially since you are TTC, but do know that your body is still adjusting and adapting.

    Simone - Welcome back!! Great job on your progress so far!

    Jalara - Positive thoughts your way too as you get through the next month or so of school. You're definitely in the home stretch now! Hmm...31st birthday ideas - I definitely am a fan of personal days, lots of papering: salon, spa, cheesy movies & dinner someplace completely out of the normal. I save the big get togethers with friends for the more milestone birthdays. Honestly, most of the time I'd rather just celebrate with DH than a bunch of people. Let us know what you decide to do! Good luck with the big decisions that lie ahead of you too regarding IVF.

    RisOnTheRun - I agree with everyone that it might mean just setting the mood beforehand to get his mind off of babies. However, don't discount his reaction too much. I'm certainly not qualified to say this for sure, but it might mean he's feeling some emotional reluctance to become a father. It might help to talk it out (when you are not trying to do the deed) to make sure he has a chance to share all his thoughts and concerns. Once he's more comfortable, the other part might be less of an issue. Good luck!

    Karen - Just a big HELLO and shout out that I'm thinking about you!

    Mandy - Yes, there must be an epidemic, because I can't stop seeing babies either. It probably didn't help that I went to a 1-yr old birthday party this weekend, but I completely understand. There is this little person in my head just screaming as I smile and politely tell someone "Oh your 4 year and 20 mo old are so adorable, I can't believe you're expecting twins now! Just how will you manage?" I have to laugh to stay sane. Trust me, we all get it!

    Pam - Hope your weekend turned out ok and the eating out was manageable. That's been one of my top goals with this plan is to figure out how to eat out and still be successful. It's getting easier the more I've tracked my food and know how to make good choices, but it's still not always obvious. It's also why I still haven't gotten around to your new food challenge yet - I just don't cook. Sorry to hear about the riff with your swim buddy. It's just hard when she's not at the same level of commitment that your are. Maybe you can meet a new buddy at the class. Good luck!

    Melissa - glad you are gradually dosing up on the metformin. It will help. Sorry I don't have any tips on the temp'ing. I never could get it right. My doctor looked at my charts a couple of years ago and just shook her head because I was all over the place!

    thinthought - Nice to see you again and congrats on the disappearing cyst! Good luck with your next round of 30DS. I'm 10 days into my first one and moving up to level 2 tonight.

    mrsjenfrank - HUGS to you. It's a journey, not just a trip. You'll get over this little bump in the road.

    Fiona - So sorry to hear about what your DH is going through. Losing someone is never easy, especially unexpectedly and then to add work stress on top of it. I know it's cliche to say that time heals, but it does. Thinking loving thoughts for you too, I know being there for someone else has its own special toll. Feel free to drop in here if you need us. *HUGS*

    starfairy411 - Good job on your losses so far, you're right, it does feel like it gets harder, but you can push through it. We believe in you!

    mommy2squish - Great Loss!

    AFM, Was a little scared I had negated my loss this week over the weekend, I had weird scale issues this morning when I first got up, but I weighed again after my shower and got a consistent reading. I didn't really eat too much above maintenance on Saturday, but I just felt bloated and weird all weekend. I'm crossing my fingers that I was O'ing. I took a couple days off from the 30DS because I wasn't feeling well, but will be back in full force today. The big win of the weekend, though was DH helped install another shoe rack in my closet so now all my shoes fit without spreading out into a pile in the middle of the floor. Yay!

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 38: 171.2 (-0.8)
    Calendar week 29: 171.6 (+0.4)
    Calendar week 30: 170.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 31: 169.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 32: 168.4 (-1.2)

    Hope everyone has a great week!
    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Hey ladies! Well...I think I've probably only posted once or twice in this month's thread. Fall is such a busy time!

    So I think I did post earlier that we know some people who are in the adopiton process, and they have been matched to a birth mother who lives near us. So last month they came down here to meet with her. It went very well, and everyone felt comfortable moving forward. Well, the birth mother had really wanted them to come back for one more visit before the birth, and even though it meant them taking time off work, paying for plane tickets, etc, they were more than happy to do so. So this past weekend they came to town again. However, the birth mother totally blew them off. She knew they were coming--had been in contact with them the week before. But when they were in town, she did not return their calls, and only sent a couple of vauge text messages. They did not get to see her at all, even after coming all htis way. SO...needless to say the couple feels that she may be having second thoughts, or wanting to back out. She hasn't come out and said that, but they're trying to come to terms with the fact that it might be true. Very heartbreaking. We'll see what happens, though. In our state, adoption is finalized 10 days after birth (which is super fast), so anything can happen between now and then, I guess.

    AFM, I've still been losing weight (except for this week...thanks to AF). I just finished my second month of charting BBTs, and it does appear that I've had two ovulatory cycles, so that's good!

    I do lurk here sometimes, but I'm having a tough time keeping up. Fall is just too busy!! Hope everyone's doing ok!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    when should I track my bbt? I know they say before you get out of bed but I wake at at 3 or 4 am (depending on what time my dh has to be at work) I make his breakfast and pack his lunch then when he leaves I try to go back to sleep. Should i do it that early or wait untill I wake up again?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    3rica - it's best to have had at least 4 hours of sleep. So take it when you wake up from your longest sleep time. Also, it needs to be taken at the same time every day so that each temp gets the same level of consideration (computer geek me!). I would suggest taking it before you get out of bed with hubby, and then you don't have to work about it :)
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Monday ladies! I love that I usually have a half hour free to catch up and respond to y'all. It's a good start to the week!

    Welcome smanibhai, Imwitha, cutmd & leylaaa87

    Nice to see you again Amanda. Sorry to hear about the ectopic pregnancy. Good job staying focused on your health through all of the craziness.

    dexters_dexterity - Love your workout updates. It inspires me to want to try some new things.

    Meggan, Glad you're through with this round of clomid. Now fingers crossed for everything to work out just right!

    kaitlinj - Hubby and I say the same thing about how responsible we were when we were younger about not getting pregnant and now that we want to it is so hard. We have a theory that irresponsibility increases the likelihood of pregnancy. He says that means we need to do it in the back of the car. I laughed at the time, but now, you never know...

    Beth - Glad you had a good session with a trainer. I've been thinking about paying for a few sessions once I reach my next milestone. Getting the cardio in is not so tough, but I know nothing about the proper way to strength train and I know it is so beneficial, I don't want to miss out. And very cool about crocheting. I knit some and it is a super stress relief.

    Smores18 - Sorry you haven't heard back from the doctor yet. That feeling of waiting to move forward is so hard. Of course, only your doctor can say for sure, but I don't think the exercise and diet will hurt your chances. Just don't do anything crazy or weird. To be honest, if your diet is balanced, even at a slightly lower calorie intake, it can be a good thing for your body. Fingers crossed that you get some good answers and direction soon.

    EmilyRanae22 - Good luck with the surgery. I feel so badly for you with all the pain that you're in. Keep us up to date with how you're doing.

    3ricaAnn - Sending positive thoughts your way for finding a new job! Best of luck to you! About the cycle lengths, I will share this. My cycle changed a lot when I was in my early 20s. You're right to stay on top of your doctors to find out more, especially since you are TTC, but do know that your body is still adjusting and adapting.

    Simone - Welcome back!! Great job on your progress so far!

    Jalara - Positive thoughts your way too as you get through the next month or so of school. You're definitely in the home stretch now! Hmm...31st birthday ideas - I definitely am a fan of personal days, lots of papering: salon, spa, cheesy movies & dinner someplace completely out of the normal. I save the big get togethers with friends for the more milestone birthdays. Honestly, most of the time I'd rather just celebrate with DH than a bunch of people. Let us know what you decide to do! Good luck with the big decisions that lie ahead of you too regarding IVF.

    RisOnTheRun - I agree with everyone that it might mean just setting the mood beforehand to get his mind off of babies. However, don't discount his reaction too much. I'm certainly not qualified to say this for sure, but it might mean he's feeling some emotional reluctance to become a father. It might help to talk it out (when you are not trying to do the deed) to make sure he has a chance to share all his thoughts and concerns. Once he's more comfortable, the other part might be less of an issue. Good luck!

    Karen - Just a big HELLO and shout out that I'm thinking about you!

    Mandy - Yes, there must be an epidemic, because I can't stop seeing babies either. It probably didn't help that I went to a 1-yr old birthday party this weekend, but I completely understand. There is this little person in my head just screaming as I smile and politely tell someone "Oh your 4 year and 20 mo old are so adorable, I can't believe you're expecting twins now! Just how will you manage?" I have to laugh to stay sane. Trust me, we all get it!

    Pam - Hope your weekend turned out ok and the eating out was manageable. That's been one of my top goals with this plan is to figure out how to eat out and still be successful. It's getting easier the more I've tracked my food and know how to make good choices, but it's still not always obvious. It's also why I still haven't gotten around to your new food challenge yet - I just don't cook. Sorry to hear about the riff with your swim buddy. It's just hard when she's not at the same level of commitment that your are. Maybe you can meet a new buddy at the class. Good luck!

    Melissa - glad you are gradually dosing up on the metformin. It will help. Sorry I don't have any tips on the temp'ing. I never could get it right. My doctor looked at my charts a couple of years ago and just shook her head because I was all over the place!

    thinthought - Nice to see you again and congrats on the disappearing cyst! Good luck with your next round of 30DS. I'm 10 days into my first one and moving up to level 2 tonight.

    mrsjenfrank - HUGS to you. It's a journey, not just a trip. You'll get over this little bump in the road.

    Fiona - So sorry to hear about what your DH is going through. Losing someone is never easy, especially unexpectedly and then to add work stress on top of it. I know it's cliche to say that time heals, but it does. Thinking loving thoughts for you too, I know being there for someone else has its own special toll. Feel free to drop in here if you need us. *HUGS*

    starfairy411 - Good job on your losses so far, you're right, it does feel like it gets harder, but you can push through it. We believe in you!

    mommy2squish - Great Loss!

    AFM, Was a little scared I had negated my loss this week over the weekend, I had weird scale issues this morning when I first got up, but I weighed again after my shower and got a consistent reading. I didn't really eat too much above maintenance on Saturday, but I just felt bloated and weird all weekend. I'm crossing my fingers that I was O'ing. I took a couple days off from the 30DS because I wasn't feeling well, but will be back in full force today. The big win of the weekend, though was DH helped install another shoe rack in my closet so now all my shoes fit without spreading out into a pile in the middle of the floor. Yay!

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 38: 171.2 (-0.8)
    Calendar week 29: 171.6 (+0.4)
    Calendar week 30: 170.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 31: 169.6 (-1.0)
    Calendar week 32: 168.4 (-1.2)

    Hope everyone has a great week!
    :flowerforyou: Stephanie

    it is very surprising how do u manage to address everybody on the post, i think u have great memory!