For us tough gals TTC

So - as month after month passes I find myself actually needing support for this subject and am hoping to not only find support but find those who I can wrap my thoughts and emotions around and comfort as well!

A little about my story: my husband and I have been TTC for over a year now and have lost 3 babies in the process. After the third loss over 8 months ago - my hormones have changed immensely, I gained 50 pounds and we just haven't been able to conceive at all. I have undergone intensive testing and some minor procedures and am now on some hormones and insulin medications.

There are a lot of options of course, but we really want to do this as naturally as possibly and that starts with me first losing some weight. If I drop that weight and it still isn't happening then we'll go from there - but until then this weight must come off!

BUT if this is similar to your story - and you need someone who understands - this is going to be the place for you! I hope to meet many of you and become as close as needed! :)

God bless all your bellies!


  • Riliye
    Riliye Posts: 44 Member
    I can't say that I can completely sympathize with your situation (losing any child is just something I have yet to (and hopefully won't ever) have to deal with), I hear echoes of my own circumstances in your post.

    My story: My husband and I have been on-and-off TTC for about a year now as well. In March I was diagnosed with PCOS. Hormones suck, don't they? Unfortunately in May we moved across the country and am just now getting back on track enough to be able to consider another doctor and resuming TTC. I've lost the majority of my weight since being diagnosed (and it fought me kicking and screaming the whole way), and since we're getting closer and closer to that "resume TTC" date I've returned to the (hellish) low-carb, low-sugar diet to help regulate the insulin issues.

    There's something awful about trying and trying and just...nothing happening.

    I'm at a healthy weight now, so my focus isn't intensely on losing weight but more on healthy eating. I'm totally down for the support and thoughts and emotions and comfort!

    Will this baby be your first?
  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing!! I am sorry your hormones have kept some happiness from you as well - but I guess one positive is that our dieting now will help us forever in our lives! I am definitely fighting this weight loss thing - or more so it's hard core fighting me! I know it's a slow process but it's worth it - especially if our end result ends up in a family!

    If I am able to conceive and carry healthily it will indeed by my first.

    I understand 100% about having to move and going through the major headache of finding new doctors. :( My husband is military and it seems just about when I find a great doctor(s) and they run all the tests and are ready to start treating me we have to up and move. That takes it toll as well - -

    Anyhow, I'll definitely send you a friend request and we'll keep in touch! :)
    I can't say that I can completely sympathize with your situation (losing any child is just something I have yet to (and hopefully won't ever) have to deal with), I hear echoes of my own circumstances in your post.

    My story: My husband and I have been on-and-off TTC for about a year now as well. In March I was diagnosed with PCOS. Hormones suck, don't they? Unfortunately in May we moved across the country and am just now getting back on track enough to be able to consider another doctor and resuming TTC. I've lost the majority of my weight since being diagnosed (and it fought me kicking and screaming the whole way), and since we're getting closer and closer to that "resume TTC" date I've returned to the (hellish) low-carb, low-sugar diet to help regulate the insulin issues.

    There's something awful about trying and trying and just...nothing happening.

    I'm at a healthy weight now, so my focus isn't intensely on losing weight but more on healthy eating. I'm totally down for the support and thoughts and emotions and comfort!

    Will this baby be your first?
  • starfairy411
    starfairy411 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey, I am sorry for your losses. I can't imagine 3, 1 has been hard enough. I understand the hormones and losing weight to TTC thing though...

    I was diagnosed w/PCOS in June after TTC since our son was born in May '10 (got pregnant with him on the 1st try). The only difference between when I got pregnant w/my son and this time was I was up about 10lbs. I started losing weight as a last resort before fertility treatments, and got pregnant after losing 8lbs. We were due April 6, 2012 but sadly lost our Angel after seeing them twice on u/s with growing perfectly and with a strong HB (went in for my appt 9/19/11 at 11w3d and found out our the baby was only measuring 10w2d. Had to have a D&C on 9/22/11). So now I am back to losing weight while we TTC again soon (hopefully in Nov/Dec).

    Hopefully we both get some hot mama bodies that result in sticky rainbow babies soon! Good luck!
  • bridge749
    bridge749 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes! Yes! I understand!! It took us 2 years to get pregnant with my beautiful son ( almost 2) I have had 2 before my son and one after. I have been TTCing baby #2 for a year and a half. I have been seeing a fertility specialist for 6 months. I did 5 rounds of Clomid & progesterine and 4 IUI's ...still no baby. The meds made my hormones so out of whack, that my husband and I decided to take the last month "ofF. we are still TTC but just took a break from endless appointments and meds. Clomid and progesterine are both famous for packing on the pounds and I have been trying to lose them for awhile. I would love to talk to someone who understands!!

  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your story! I'm glad you sent me a friend request - i'll def be there cheering you on through your ups and downs!

    I am also in the boat of wanting to try to lose some more weight before starting on fertility meds.... my doctor wanted to start me on them this month,... but i'm giving myself till the end of the year to do this on my own - - -

    And hot mama bodies with results of sticky rainbow babies sounds great!!! ;)
    Hey, I am sorry for your losses. I can't imagine 3, 1 has been hard enough. I understand the hormones and losing weight to TTC thing though...

    I was diagnosed w/PCOS in June after TTC since our son was born in May '10 (got pregnant with him on the 1st try). The only difference between when I got pregnant w/my son and this time was I was up about 10lbs. I started losing weight as a last resort before fertility treatments, and got pregnant after losing 8lbs. We were due April 6, 2012 but sadly lost our Angel after seeing them twice on u/s with growing perfectly and with a strong HB (went in for my appt 9/19/11 at 11w3d and found out our the baby was only measuring 10w2d. Had to have a D&C on 9/22/11). So now I am back to losing weight while we TTC again soon (hopefully in Nov/Dec).

    Hopefully we both get some hot mama bodies that result in sticky rainbow babies soon! Good luck!
  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    Hey Bridget!

    I can definitely say I understand with having to wait, and wait,.. and wait. the end of this year will be our two year mark TTC and it's definitely wearing on us both. I am trying to avoid fertility treatments,.. but have been on progesterone as well as bromocriptine (hormone) and metformin. So the swings in hormones and the weight gains have been hard to handle. Everyone says,.. ''its ok, it'll happen when the time is right''.... and if you're anything like me,.. everytime I hear that I want to slap them!

    I don't know a whole lot of things, but through all of this I do know that:
    I will love my baby deeper than most any mom could possibly know.
    I understand the complete miracle that childbirth really is.
    If working out doesn't result in a baby - it will at least result in a healthier happier me.
    I have learned to read my body better than most....
    and that I am a strong woman who is loved by many!

    Thanks so much for sharing your story and I would love to stay in contact to fully help support!

    Yes! Yes! I understand!! It took us 2 years to get pregnant with my beautiful son ( almost 2) I have had 2 before my son and one after. I have been TTCing baby #2 for a year and a half. I have been seeing a fertility specialist for 6 months. I did 5 rounds of Clomid & progesterine and 4 IUI's ...still no baby. The meds made my hormones so out of whack, that my husband and I decided to take the last month "ofF. we are still TTC but just took a break from endless appointments and meds. Clomid and progesterine are both famous for packing on the pounds and I have been trying to lose them for awhile. I would love to talk to someone who understands!!
