

  • Try getting out of the house during that time. Take the dog for a walk, go to the library, call a friend on the phone. Turn on some music and dance! Also, drink water instead of food! Most of the time when our body tells us that it's hungry it's really thirsty. I find that this works best for me.
    in Help Comment by McKeown April 2010
  • 1. Instead of pulling into the fast food driveway on the way home start thinking about how good you've been doing all day and plan on making a nice healthy dinner dessert to reward yourself for not cheating!
  • I've heard the same thing, 5 pounds normally means a size.
  • You could start with Sit and Be Fit, which is normally for seniors, but it is a great place to start. There are also those small stair machines that you can sit down and pedal on. This could help build up some leg strength so you could walk for longer. Exercise bands are also a good option. Wrap one around the door handle,…
  • I got the Reebok Easy Tones, which look like normal gym shoes, and I LOVE them. I wear them when walking the dog and I feel the burn all over!
    in Shape Ups Comment by McKeown April 2010
  • When I had it there was a variety of things you could do, but most videos only lasted between 5-20 minutes long. I felt as if there really wasn't enough to get your heart rate going. But for a beginner it would definitely be the place to start. They change what they offer every month or so between yoga, pilates, cardio,…
  • Excellent! I've been using this site for two weeks, I've lost two pounds and started to maintain the weight instead of immediately gaining it back. You're going to do great!
  • I like to pic songs on my mp3 player and then jog/run during the refrain and then slow down during the verses. Since they're always changing my speed is always changing. I also put it on random so I don't know what's coming.