twinmom14ek Member


  • Holy crap...I'm 98% certain I know your Steelers camp friend. :laugh: Congratulations on your success--the pictures say it all!
  • Nope, that's gross. The link I posted explains it pretty well--bottom line, figure out your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). To lose weight, you want to consume a number of calories between those two numbers.
  • At your current weight, there's no way that goal is too high for you. Your body may be adjusting to the new calorie level, nutrition (depending on possible diet changes), etc. If anything, it may be a bit too low. To maintain my current size (5'7", 160lbs, exercising 3-4x a week), I average around 2100 calories a day.…
  • :heart: the Coach outlet stores! Did you know they sell online too? You have to sign up for emails--they'll send you invites for online "events" that run for a day or two. As you purchase more online, they increase the frequency of the invites you receive. Now that pretty much my only purchases are from the online outlet,…
  • A $1300 Coach fur-collared leather jacket--complete impulse buy one Sunday afternoon. I'm still working on fitting back into the darn thing!
  • My pups, Charlie and Phoebe, pretending to be perfect little angels. Only when they're sleeping...
  • I'd say your best bet is getting up early. I've had the same problem in the past, and I always seemed to find an excuse to skip exercise when I planned to go after work...I had to work too late, or I had errands to do in the evening, or I was just too darn tired. A friend dragged me to a 5:30am class, and it's stuck. I get…
  • I'll bite. Note that this isn't my everyday diet, but I do generally buy my breakfast and lunch while at work. And I think it kind of helps your point Breakfast $3.82 ham, egg & cheese breakfat wrap $1.25 20 oz. bottle diet mt. dew Lunch $8.27 Chick-fil-a grilled chicken salad Total through mid-afternoon: $13.34 That's all…
  • I am now! Or rather, I'm complaining about overly agressive, rude fit people who intentionally misinterpret a subject that was posted without attacking anyone and make everything personal. I've figuratively bit my tongue toward all the snarky trolls for 13 pages, but seriously. Go away and check how many people think…
  • I just bought this and Hatchet for my husband's step-brother. DH and I have been eyeing them ever since they were delivered...we may have to buy another copy. :happy:
  • Jane Eyre Little Women Mansfield Park Pride and Prejudice A Tale of Two Cities The Scarlet Pimpernel The Count of Monte Cristo ...the first that come to mind. There are tons more though!
  • That's why I got married straight out of college--didn't need one. :laugh: I think it depends on the mentality of both parties. I view marriage as a lifelong partnership that WILL be hard and WILL take work, for which divorce is only an option in extreme cases (cheating, abuse, etc.). In that case, I see prenups as moot.…
  • To be fair, I think it's a point to consider. I noticed a thread in the Website Suggestions/Feedback section the other day that was requesting a way to filter out the Chit-Chat topics from the Recent Posts feed. If it's an option, it wouldn't be a bad idea...whatever helps people. I hadn't thought about it before seeing…
  • Can I just point out that a lot of the posters here that are giving you crap are the same ones that take part in the chit-chat threads that you were questioning? They felt attacked, and they're hitting back. It's not necessarily the mature response, but not everyone in life is mature. That said, some of them can be pretty…
  • Staying neutral on the position above, but I :heart: it when people re-work this speech for other topics. Thanks for the smile.
  • Adults = teens who aged Unfortunately, as we all get older, it becomes more apparent that people who were *kitten* as teens will still be *kitten* when they hit the retirement home. Character generally develops fairly early in life, and everyone just needs to learn to filter out the idiots among us. Here's hoping EVERYONE…
  • This was the most important one for me. I didn't gain any weight my first three years of college because I didn't have a car and walked everywhere. The closest shopping center was almost a mile away, and while many of my friends insisted on driving or taking the bus, I had no problem walking there and back. It wasn't until…
  • I understand what you're saying, and I agree that there are a lot of threads that are shallow, superficial, and silly at best. I'm a little sad that they might turn people off to an otherwise great tool for managing one's health and meeting like-minded people. That said, I do think that the number of members who have…
  • Right there with you. I've had to turn off my second monitor to keep from checking what's going on while I'm waiting for files to load.
  • We're off by an inch, but other than that, we're dead on! :happy:
  • 5'7" SW 186 CW 160 GW 140
  • I second that! Bonus points if can do all the dirty manly-man stuff on the weekend too! :love:
  • I agree that writing style and overly descriptive language can turn people off an otherwise wonderful book. I have to admit, the first time I picked up Pride and Prejudice (8th grade), I barely got through the first chapter. A couple years later, I picked it up again, and Austen is now one of my favorite authors. I try to…
  • Oh, I love buying books for kids in that age range! Most of my book recommendations on Amazon are for juvenile fiction because I always give my husband's step-siblings books as gifts. :happy: Here are some that I love--didn't see them mentioned above. The Westing Game The Island on Bird Street The Lion, the Witch, and the…
  • I find it interesting that so many of the books people disliked are more somber, even depressing books. I know that many of those mentioned left a bad taste in my mouth (Animal Farm, Brave New World, Lord of the Flies, The Awakening, etc.), but I chalk that up to the fact that we've all been seasoned to expect and even…
  • I'm with you on both of these! I want my books to make just the tiniest bit of sense. Funny though..some of my favorite books are getting listed here over and over. I love Austen, the Brontes, Dumas, ****ens, etc. I did my AP literature final paper on The Great Gatsby (I got to choose the book). Guess I'm a bit of a dork,…
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: :laugh:
  • I would be starving if I tried to stay under 1200 every day. At the very least, you should be eating back all your exercise calories. A better option would be to check out this thread. It's worked for a lot of people.
  • I snuck a peek at your diary, and you may want to reassess your calorie and nutrition goals. It looks like you have some days where you've eaten less than 600 calories, and others where you seemed to have a lot of junk foods. Also, your calorie target is 1200 per day, which is generally a very low amount (unless you're…