Blackthorne99 Member


  • [/quote] OP did say that they kept them full though. [/quote] She didn't actually indicate if it KEPT her full - only that it filled her to begin with.
  • The main question I have is how soon do you become hungry again. Starting a day with carbs and no protein, for me, turns into a day where I am constantly craving something to eat. If this happens to you, I'd choose a different breakfast. The balance of the protein shake may be enough to keep that from happening.
  • I love that you have the same gorgeous smile & cheekbones in both pictures - you are one of those who looks good at any weight.....but this one sure feels better, doesn't it?
  • I recently hit 250 consecutive days of tracking, and if you think about ALL of the foodie holidays between then and now, you can see that it truly is second nature. I log *everything* I eat - the good, the bad and the ugly, and I usually do it BEFORE I eat so that if the calories or carbs bother me, I can make a different…
  • When you are constipated, what you need is soft SOLID waste behind the blockage to push it out, not water. The water will simply flow around it and do nothing to push on the mass. The soft solid waste will add that extra leverage to push through. Chronic constipation requires trying things for more than a day or two. This…
  • Neil Gaiman - intelligent, funny, personable, and weird in just the right way. While he can be sarcastic at times, he never seems to be unkind.
  • Not necessarily as sizes vary so much. Measurements are better. I have clothes in the my closet that are a size 8 that I absolutely CANNOT wear because they are too small, and yet I have XS sweaters that hang on me. I have Juniors 5/6 jeans that fit, and the 7/8 were loose enough I could take them off without unzipping…
  • You're about an inch and a half shorter than I am. The BMI charts have been determined to be inaccurate for those of us who are "under-tall" as well as those who work out regularly. While you may have some fat to lose, I think you'd be better off focusing on muscle tone and strength as well as bloodwork. How is your…
  • Mark - I am the minority voice, but I definitely weigh every day, several times a day to gather information. Weigh yourself in the morning after you go to the bathroom. Weigh again in the evening before you go to bed. For me, I can fluctuate as much as 4 lbs in a single day, but generally from bedtime to morning, it's…
  • I had the Duodenal Switch, which incorporates the VSG along with restructuring of the intestines for malabsorption. So I started off being able to eat about the same as you, but because of the malabsorption, I don't absorb most of the fat I eat so our diets will be different because of that. Now, my sleeve has stretched to…
  • Feel free to friend me. I had the Duodenal Switch form of Weight Loss Surgery. Are you post-op or pre-op? What is your surgery of choice?
  • My favorite are Power Crunch bars - they are light (like wafers), and do not sit like lead in your stomach. My favorite flavors are French Vanilla, Wild Berry Creme and Peanut Butter Creme. They have 14g of protein in them.
  • My favorite are Power Crunch bars - they are light (like wafers), and do not sit like lead in your stomach. My favorite flavors are French Vanilla, Wild Berry Creme and Peanut Butter Creme. They have 14g of protein in them.
  • I have a lot of 'safe' foods that I know I can go to without thinking too hard about them. Cheese sticks, yogurt, protein bars. Meat does have more calories than the same amount of spaghetti, but the PROTEIN in the meat will be a longer lasting energy source that the carbs in the pasta. Try starting off your day with a…
  • Quick glance at your diary and you are eating WAY too many carbs and not near enough protein. Cut the rice & cereal out and go for protein sources instead. Protein provides longer lasting fuel and your energy won't plummet in the afternoon.
  • How do you guys log P90X workouts here on MFP?
  • Yes - that's why the mobile app tells you your over/under for the week. Some people actually do this on purpose. It's called ZigZagging. What they do is 2 days below 1 above to kind of "shock' the system so you don't go into starvation mode.
  • ......which is EXACTLY why I put a disclaimer in my signature line.
  • FINALLY! I have all the pieces I need to do it - got the DVD's, got the bands, got the chin-up bar, already have a yoga mat. I know I'm fashionably late to this party, but I'm here!
  • I had to put it there after several people wrote to me and said "how did you lose weight eating like you do?" (some curious looking for tips, and some skeptical). Made it easier for people to understand that diet is just one piece of my puzzle. I have several.
  • Whole Foods grocery store has a terrific variety of cheese, and they probably have sharp provolone, as well as 100 other varieties to choose from. AND they'll let you sample them to see what you like.
  • I would totally throw 2 scoops of protein powder in that to make it a high protein shake. I *love* pumpkin!
  • This link provides one of the best, most concise answers to that question. In addition, with grains - the only complete protein is Quinoa. With most others in the veggie work (BV < 70 category), adding cheese will complete it…
  • If you're weighing at home, weigh naked. If you're weighing in a public place, like a doctor's office or gym, have an 'outfit' that you wear so it's always the same weight. Then it doesn't matter what it weighs because it's the same every time. Most doctors assume 1-2 lbs of clothes. The Army figures 4 lbs for a soldier…
  • What's important with a supplement is it's bioavailability. Whey Isolate is one of the more bio-available types of protein out there, Because of a medical condition, I have my body's protein level tested several times a year, and I can actually see a noticeable different in my bloodwork when I supplement with Whey Isolate.
  • First - If you're truly terrified, seek counseling. And no, I'm not being sarcastic or facetious. Terror implies an inability to accept yourself as less than perfect, and that needs psychological help. Second - what creates 'loose skin' is EXCESS skin and connective tissue that the body has created to feed flesh that used…
  • Casserole: ‎1 lb bulk pork sausage 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 6 c cauliflower, chopped 6 eggs, beaten 1 c Parmesan cheese Preheat oven to 350°. In a large skillet over med-hi heat, cook sausage until done, 5-7 min. Remove sausage to bowl; drain all but 1 T fat from skillet. Add onion & garlic to skillet; cook…
  • Are you ovulating?
  • No, because what you're trying to measure is 'natural' or 'relaxed'. Sucking everything in would be like trying on a shirt that long you don't breathe or eat. A true 'fit' is based on where you are most of the time - which is relaxed.
  • That's not so much binge eating as it is MINDLESS eating. If you can't watch TV without snacks, don't watch TV.