Weighing yourself everyday

Since I have started I have stuck to weighing myself every Friday, recently after some good results I have been weighing every night, I know I shouldn't because your body weight fluctuates a lot during a small period of time but I just can't help myself, I'll need to stop it because it can demotivate you if you put a couple of pounds on even although you know its because you've just had dinner or not been to the toilet that day etc.

Anyone else had the same happen to them?

Anyone got any advice or even know typically how much our bodies can fluctuate each day?



  • PennyS44
    PennyS44 Posts: 16 Member
    I always weigh myself first thing in the morning before I have had anything to eat or drink!! I usually do it every 2 or 3 days but only actually weigh in to the site on Fridays. I could never wait a whole week!!
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I weigh myself 3 times a week, but only record on wednesdays. I know my weight goes up and down over the course of the week, but this way I get to see the patterns, and recognise what happens if I have too much sodium, or other factors.
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    I used to weigh myself every day, but I've cut down to 2-3 times a week. I decided I just needed to stop. In a day though, your body can weigh 3-5 pounds heavier since you have foods and liquid in you, plus clothes.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Weigh whenever you want, however you want! If it demotivates you like you've said then use other non scale victories "nsv" instead or in addition to. K?
  • bgm5270
    I had a heart issue, and weight gain is one of the earliest signs of more trouble. I was told to 'check it every morning after emptying my bladder.' You lose a pound or so, while you sleep, and weighing at the same time everyday helps provide consistency. My '2 cents.'

    Oh yea, and wearing same amount of clothing
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Dont weigh yourself every day. I use to do that and I got a bit obessive. Your weight does change on a daily basis, just weigh yourself once a week. Its hard but its the only way to do it. Good luck
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    Mark - I am the minority voice, but I definitely weigh every day, several times a day to gather information. Weigh yourself in the morning after you go to the bathroom. Weigh again in the evening before you go to bed. For me, I can fluctuate as much as 4 lbs in a single day, but generally from bedtime to morning, it's about a 2lb change.

    Don't stress about the data - just note it down and go about your day. Nobody gains 5 lbs of FAT in a day, so changes like that are water weight, stress, sodium, food that hasn't fully digested, etc. What you're looking for are trends. I typically bounce around the same 5lb range first thing in the morning, and the morning weigh-in is what I log here on MFP.

    Treat it like a science project, and gather your OWN data on how YOUR body works. Weigh before dinner and immediately after. You know you didn't 'gain weight', yet you WILL see an uptick on the numbers because of the food you just ate. The more you weigh and see these fluctuations, the more you will desensitize yourself to stressing over any one weigh-in.

    Now, as a female, I can tell that when I gain 4lbs in one day, I'm ovulating. I am sometimes frustrated by my progress, but it's the TREND that frustrates me - not an individual weigh-in. For example, I hit a new low and then immediately bounced up 3lbs the next day. I know that 3lb gain is my body fighting a setpoint breakthrough so I just keep at it. Eventually it will breakthrough and I'll drop again.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I actually do exactly what Blackthorne said daily : )

    Good advice!
  • _tiifyjo_
    _tiifyjo_ Posts: 118 Member
    I have this problem. Bad. Today I told myself I wouldn't way myself, but I still did. It's a great motivator when the number is going down every day, but lately it hasn't been moving. It stays within the same pound but fluctuates all week. Now that it hasn't moved I have become obsessed with weighing in. It's ridiculous and I know I have to stop. Good luck!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I weigh almost every morning, except when I'm away from a scale. It works for me. I do realize I will fluctuate here and there but I need that kickstart every morning and to know that I'm mostly fluctuating downward. Do what works for you! A lot of people find daily weighing to be discouraging but I need that daily check in. If I waited a whole week I'd probably slack off and gain 5 lbs by then. Plus weighing daily helps me point out patterns. What if I happened to have a "heavy" day on my one day per week? I'd probably want to throw in the towel.
  • Princesslenox
    Princesslenox Posts: 23 Member
    I am addicted to weighing myself everyday, so I told my partner to hide my scale and only give it to me on Friday mornings. It is better to weigh yourself as soon as you get up. That is your most accurate weight!
  • Mark1984Scotland
    Glad to know I am not the only one, I will maybe restrict it to twice a week, Friday (So I know how I need to behave over the weekend HaHa) and then on a Monday to see where I am for the forthcoming week and how hard I need to work until Friday :D

  • Mark1984Scotland
    Big weigh in tomorrow :D
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    What Blackthorne99 said suits me. It might not suit everyone.

    My scales (Soehnle FT4) record the median daily weight and shows it as a graph of the last 60 days. It does it all by itself.
  • Mark1984Scotland
    Ended up losing 2lb for the week, so just goes to show, don't panic if one day it shoots up a couple of lb.

  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    Since I have started I have stuck to weighing myself every Friday, recently after some good results I have been weighing every night, I know I shouldn't because your body weight fluctuates a lot during a small period of time but I just can't help myself, I'll need to stop it because it can demotivate you if you put a couple of pounds on even although you know its because you've just had dinner or not been to the toilet that day etc.

    Anyone else had the same happen to them?

    Anyone got any advice or even know typically how much our bodies can fluctuate each day?


    it's very dependent on salt and hydration. i weigh every day, and for the most part, it stays pretty steady. can fluctuate three pounds sometimes, though.
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Here's a tip:
    Weigh yourself in kg.

    Whole-kg values don't change as often as whole-lb values. That might help some people.
  • Mark1984Scotland
    Here's a tip:
    Weigh yourself in kg.

    Whole-kg values don't change as often as whole-lb values. That might help some people.

    Thats a good idea, thanks
  • Princesslenox
    Princesslenox Posts: 23 Member
    That is excellent keep up the good work!
  • trainorgirl
    Dont go off the scale.... go by bodyfat % tests!!! that way you cant do it every night as well, your weight does move up and down even as you put on muscle... but your body fat % is your body fat % regardless if ya went #2 or had 4gallons of water!!! so i would scratch the stupid scale it is not a nice piece of gym equipment....
    Since I have started I have stuck to weighing myself every Friday, recently after some good results I have been weighing every night, I know I shouldn't because your body weight fluctuates a lot during a small period of time but I just can't help myself, I'll need to stop it because it can demotivate you if you put a couple of pounds on even although you know its because you've just had dinner or not been to the toilet that day etc.

    Anyone else had the same happen to them?

    Anyone got any advice or even know typically how much our bodies can fluctuate each day?
