Weighing yourself everyday



  • dkhsadie
    dkhsadie Posts: 4 Member
    Our weight fluctuates daily....good thing to do if you want to weigh in everyday is to take your 7 losses (positive attitude here) for the week and divide by 7 to get the average weekly loss.
  • Modmomma79
    I use to do this and it would drive me crazy because I felt like I wasn't giving it my all if I didn't see any change. Now I've decided I will only do it monthly and just go from there. My next weigh in will be after the new year.
  • LittleFootHafner
    I weight daily as well (nude in the morning, after the bathroom, before eating). I know that weight fluctuates a lot, and I would hate to only weight weekly, and have that be the "high" day.

    No harm done in weighing in more often, as long as you are still staying on calorie target no matter what the scale says!

    Do what works for you...

    Good Luck! ;)
  • mplasky
    i used to do this and it turned into me self sabataching (sorry cant spell) myself. I started to feel owned by the scale. I would literaly weigh myself morning when I woke, when I got home from work, after my work outs and then before I went to bed. It was shear madness. My doc suggested I ask my sig other to hide the scale from me. It was like a drug i felt lost and it was crazy its only a scale but now i am back to normal!---and got my scale back :)
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    I weigh everyday. This has been very controversial at another site that I belong too. However, I read the book the THIN COMMANDMENTS and these are folks that have lost 100 lbs or more each and kept it off for 5 or more years. They agree everyday has helped them to be successful.

    Here is the key for me. I don't let it affect my mood. It's just like looking at the gas gauge when I start the car. Just feeds me information that I have to be DETACHED from emotionally. It is a tool.

    I realize the scale is going to "toggle" and I accept that. I check my weight first thing in the morning, just before stepping into the shower. I shower then go about my day.

    As far as recording my weight loss, I only count Monday weigh in's for "recording" purposes. But.....I'm never SURPRISED by the number on Monday. :)

    I lost 125 lbs in 2007 and I weighed everyday during my weight loss. I even took the scale with me on vacation. I believe I'm back because I got distracted and ..... didn't check my gauge everyday!!! :(
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning and again at night - daily!
    I like tracking the trend, but one must go in prepared for daily fluctuations that may resemble weight gain.

    I just like knowing and how I am trending. Sam with bodyfat.
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    I'm a firm believer in once-a-week, on Friday mornings. That way, you have time to repent for any weekend indiscretions.
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I was addicted to the scale every morning and it ruled my day. I have put it in the closet starting this week and will only bring it out on Mondays for weigh in. It's been very hard. I keep thinking every morning what would the scale say? I broke down and took it out this morning, 1 lb gain! But... I heavy lifted yesterday and ate out at a restaurant so I know it's not real. Back in the closet it went!
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    I dont' weight at different times of the day, I usually weigh each morning after going to the bathroom, stark naked. I do it at the same time, yes some days I'm up a pound, but i know it's as close to being accurate as I can get.
  • coloradocuppiecake
    Im a chronic weigher. I weigh every day. When it shows a loss 3 days in a row I count it as a loss. I know, it's my obsession. It also keeps me on track.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I weigh every day, and I love it. :)

    I weigh in the morning, just after using the bathroom. It seems pretty consistent for me - I get to see a few tenths of a pound down every day (GREAT motivation), with sometimes stalling or higher weights after bad days. To me it's more of a reset, and motivation - it keeps me accountable every day. :)
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    I weigh in every day. Actually, I also weigh at several points in the day, just so I can get an idea of how my weight normally fluctuates, but I only log it in MFP in the morning before I eat or drink, after I relieve myself. Your weight will fluctuate, sometimes wildly depending on lots of things like salt intake the day before, so you have to keep that in mind and not get discouraged, but if you plot you daily weigh-ins on a graph, you can see a general trend, and that is helpful for me. Lots of people do a weekly weigh-in, but what happens if you happen to eat higher salt on the day before weigh-in? Well, your normal; salt fluctuation will show a weight gain for the week, even though you might still be in a losing trend.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    I have to agree with the poster who suggested weighing yourself in kg. When I first started losing weight a couple of years ago, I was living in Leiden, NL (about 15 minutes out of Amsterdam by train) and purchased a scale, which was in kg. At first it was disheartening because it creeps down so slowly, but it's definitely less maddening. It was fun to have the analog kind, too as opposed to the digital ones. When I saw it spring and stop short of 100kg for the first time I nearly peed I was so excited!
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    Over my weightloss journey this year I've found that I can fluctuate from 2 to 4 1/2 pounds, in the course of a single day.

    In a serious cardio session I've seen a loss of up to nearly 3 pounds water weight..
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    I weigh myself every morning for a TOM/ovulation calculator, but I only post my weight here every monday. I know my body, and it fluctuates between .5-1.5 lbs so I look for a constant change of weight before I claim it.
  • Aperyan83
    Aperyan83 Posts: 69 Member
    I am TERRIBLE at this... I weigh myself EVERYDAY. Not only do I weigh myself everyday I weigh myself... umm, in the AM before I leave the house, AS SOON as I get home, then probably like 2-3 times before going to sleep. :noway: So FIVE+ times a day!!

    HELP :drinker:
  • tacchyy
    its crazy cos i weigh myself everyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy day...yesterday i had to remove the battery nd hide it.
  • pluschek
    pluschek Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with Blackthorn99! I get on the scale every morning it keeps me in check. One other thing know that there will be ups and downs. I only record the downs. Then I know I can not record again until I get past my lowest point.

    This has been the best site I have found and it is all about the focus. :-)