

  • Woo-hooo!!! Good for you girl! Keep it up
  • Nancy, Taking it slow and working your way into it is the whole point of the program. Even if you have to redo a week two or three times it doesn't matter. What matters is that you stick with it, push yourself every time, and you WILL see improvement and you WILL finish it! Good luck and happy running
  • This is awesome Robin. Good job pushing yourself. Keep it up!!!
  • Oh no! I am sorry to hear that. It is never at the time when we want it. Mine has been visiting as well, hence the two day break but I had to push through it and felt better for it. I am sure you will do fine on Saturday at your run. Good luck. Let us know how it goes!
  • I have had knee problems for 10+ years. I wear supports any time I do any training, even if they don't hurt just for the extra support. I also ice them as soon as I feel any extra pain (they sort of constantly hurt, but I am at a point where I can tell if it is normal or more than). I suggest elevating and icing if they…
  • W6D1 completed!!! I hate taking 2 days off in between runs. Going to try and not do that any more unless I have to. Time: 35:02 Distance: 6.08km Av/KM: 5:46 min/km Felt good during and after. A little nervous about D3, but I am sure it won't be as bad as I think :-)
  • W6D1 completed!!! I hate taking 2 days off in between runs. Going to try and not do that any more unless I have to. Time: 35:02 Distance: 6.08km Av/KM: 5:46 min/km Felt good during and after. A little nervous about D3, but I am sure it won't be as bad as I think :-)
  • A soaking wet t-shirt MAKES my day!! I love it. I feel like I have acutally accomplished something for the day! Sure, in a way, I suppose it is a little discusting. But who cares, that is what a shower and washing machine are for! I get red in the face too, which I am not as happy about as the sweating. But, nothing I can…
  • Good job MTGirl!! That is awesome to have run your first offical race. I was going to run one on Sunday, but didn't get signed up for it in time. I plan to in a couple weeks though. I am really excited. I expect my time to be a little quicker than when I run on my own. Competition is an awesome motivator without noticing!…
  • Sweating is your bodies way of cooling its self down. The more fit or use to exercise you are, the quicker your body will recognize that it is going to get heated and will start to "cool-down", making you sweat more. This is why it is so important to drink a lot of water before, during and after your workouts, including…
  • I don't loose or gain weight, but I feel the difference in my muscles when I am doing shred regularly. Especially if I up my weights a couple days a week! Stick with it and see where it goes. Sometimes it takes more than just a week to see results from something. Give it two or three weeks before expecting too much.
  • First 20 minute run complete! My legs are a little wobbly, but otherwise I feel great. Had to slow my pace a bit for the last 4 minutes or so, but overall I am pleased with my time. Had to go an extra 1.7 KM at the end of the cooldown to get back home, but I jogged at 5 min/KM, not bad! W5D3- Time: 32:01 Distance: 5.9km…
  • First 20 minute run complete! My legs are a little wobbly, but otherwise I feel great. Had to slow my pace a bit for the last 4 minutes or so, but overall I am pleased with my time. Had to go an extra 1.7 KM at the end of the cooldown to get back home, but I jogged at 5 min/KM, not bad! W5D3- Time: 32:01 Distance: 5.9km…
  • I would say that level two is a little harder. The cardio is a little more intense, not a lot, but a little. And shoulders are really worked in this one with lots of plank for cardio and abs as well as weights. But, to be honest, I like level 2 best.
  • I hear you Sunny! I have my first official 5k run on the 16th and I am both excited and nervous. I run my first straight 20 minute run tomorrow. I am curious what my actual distance will be. Good luck on your run. Let us know how it goes! have a good weekend.
  • This is great!! Good for you. Have a blast on Satruday. I have just over a week until my first official 5k run, Marienloop in Nijmegen. I am really looking forward to it! I will only be on week 6, but still I hope to run the whole thing in under 30! We'll see how it goes. Good luck to you!
  • I love running outside and not on a treadmill just for the reason of not having to have a set pace. I run much faster than when I set the treadmill to a pace and don't really get to change it without thinking about it.
  • Rest days aren't necessarily bad... even more than one a week. Don't be too hard on yourself. I understand, cause I try to workout 6 days a week and don't always make it and feel down about it at the end of the week. But hitting 7 days a week isn't going to make up for it. You still need a rest day. Have a good weekend…
  • You are really lucky that you love to cook. That is the best way to be able to control what calories you are getting in and the nutritional value of everything. You just have to make the switch of the kind of foods you cook. There are loads of healthy cook books out there. My favs at the moment are Jillian Michaels's…
  • Level 1: Catherine - 5 Fabiola - 1 Catriona - L1-D2 mindalyn- L1-D3 Lyndsey - Level 1 P1nkpr1ncess (Vicki) - L1-D7 (over halfway through L1! Woohoo!) Level 2: Bleux - L2D5 ( I skipped yesterday... for no reason really, just lost the goove) Catriona - L2D1
  • Night shift is a pain... I had to do it for three years!! Welcome to MFP!! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi Maggie - I would start out following the 3x a week. I did, but then I started just everyother day. I have taken an extra day here and there, but for the most part, I only take one day off between runs. Unless you are use to it, I wouldn't go to 5x just yet. Your body will need time to recoup. I still keep up with other…
  • You are right... D2 wasn't bad at all. I made it through with flying colours. I am actually looking forward to Satruday's run now. We'll see how that goes :-) Time: 32:13 DIstance: 5.4km Av/KM: 5:58 min/km
  • ****WEIGH IN********* 137 Have a good weekend everyone
  • I have to really restrain myself from weighing in every day. I want to know, but I find that I just get so discouraged when it goes up and down on a daily basis. I only weigh in once a week. I have a note on top of my scale that says "Wait till Friday". This helps remind me.
  • It could definitely be your form. Do them slower at first to make sure you get it right. Then pick up the pace as you get use to it. Also, follow Annita as she is not going too deep in the lunges and squats. This will help too. I have knee problems and no matter what the workout, I wear supports on both knees. I find that…
  • Sounds like a good plan, Sunny. I am a little nervous for tomorrow and D3, but, we'll see how it goes. I am getting up to do the run first thing in the morning. At least I will be ready to go for the day!
  • Mindalyn - I wouldn't worry too much about time and distance just yet. That is something you can improve on with time. And it will happen naturally. Push it a bit, but don't stress over it just yet!
  • I will have to give this a try. I like Ullrey, but it might be interesting to listen to someone else.
  • I just started week 5 yesterday. Loving it so far. I use to hate running, but I am getting into it. My feet itch to get back out there on my rest days!
    in C25k Runners? Comment by Bleux May 2010