C25K everyone welcome, just starting or in the middle



  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Took a week off to let my heel calm down. Gonna try Week 6 Day 2 either today or tomorrow to see how it's feeling. Wish me luck!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Took a week off to let my heel calm down. Gonna try Week 6 Day 2 either today or tomorrow to see how it's feeling. Wish me luck!

    Ohhh - hope it goes o.k.! Be nice to your feet - they can lay you out! I'm going to sign up for the 5K in June today. June 12 - so I'm trying to decide if next week I add 3 minutes, then 2, then 3, then 2 then hold for a week until the 5K or if I should just go up to 35 this week (from 30) and then keep at 35 minutes until the 5K. Any suggestions?? I hit 2 miles at about 26:15 last night, give or take 2 - 3 seconds. So I'm really slow, but improving.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I just finished my first week and i can't wait for Week 2.

    Have a great weekend!
    I'll check back on Monday :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Oh No!!!!

    I screwed up and didn't do any for 9 days. I was walking outside, using my elliptical and bike, and doing some Jillian Michaels DVDs, so I have exercised every day...but I haven't RAN in 9 days..

    do I have to start from the beginning?!?!?!?
  • xxquzme
    xxquzme Posts: 157 Member
    Stick with it team. Before long you will be wanting to get out an run. Your day wont be the same until you do. Good luck.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Well, I did it! I finished the program - Week 9, day 3. I only ran 26:10 instead of 30, but that was the end of my 2 mile race. I am really impressed with my self! :drinker: Not to toot my own horn or anything!

    Keep going team - you CAN finish it and rock it. Most of you will rock it better than I do :love: But if even pokey, 50+ lbs overweight, almost 40 year old me can finish it, you can to!! :drinker:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Oh No!!!!

    I screwed up and didn't do any for 9 days. I was walking outside, using my elliptical and bike, and doing some Jillian Michaels DVDs, so I have exercised every day...but I haven't RAN in 9 days..

    do I have to start from the beginning?!?!?!?

    Try starting over with whatever week you were on and see how it goes. If it's absolutely impossible, back down 1 week. You should be o.k!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    First 20 minute run complete! My legs are a little wobbly, but otherwise I feel great. Had to slow my pace a bit for the last 4 minutes or so, but overall I am pleased with my time. Had to go an extra 1.7 KM at the end of the cooldown to get back home, but I jogged at 5 min/KM, not bad!


    Time: 32:01
    Distance: 5.9km
    Av/KM: 5:25min/km

    I hit 5.01km at 25:58 minutes. I am just 5:58 minutes from my goal of a 20 minute 5k!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    First 20 minute run complete! My legs are a little wobbly, but otherwise I feel great. Had to slow my pace a bit for the last 4 minutes or so, but overall I am pleased with my time. Had to go an extra 1.7 KM at the end of the cooldown to get back home, but I jogged at 5 min/KM, not bad!


    Time: 32:01
    Distance: 5.9km
    Av/KM: 5:25min/km

    I hit 5.01km at 25:58 minutes. I am just 5:58 minutes from my goal of a 20 minute 5k!!

    That is awesome! You are really cookin' now - way to go!
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Finished Wk3 D1 this morning. Something weird happened. I'm using the Podrunner podcasts when I run. I'm pretty good about hearing the cues to run or walk, but somehow I missed one and ended up running for my cool down... Fortunately, I walk a bit extra on my route, so I still had a good cool down.

    Do you use Podrunner? Has this happened to you?

  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I'm doing W5D1 tomorrow and freaked out to do it! Actually more freaked for D3! I run on Tues, Fri, Sun and do all my running outside. I love this program...well so far anyways!
    I was so nervous about Week 5 Day 3 too. I actually repeated Day 2 a couple times just so I wouldn't have to do the 20 min run. This morning I pushed myself to attempt it and just kept telling myself I will just keep going as long as I can but at least run for 10 full minutes. Guess what? I hit the 10 min mark and kept right on going. I completed all 20 minutes! I didn't make it the full 2 miles during that time but I am sure proud of the 1.75 miles I did run. :happy: You will be able to do it too!!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Oh No!!!!

    I screwed up and didn't do any for 9 days. I was walking outside, using my elliptical and bike, and doing some Jillian Michaels DVDs, so I have exercised every day...but I haven't RAN in 9 days..

    do I have to start from the beginning?!?!?!?

    Try starting over with whatever week you were on and see how it goes. If it's absolutely impossible, back down 1 week. You should be o.k!

    Thanks! I did week 3 real slow and easy. I was done with week 3 and did week 4 once, but today was like doing 3 for the first time again, so I took my time, but was successful in the end.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Finished Week 2 Day 1... Wednesday I will be doing Day 2.

    Have a great nite :)
  • ZulyC
    ZulyC Posts: 19
    I finished Week 1 yesterday. Looking forward to starting Week 2 tomorrow! :)
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I ran yesterday afternoon - been doing the 30 minutes. I had decided to bump up to 33 minutes then 35 next week. While I was running yesterday, I decided to just do 5K. Then my 2 other runs this week I will go 33 minutes. 42:35 for the first time I ever ran 5K. I went slow and steady because I actually wanted to complete the distance and didn't want to crap out. The furthest I had run before was 2 1/4 miles. I was pretty happy with the results, though I realized that at the pace I run, if my knees could stand it I could probably run 5 or 6 miles. I won't run more than 3 - 4 until I drop 30+ lbs though because my knees are starting to bother me a little. Still - pretty stoked!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Good job MTGirl!!! That's awesome!

    My heel is feeling a little better so we'll see what happens this week.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Good job MTGirl!!! That's awesome!

    My heel is feeling a little better so we'll see what happens this week.

    Hope your foot is all healed up!

    I got my official time for my 2 mile race on Sat - 25:27.86 - 12:44 pace. I've been at 13:45 - 14 pace so I was pretty impressed! I finished 814 out of 4418 in the 2 mile run/walk. Woohoo!! Totally amazed that there was an 89 year old woman who ran at a sub 12 minute/mile pace. Wow!
  • NancyMoedt
    NancyMoedt Posts: 207
    Did my first workout for C25K and my legs feel wobbly and on fire but I did it and it scared me to death. But I DID IT!:smooched:
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    I got my official time for my 2 mile race on Sat - 25:27.86 - 12:44 pace. I've been at 13:45 - 14 pace so I was pretty impressed! I finished 814 out of 4418 in the 2 mile run/walk. Woohoo!! Totally amazed that there was an 89 year old woman who ran at a sub 12 minute/mile pace. Wow!

    Good job MTGirl!! That is awesome to have run your first offical race. I was going to run one on Sunday, but didn't get signed up for it in time. I plan to in a couple weeks though. I am really excited. I expect my time to be a little quicker than when I run on my own. Competition is an awesome motivator without noticing!

    Nancy - Good job on D1. Keep at it, it is such an amazing feeling when you realize what you are capable of doing!
  • corndog05
    corndog05 Posts: 53
    Finished W4D1 yesterday. I didn't think I could run for 5 minutes straight, but I just kept going. I'm starting to believe that I can acutally DO this.
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