C25K everyone welcome, just starting or in the middle



  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Well, I should have been on W2D3 yesterday. I use the Ullrey podcasts and somehow my week 2 one had disappeared from my ipod. So I used that and the fact that I had skipped running for 3 days as my excuse to go back to week 1. I'm glad I did though. I just was not feeling it at all. I completed the training but think that if I had tried to do the week 2 training I would have given up in the middle.

    I usually run outside but I plan on doing another week 1 training on the treadmill today and then getting back to week 2 outside tomorrow.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I TOTALLY FREAKING DID IT AGAIN. UGGGGH! Life got in the way of the 25 min run. Family came into town and then our 50" plasma decided to die after only 2 years and it's conveniently not on the warranty anymore so we spent all day *****ing to the people.

    Went to the Kings game on Monday night which was DEFINITELY worth missing running for. he he he.

    Sooooo.......Missed my 5 day physiological adaptation window and get to start all over again. Awesome. It's been raining the past 2 days so to the treadmill I go after school today.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    W3D1 = Felt good, not easy, but doable.

    Time: 25:53
    Distane: 4.07 km
    Av/km: 6:21 min/km
  • Angie1215
    Angie1215 Posts: 125 Member
    W3D2 done today!!!! :wink: :smile: :tongue: :happy:
  • jtapp9
    jtapp9 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone! I have played around with the C25K program on and off for a couple of years. I also just take off and do interval running. I really enjoy doing 1 minute run intervals. When I try to run longer distances I have to go slow that I don't feel very accomplished. At 1 min runs I can walk and run much faster and can actually go farther in 30 minutes.

    I have found running to be one of the most satisfying and rewarding exercises for me, ever. But also the most frustrating! Hahaha.

    Anyway, I keep plugging away and doing just intervals one day on my own. Then I'll throw in a day of a C25K program. Then I'll jsut walk my dogs one day! As long as we all keep moving right? :)

    Wanted to include my C25K days on this post, if no one minds. I do not do this program consistenly because I do do other programs, but sometimes a person just needs to be told what to do today!

    Last night I did a W4D1. I barely finishted and I was only walking at 3mph and jogging at 4mph. While doing it I get so frustrated that I think I don't need to run 5 mins to prove myself to anyone :noway: ....Then after I am done and have recuperated I think to myself...But you did it once, you CAN do it again! :tongue:

    Happy Running!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    W4D2 here, and i spent some time converting Bleux's post into miles... :)

    as for my times:

    Time: 45 minutes (extra walking at end)
    Distance: 19.92 Furlongs
    Av: 0.07904 Furlongs / Fortnight

    LMFAO!!! That made my day! :laugh:

    As for me, I did week 3 for the second time yesterday on the treadmill and survived.:happy:

    I still can't do week 2 outside though.
    So today I went to the track and did week one outside.

    It's the first time ever I succeeded in completing anything OUTSIDE, and I feel good, even though it IS only week ONE.

    Weird how I can do 3 on the treadmill but only 1 outside....
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    My goal was to do week 1 on the treadmill today because somehow week 2 (podcast) had disappeared from my ipod. Well, it was back today so I went ahead and did it. I enjoy running outside much more than on the treadmill. I am still trying to get past how boring running is. It is just not something I enjoy right now. I am hoping that is because it is really an effort still and once it gets easier I will be able to concentrate more on my surroundings and the music than on the effort I am making.
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    so i tried to do W3D2 yestreday- it sucked... i walked 1/2 of it- :-/ hopefully D3 will b better
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Have to start somewhere. Now you can go from there and see the improvement.
  • stahlight
    stahlight Posts: 119

    Distance: 2.49 mi
    Time: 19 minutes running, 14.5 walking
    Ran and extra 3 mins :)

    i feel the supercharger spooling up... time to hit some boost >.<
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    W3D2 = Felt like crap. Ate only an hour before running, didn't plan very well. It got better on the last 3-minute interval. Got a really good time and faster average KM, so I guess I didn't do as badly as I felt. Feel awesome now :-) Happy Running!

    Time: 25:55
    Distance: 4.16km
    Av/KM: 6:13 min/km
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Did week 3 again today and it felt so good I threw in some extra jogging.

    It took me 51 minutes to do the whole 3.1 miles (5K).
    I feel so slow compared to what you guys post as times, I don't get it..
    When I walk, the speed is set to at LEAST 3 mph or more, and when i jog it is at anywhere from 4-5. But the treadmill is cranking...I don't see how it is humanly possible to go 6MPH on that thing, and that's what it would take to get times like everyone else...6 MPH for a whole half-hour?!?!?!?!
    Is my treadmill WRONG? Have I really been doing more than I thought all this time?
    Or do I just suck?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Been pretty busy this week but die manage to run on my lunch hours. I bought new shoes and do they make a difference! My ankles don't get sore now. I finished w3d3 today. WHEW! That second three minute run just about did me in but I made it. I need to crack down on myself and get this stupid weight off. I'm going to try to lose 10 pounds before my 5K run in July. Keep up the good work everyone. When I get home, I'll have to go back and read the posts I missed. I hope you all have a good weekend. I'm so ready for it.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    It took me 51 minutes to do the whole 3.1 miles (5K).
    I feel so slow compared to what you guys post as times, I don't get it..
    When I walk, the speed is set to at LEAST 3 mph or more, and when i jog it is at anywhere from 4-5. But the treadmill is cranking...I don't see how it is humanly possible to go 6MPH on that thing, and that's what it would take to get times like everyone else...6 MPH for a whole half-hour?!?!?!?!
    Is my treadmill WRONG? Have I really been doing more than I thought all this time?
    Or do I just suck?

    I cannot imagine your treadmill is wrong. I hate running on a treadmill so if I go to a gym it is the elipticals I use. As for the C25K training, I do that outside. I have the Nike+iPod, which tracks my distance and speed while I run. *shrug* Perhaps you should try it outside?
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    i just finished week 3. this was by far my worst week. but it is done, and i'm on to week 4!!!! i don't feel i have gotten any faster, but i do feel a little stronger. today i did 4.5km in 30 minutes
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I really want to try this program! I went out last night around my neighborhood and walked/jogged for 30 mins. I was able to do 8 jogging intervals of 30 seconds. It was my first ever attempt at anything jogging related, so I was fairly proud of myself for making the effort. I was disappointed that I burned fewer calories than I do walking on the treadmill at the gym, though. I guess it's because my neighborhood is relatively fIat and when I'm on the treadmill at the gym, I have some incline. I'm a little intimidated about trying to do the jogging on the treadmill though, I have really bad balance issues due to deafness in one ear, so when I'm on the treadmill, I'm always holding on to the machine with my hands, I think it might be hard to jog and hold on at the same time.... LOL:blushing:

    You all are very inspiring! Thank you for sharing your journey from C25K! :bigsmile:
  • ZulyC
    ZulyC Posts: 19
    I'm in! I'll start week 1 this week. I will adopt Robin's awesome attitude, and not get discouraged if it takes me a little longer. I've never had endurance for running, but this seems like a great way to build it up. Just this past week a group of teachers at my school went running to train for a 5K. I did the 5K twice before, one I walked the whole way, and the other I walked/jogged. This year I didn't sign up for it, because I feel so out of shape. I wished I could have gone running with them. This will help me get there so next time I won't be on the sidelines. Woo hoo!!
  • Marie45
    Marie45 Posts: 21 Member
    I did C25K last year, but haven't ran in almost a year now.

    Started Week 3 yesterday - the first time I've ran in so long, and it felt amazing! I was so happy to realise that all of last year's work didn't go to waste - I was well able for W3D1 and even added a couple of extra minutes on to one or two of the runs.

    Looking forward to finishing the program again, and continuing on with running after that.
  • ZulyC
    ZulyC Posts: 19
    How do you get the podcast?
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238