Medcoder75 Member


  • Just not worth it to me! :)
  • you dont know how many times I have had to tell friends and family no to eating out. They get used to it. it is funny too because they are the ones encouraging me but then asking me to go eat...I dont even think they realize it until I say no because of the calories. however, I will say -- you can find things that you can…
  • I take it with every 10 lbs--- to me meeting each small goal keep me looking forward to the next 10 -- you can't look at it at as a whole or you will get discouraged--- or at least this works for me anyways!!!! :) Kepp it up and remember it did not come on overnight! so you cant expect it to go away overnight!
  • Congrats!!! Kepp it UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
    in sweet! Comment by Medcoder75 July 2011
  • yea eat before you go---lol
  • after much work I can now estimate a correct portion size but looking at it!
  • rice will be your mortal enemy one day --- lol I have the bad and for me rice sucks--- I can have a little but i definately have to overcook it! :) just an fyi --- some of my gastric friends have a problem with rice as well--- but this will help you to know ahead of time :) Good luck tomoorw!
  • I was JUST feeling the same way --- everyone on here just talked me down from a twinkie!!! So now I am gonna pass on some motivation that was just passed on to me. Keep your head up--- This didnt come on over night so you shouldnt expect it to go away overnight! and try drinking more water--- :) Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone!!!! I truly appreicate--- you guys really put it all into perspective! I am gonna try drinking more water....and i never thought about the sodium and water would help with the sodium! great ideas everyone! I HAVE PUT THE TWINKIE DOWN! hahaha
  • Be prepared--- I have been down this road already once--- had weight lost it all then got pregnant and now I am reloosing it---- however, what I am saying is--- i am greatful for the original weight loss because if I hadnt I would never have been pregnant in the first place! She was worth the weight gain back I will tell…
  • :smile: Thanks!!!!!!!! That definately helps! I appreciate it all.
  • eat what you want but cut in half--- serving sizes at restaurant are enormous anyways-- so even half you should get your craving fullfilled
  • I sprinkle a lemon pepper, garlic and very little olive oil ---mmmm
  • this is a lifestyle change-- its about choices. I dont even miss certain foods. and when I do --- I do eat what I want but correctly measured out and counted appropriately. If you eat something bad remember that you will have to make up for it the next meal with something healthier. Dont go overboard. If you give in to…
  • one day at a time!!!!! that is all--- and dont beat your self up with guilt if you have a bad meal--- do beeter the next one! Keep your head up and you WILL make it through! (This too shall pass)